Summer Breeze - Ch. 6

Feb 10, 2006 02:51

Title: Summer Breeze

Chapter: Six

Rating: Let's just say R because it always ends up that way eventually!

Disclaimer: Unfortunately I do not know or own any of these lovely men but the story is my own.

Summary: Ville vacations for the summer in the US and meets a nice surprise.

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five

Chapter Six

---- Summer House --- Bam

I ran faster and faster. My bare feet flying over the logs and slipping over the moist grass. Twigs jabbed into the soft flesh of my toes with every step I took. Something was chasing me and I couldn't bring myself to turn around to see what it was.

My heart was pounding and my lungs ached, longing for rest. Tormented, passionate thoughts flashed through my mind as I pushed aside branches and leaves while racing through the dark woods.

Breathe. Breathe. Breath - I told myself over and over.


That was all I felt as I plunged into a deep darkness. It swarmed around me, engulfing my entire body and soul.

I could hear voices above and below me but the only thing around me was passion, in the form of pitch black, warm water. I waved my hands searching for some sort of light but I couldn't see anything - yet I wasn't afraid. I was more comfortable that I'd ever been. I let go, I stop flailing my limbs and let myself sink further into the night's watery abyss. My heart calmed, my thoughts slowed as I sank downward. As I closed my eyes and gave up my final struggle and all within me was at peace.

Suddenly something grabbed the back of my shirt and began to pull me up towards the surface. I fought with all that I had to let myself slip down to where no one could find me again but their grip was firm and strong and I was no match.

I saw light at the top of the water.

No! No! I don't want to go back up!

But it was too late. I shot up through the water, into the air, unable to breathe after becoming accustomed to the liquid that had filled my lungs. The sun burned my eyes and all I felt was pain in my heart…

"Bam! Bam! Wake the fuck up!" I heard a voice shout.

I sat straight up in bed and searched around the room, reaching my arms out, trying to regain the comfort of the darkness in my dream, but all I grabbed onto was white satin sheets. I turned sideways and Jenn was next to me in a night shirt, shaking my arm.

"Bam! Are you okay? Were you having a nightmare?"

I gritted my teeth and jumped out of bed. I was angry beyond words.

"No. NO. I was having the best dream of my life," I paused as a cold glare washed across my face, "This… this is my nightmare." I said then stormed out of the room.

My heart was thumping so loud I could hear it as I walked down the stairs.

"Ahahahahahahaha!" Raab screamed in laughter. "You're such an idiot Dunn!"

"Shut up," Dunn said quietly.

"Dude," Knoxville said, giggling, "You broke the fucking TV. Your drunk ass just broke the goddamned TV. Way to go buddy. Thanks for falling on it. We didn't like it anyway, jerk," he said, followed by more laughing.

"Fuck off," Dunn muttered.

I walked into the room to see the TV on the floor, the glass shattered around it, and Dunn lying next to it with a bottle of beer in his hand.

"What the fuck is going on?" I muttered.

"I broke it," Dunn said, pointing a wobbling finger at the TV next to him, "on accident…"

"Drunk much?" I asked. I felt myself calming down in the hysterical, comforting presence of the guys.

"Yep," Dunn said while sighing.

"And that," Raab said, pointing to the TV, "is why no one likes you Dunn. We knew that you weren't good at anything, but you've now lost your ability to walk. This is a new low," he said, releasing more of his loud laughter.

"Yeah I know… this makes me even not like myself," Dunn said chuckling.

I flopped down on the couch next to Knoxville.

"Wanna beer?" He said, his speech slurred.

"Uhh… fuck man. It's 4:00am. What the Hell are you guys still doing awake?" I asked.

"Well… after you went on your little walk… Knoxville disappeared too, to God knows were… we all got drunk. You came back and you were all happy and shit and didn't want to be bothered by us and you just went upstairs and fell asleep… Don't you remember this shit?" Raab said, grinning.

"Yeah… yeah I do. I'm just out of it that's all."

"So… you didn't answer my question, jackass. Do you want a beer or not?"


"Alright," Knoxville said. "They're in the kitchen," he began to laugh. "Go get one. And while you're at it, grab one for me, too."

"You're such a prick, you know that?" I said as I smiled, getting off the couch and stumbling into the kitchen.

I walked back in and sat down again on the couch, handed Knoxville the beer and cracked mine open. The cool condensation of water on the outside of the can felt good on my hot, sweaty hands.

"So why'd you wake up? Did Bam Bam have a bad dream?" Raab asked and threw a pillow at me, "Here… snuggle up!"

I grabbed it and pulled it up to my chest. "You don’t even know, man. I was having the best dream of my life and Jenn just woke me up from it because she thought that I was having a nightmare. I think that I kinda flipped out on her…" I said as my voice trailed off.

"Eh… what can ya do?" Novak spat out from the corner of the room.

"Dude, I didn't even see you down there!" I said laughing. He was behind the chair that Raab was sitting in, half passed out.

"Yeah… I forgot that I was here too," he said giggling. "That's why I haven't stood up yet."

I laughed and sipped on the cool drink, letting it slowly flow down my dry throat.

