Summer Breeze - Ch. 9

Feb 14, 2006 21:45

Title: Summer Breeze

Chapter: Nine

Rating: Let's just say R because it always ends up that way eventually!

Disclaimer: Unfortunately I do not know or own any of these lovely men but the story is my own.

Summary: Ville vacations for the summer in the US and meets a nice surprise.

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight

Chapter Nine

---- Late the next day, Payphone in Western, PA --- Ville

I'd ran for miles yesterday afternoon and when I could run no more, I walked. I finally reached a payphone and had made my phone call. At some point nearing sunrise I must have fallen asleep, slumped up against the phone booth outside of the country diner.

It was now late afternoon as I opened my eyes. I heard a car pull up and tried to focus in on where it was coming from.

I looked down and saw two black boots in front of me. I didn't even have to look up to know who it was because I'd called upon him.

"Ville," he said. He knelt down before me and extended his arm, his long, slender hand touching the side of my face.

I grabbed his hand and pressed it against my cheek as a tear rolled down out of my eye.

"I've missed you," I said.

I knew the expression on his face, even with his eyes hiding behind the dark sunglasses that he wore. His ruby red lips curled into a smile, "I know you have. I've missed you too," he said.


"Shhh. You don't need to do any explaining… I'm here for you now."

Something in the pit of my stomach started to churn. I knew that this was wrong, but I had no where else to turn to. I'd always loved Adrian, it was a lie - I'd never gotten over him. I missed him every day and every night. And the only person who'd ever gotten me to not care about it anymore, was Bam. That bastard. The pain that filled my heart when I remembered what I'd seen was fueling my decision.

I got up to my knees and wiped off my eyes.

"Don't worry," Adrian said softly, letting me fall into his arms. I felt his sharp nails scratch gently against my scalp as he stroked my hair.

"Come to the car, we can sit in the back, I've got a man driving for me right now," Adrian said calmly.

I nodded and followed him to the car. He opened the door for me and I climbed in and moved to the other side of the car, letting him get in next to me.

He reached his long, thin arm out and placed his hand on my thigh.

"We're together again," he said softly into my ear, his long, smooth blonde hair, brushing against my skin.

My body jumped at his touch… his all too familiar touch.

"I knew that you'd come back," he said, and began to kiss my neck. I felt his bony fingers wrap around my neck and pull me close to him. I forfeited my will to him and didn't fight his seduction. My skin tingled with pleasure and my heartbroken nerves shot in every direction. I knew how wrong this was. I knew where I should have been. But I didn't have the strength, or the love for myself to do so. Sometimes, pain was the only thing that was comfortable.

---- Same time, Summer House --- Bam

What have I done?

I could barely move. At first, I had screamed Ville's name and Mige and I ran after him. But we were no match for his heartache. I wasn't heartbroken, because I knew the truth. I knew that nothing was going on between Jenn and I and that I had just wanted to cover things up convincingly. Apparently, Ville thought otherwise.

Jenn was entirely confused over the entire situation and we had just told her not to worry about it and that it had nothing to do with her. She just threw her hands up in frustration and continued to yell about things. I finally just told her to shut up or I'd leave and when she kept talking I just walked over to the other summer house.

I now sat in the living room of the summer house, awake, as I had been all night. It was late the next afternoon at this point. My head pounded with thoughts, my heart ached with pain, my eyes burned from lack of sleep and my stomach turned, alternating between upset nerves and hunger.

"Bam… you need to cut yourself a little slack," Linde said, wrapping his arm around me as he sat next to me on the couch.

"No. I don't," I said and tried to fight back tears.

"But we explained things to you already. Ville… Ville is a very… broken human being when it comes to caring about people. The last man that he loved left him like he was nothing. Now, we fear that he probably returned to Adrian somehow. I know that he always kept his phone number in his wallet no matter where he was. Regardless of how many times Ville had convincingly told me that he was completely over Adrian, the phone number alone was proof enough that he wasn't."

"Why would he return to a fuckin' prick?" I asked.

"Adrian wasn't awful… completely. He's a very beautiful person, physically and an extremely intelligent and worldly one. I think that there was a point when he and Ville were in love. Before the drugs and lustful sex. Before all of the drinking and parties. When they first met, they were young. Granted Adrian is a couple of years older than he is, but still. Ville had just turned 20 years old, so Adrian was still fairly young also."

"But what he did…" my voice trailed off as I sniffled.

"He did what he knew how to do," Linde paused. "After you love enough times and you have your heart broken enough times, you begin to find your own coping methods of dealing with things. Unfortunately, Adrian, after having his heartbroken too many times, lost it when he saw that he had to return to Russia."

"Why did he have to go?"

"Well… that's something that no one ever told Ville about," Linde said, pausing for a moment. "You see, Adrian's brother was in Russia at the time and he was dying. We knew that if we told Ville that that was why Adrian was returning that Ville would feel awful and go with him. But if he did that, he'd be leaving behind all of his friends and family and the future that he now has as a wonderful musician. We made Adrian promise not to tell him why he was leaving and just let Ville make the decision based upon his love for Adrian. When Ville told him no, that made Adrian angry, and combined with how much coke they were blowing and how much liquor they were drinking, it ended messy."

I sighed deeply. Ville had so much in his past that I didn't know about. So much that I could now see was affecting his every action.

Stop running.

It flashed through my mind several times and realized why he'd felt so strongly about saying that. He didn't want me to be like he thought Adrian had. He didn't want me to leave. He'd never known that Adrian left because of family, he thought that Adrian had fled him selfishly.

I felt tears begin to pool in my eyes again.

"Oh Bam," Linde said giving me a hug.

"I…I…" I choked back tears, "This is all my fault."

"No, none of it's your fault. Ville is a man and he makes his own choices. He could have handled it much better. But like I said before, he's been through Hell and back with love and maybe it was just too much for him to handle."

"What if he wants to stay with Adrian?"

"Well… what if he wants to stay with Adrian? I mean, Bam… I'm trying not to be inconsiderate. Ville really was starting to fall for you. I mean - emotionally fall for you. He does care. But he's always loved Adrian… I don't know if he'll want to be with him again or not."

--- Same time, Riding with Adrian --- Ville

No matter how upset I was over Bam, Adrian was so incredibly sexy that I didn't have the power to push him away. I curled my toes and clenched my fists as he slid one hand down my jeans, dragging his pointed nails along my lower abdomen and stopping at the very bottom of my tattoo.

"Adrian, please…" I said breathily. I wanted to feel anything but the despair of my broken trust with Bam.

He smiled, and pulled off his sunglasses, revealing his electric green eyes. They were outlined with dark eyeliner and light pink eye shadow shimmered around the edges. He had aged beautifully since I'd last seen him. No one would have ever guessed that he was in his early thirties. He still looked more like he was in his early twenties. There was something very immortal about his beauty, something that I'd always loved about him.

"Please," I said, begging him once more. He pushed the tips of his nails further into my skin until they felt as if they were beginning to pierce it. I gasped, he knew exactly what turned me on the most.

I felt his tongue slide up my jaw line and pull away directly in front of my ear. He spoke softly, and nothing could have prepared me for the tidal wave of emotions I was about to feel. "Ville… I have something important to tell you. Something that you never knew about. Something that I've been wanting to share with you for years, and have finally gotten the chance to do. Something that could keep us together again."


Okay, so I know that this seems sort of off story from before, but don’t worry, things will be turning around soon enough ;) Comments, comments!
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