Summer Breeze - Ch. 5

Feb 07, 2006 02:28

Title: Summer Breeze

Chapter: Five

Rating: Let's just say R because it always ends up that way eventually!

Disclaimer: Unfortunately I do not know or own any of these lovely men but the story is my own.

Summary: Ville vacations for the summer in the US and meets a nice surprise.

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four

Chapter Five

--- A few nights later, his summer house --- Bam

Thump. Thump. Thump. That's all I'd heard for the past hour. It was the sound of my feet as they walked across the wood floor of my bedroom. For three days I hadn't seen Ville. In fact, I'd avoided him like the plague.

That day, after I got Jess the keys, he had left. When I went up to my room I found a small note resting on my pillow, it read: Stop hiding from yourself. Come see me soon. <3 Ville. I wasn't quite sure what he'd meant by it, but I didn't like the sound of it. It was true, I was hiding something from myself and I didn't want to admit what yet.

Jenn set down her book and rolled over on the bed, facing me, "Bam… what the Hell are you doing? You've been walking around this house like a crazed maniac for the past few days."

I stopped and sat down on the edge of the bed and put my head in my hands, "I've just got something on my mind and I can't get it out… that's all."

"Anything you want to talk about?"

I knew that she was just trying to be nice, so I replied as politely as I could, "No Jenn, it's nothing that I really want to share with anyone. I'm just… working my way through it on my own I guess."

She shrugged and rolled over and continued to read her book.

"I'll be back in a little while. I've got to get out," I said.

"Alright… be careful Bam, it's pitch black out."

"I will."

I dashed down the stairs and ran out the front door. Without thinking, I started to run down the hill that the house was on and towards the beach. My feet hit the sand and kept going. I didn't stop until our summer house was barely visible.

My tired legs gave out from under me and I fell down into the cool wet sand. The grains were rough against my soft skin, but it was soothing.

"What are you doing out here?" a deep voice said into my ear, placing a hand on my shoulder.

"Ahhh!" I screamed, jumping up into the air and spinning around to see Ville standing behind me. "Jesus fucking Christ Ville… you scared the shit out of me! Don't fucking do that to me!"

He snickered, "Sorry… I guess."

"God," I said taking a deep breath. "I'm just… I was just… I had to get out of my house… away from… I thought that maybe… fuck, I don't know. I just had to run."

Ville took a step closer to me. He didn't touch me, but stood so close that I could feel his breath on my cheek. "Stop running," he said softly. He reached a hand up and brushed a lock of curly hair out of my eyes. He'd never seemed sincere like this before. His eyes softened and became more friendly and kind.

So I stopped… I stopped running right then and there.

--- Same time, same place --- Ville

Suddenly, Bam pulled me up close to him, and ran his hand through the back of my hair, pressing my head towards his and tightly sealing our lips together in a passionate kiss. He drew away from me slightly, leaving our lips still touching, his tongue slowly moving from one side of my lips to the other and then back into my mouth.

"I don't want to run. I don't know what I want, but I know that it has something to do with you," he said breathily, then rested his head on my shoulder and moved his arms down my back, hugging me weakly, as if surrendering himself in some way.

"You'll know… give it time, and you'll be able to tell me exactly what you want, I promise," I said, lifting his head up and gazing into his icy blue eyes. I knew exactly what I wanted, but it would scare him off if I confessed all of the things that I wanted to say… and do.

"Sit down with me Bam… why don't you just relax?" I kneeled down and gently pulled him down with me. He leaned into my chest and snuggled up against me. His hair was wet with sweat and moistened my shirt, causing it to stick to my chest even more so than it already was in the hot, humid weather.

His hand moved down my arm and he wrapped his hand around mine, intertwining our fingers

I was caught now, between a state of mind where I wanted to seduce and control him and one where I wanted to nurture and care for him. I let myself slip fully into the moment and kissed the top of his head and rubbed his back with the hand that he wasn't holding. I opted to indulge in my sweet, sincere side… for now.


Well I just spent a little over an hour, (not a long time) drawing a picture of Ville... and I'm not too happy with the way that it came out, so I'm not sure whether or not I want to post it anywhere. Eh, I dunno. Anyway, about the chapter - sorry it's short, but it's the best that I could do at 2:00 am. It's totally time to go pass out now. Goodnight kiddies! <3 Oh... and of course... comment!

Thanks =)
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