"Aw… poor Bammy Margera," Knoxville said as he leaned in towards me, "Do you need a hug?" he asked, then lunged towards me, knocking my beer all over the couch. Before I knew it, he had completely covered me, squishing me against the couch with his bare chest. I heard muffled sounds of his wild laughter as he leaned down harder into the sofa.

"Knoxville!" I shouted, "Dammit… Johnny! I can't fuckin' breathe!" I yelled.

"What did you say?"

"I said I can't breathe!"

"What? You need to speak up Bam," he said then burst out laughing again.

It was useless. I gave up and just lay there on the couch. I tried to wrap my arm around his side and push him off of me but he was stronger than I was and I could hardly budge him.

After another couple of minutes of his body weighing down on my head, it became a bit much. I opened my mouth and licked his chest. Before I knew it he leaped back to the other side of the couch, giggling like crazy.

"Oooh… Bam," he said winking at me. Except it wasn't the usual joking wink that we gave each other. There was something different about it. It reminded me of the way that Ville looked at me.

The corner of my mouth rose in a nervous grin and I got up and walked out to the kitchen.

A few minutes later Knoxville walked into the room with me. I stood at the counter fidgeting.

"Bam," he said quietly, "I'm not dumb. The other guys may not know what's going on, but I do. Not to mention that I saw you tonight with your friend Ville."

I raised an eyebrow, "How?"

"Because," he said slowly with a smile, "I was visiting one of my… friends."

A hard lump began to form in my throat, "Who?" I asked nervously.


I felt my whole head begin to spin. This summer was becoming too overwhelming and strange for words. It felt like my whole world was being flipped upside down. Yet, all I wanted to do was grab Knoxville and have us both race over to the other summer house.

So, we did.

--- Same time, Summer House --- Ville

"Die you bastard! Die!" Burton shouted.

"Burton… I think that the moth is dead," I said chuckling softly.

"I don't know," he said, whacking it again with the fly swatter, "The stupid little shit kept fluttering around my head."

"Burton," Linde slurred, "Han me ano… ano… another drink."

"I don't think that you need one," I said, glancing at him as he struggled to sit up in his chair.

"Shhhhhut up," he said smirking at me, "I know my limit!"

We all roared with laughter, and Burton handed me another shot of Jack to give to Linde.

Just then, there was a knock on the door.

"Who the fffuck is tthhhhat?" Linde shouted.

"I don't know… let me go check," I said, standing and walking over to the door. I turned on the porch light to see Knoxville and Bam.

"Hey," I said turning around to Linde, "I think that there's someone here that you'd like to see… and someone that I'd like to see, too."

I opened the door and leaned against the wooden doorway, blocking them from coming in.

"What's the magic password?" I asked, biting the corner of my lip.

Bam cocked his head to the side and reached out his arm, tracing his hand down my chest, "Stop running," he said, smiling.

I opened the door, "Good answer."

They walked into the room and over to the bar. "Mix them a drink, will you Burton?"

Burton swatted the fly swatter down on the counter again.

"Burton!" I shouted.

"Hm?" he said, looking up at me as if he hadn't noticed anything that had happened for the past few minutes. "Oh, hi Bam, hi Knoxville… want something to drink?"

They both smiled and I put my hands up to my face, pulling on my hair a little. Occasionally my friends drove me insane. But I loved them, none the less.

They sat down at two of the bar stools and I walked over and sat next to Bam. He was wearing a black t-shirt, a red lace scarf and a pair of torn jeans. Knoxville sat next to him in a pair of blue pants with suspenders and a tight orange t-shirt, sporting a pair of matching blue Converse. Their style was interesting, to say the least.

"I was thinking about you tonight," Bam said, leaning towards me.

"Yeah… what were you thinking?"

"A lot of things…" he said quietly.

"Like what? Be more… detailed," I said, letting my thick accent shine through in a deep tone of voice.

Out of the corner of my eye I saw Linde stumble over towards the bar and fall against Knoxville's back, wrapping his arms around his neck. Linde reached his hand around and pulled him close to him, kissing his collar bone.

Burton raised a finger at Mige and Gas, "Alright boys… I think that's our cue. We're going to bed," he said smiling at me, "have fun."

Linde raised one hand, shooing the three of them out of the room, as Knoxville leaned his head backwards, opening his mouth and letting out a quiet gasp.

I turned back towards Bam, "Bam - I said," he was staring at the two men sitting next to him. "Bam."

"What? I'm sorry," he said, shaking his head.

"Something wrong?" I asked innocently.

"Uh… not really. I just," he leaned close to me and whispered, "Ville… Knoxville has like… a wife…and a daughter and shit. This is just… new to me to say the least."

A smile spread across my face. I glowed as I watched his expressions. In a way, it was like being with a virgin, because men were so new to him.

"Bam, you never answered. Why did you come over? What were you thinking about, concerning… me?"

His hand slid up my thigh and he wrapped his fingers around one of my belt loops on my black jeans, pulling me off of the stool, causing me to fall into his arms. He bit the corner of his lip, paused for a moment and then said, "Why don’t I just show you?"

Alright, took a while, but it's a long chapter and I'm pretty happy with it. I've been busy with the icons that I posted in __vam. Anyway, I hope that you enjoy and yeah... good stuff to come in the next chapter :ahem - no pun intended hehe: Comment and let me know how it's going! :D
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