FACEBOOK: Not Necessary To Join

Aug 24, 2011 15:28

Okay, you can comment here now, because Facebook's interface makes me hate life and also because it's not like I can't keep track of two separate sets of comments ( Read more... )

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Comments 26

kuribo_power August 24 2011, 20:25:20 UTC
Oh, good, because while this intrigued me I had no real desire to meddle with facebook for it ( ... )


Re: Questions crossbone_x August 24 2011, 20:55:27 UTC
It is essentially what you said, yes. It is not a sequel, it is a clean slate of health with some wink-wink nudge-nudges in the direction of the old game, some of them really big, some of them much smaller. But it is entirely clean slate, so past RP, all that stuff, it's all gone ( ... )


Re: Questions crossbone_x August 24 2011, 20:57:12 UTC
Because I can't figure out how to edit comments:

I should be a bit more specific. Gamemasters are not "firepower" things; their role is much less "above the rest of the game" and infinitely more "we are part of the system". What it means to be a Gamemaster, what the Gamemasters are, and in general what Videoland is are huge parts of our metaplot, and so I can't really talk too much about them yet. It's more fun if you get to dig and find out for yourself when the game opens.


Re: Questions unclejam August 24 2011, 21:55:51 UTC
Oops you addressed my comments, har har.

I would kind of disagree with having the GMs be the leader dudes in a permanent, 'Fachead Character' way. What if Medic is credit to team? What if Medic is consistently smarter and more entertaining? One of my less fond specific VL memories was having an active group I was in glared to death because we were apparently OOCly more popular than Mother Brain.

That said, if you want them to be 'signature' characters and initial leadership figures that would prob. be fine. I am just big on, let the cream rise to the top. But it can be useful to have a hand on the wagon's steering wheel at the beginning.


My input from beyond the veil of time unclejam August 24 2011, 21:48:40 UTC
Hello. I used to be Samael on VL. Sinistar will remember me I am sure, although neither of you two other folks were around ( ... )


Re: My input from beyond the veil of time unclejam August 24 2011, 21:50:58 UTC
since no edit:

It would be wrong for the TF2 guys to roll up to a Symphonia Human Ranch and blow it up, as these locations are the major bases of some big dudes who are 'distinctly appable PCs'. This would be a permanent change.

This would of course not be wrong if the guy owning that Human Ranch is down with having it destroyed; I mean here doing it in a vacuum. The converse is that if you're going to rub dudes' snouts into a thing they might want to do something about it, so, be prepared to do something about it; for instance Heavy and Medic might pop an uber and liberate a caravan of shackled humans, thus making a distinct blow but not destroying Halfelf-Birkenau out of nowhere.


Re: My input from beyond the veil of time crossbone_x August 24 2011, 21:57:18 UTC
Facebook was never my idea, I hate and loathe it with all that I am. My coder talked me into it and within ten minutes of futzing with it I decided I didn't want to touch it ever again, hence me opening comments here ( ... )


unclejam August 24 2011, 21:51:51 UTC
* GMs ( ... )


crossbone_x August 24 2011, 21:58:55 UTC
Yeah I hate EFCs as much as the next guy, and four GMs is pretty much going to be the absolute max. It's more a "fachead" role than it is any power scale thing this time around.


unclejam August 24 2011, 22:01:21 UTC
Well then you're hitting the same issue, because now the facheads are these outsiders and you can never reach that point.

Having them be the founders and perhaps important roles in the factions is fair enough I would say, and I could even see the point of 'These guys are in charge for the first two months so as to let people develop.'


crossbone_x August 24 2011, 22:14:37 UTC
Go read my factions post, and I think it'll enlighten quite a bit.


unclejam August 24 2011, 21:52:44 UTC
* Housekeeping ( ... )


addendum unclejam August 25 2011, 00:53:27 UTC
You can of course praise people in private too, the point here is really more 'make sure to praise in public, make sure to discipline in private.'


raiu August 28 2011, 17:05:23 UTC
I'm pretty sure the old VL had a "game must have been commercially published" rule (and that Newgrounds Flash games are published, but not commercially published). Sadly, this means I can't app for The Dragon of Darkness (hero of the Druid in the Woods and Morgash Chronicles series), but them's the breaks.

MMO NPCs and bosses might be okay (Dark Vlad, Statesman, or Lord Spookyraven, for example), but absolutely not player-created PCs, and not characters based on PC classes. Overall, though, it might be easier to just ignore MMOs entirely. (Warcraft - the RTS series, that is - would still be allowed)

... I think I need to start writing an app. Without an app form. Hm.


litagemini August 25 2011, 00:52:58 UTC
Curiosity question only: What's the spoiler policy?


crossbone_x August 25 2011, 00:57:13 UTC
It's a video game mush; my expectation is that, like most games I have not played, the instant a character shows up on the grid from a game I am playing I will probably go play my little profoundly dark heart out.

I would ask that, if the game is within, say, four-to-six months old, you either not app the character or be very very careful about the plot you are involved in; however, I also know that players will want to app the hot new thing, and thus denying them would be horribly unfair.

Basically, "common sense please, but you're still apping onto a multitheme video game MUSH, so if you don't know Aeris dies by now you're probably SOL."

Hilariously this screws me over pretty handily, I *still* haven't finished Xenogears. :/


jetfire99 August 25 2011, 01:00:30 UTC
Get playing Pardner before it's too late!!


litagemini August 25 2011, 01:06:22 UTC
I ask because old VL had a very specific policy about this, which was, there was a certain time period (maybe 2 months) where a game was totally inappable, and after that it was a hundred percent fair game and not necessary to spoiler warn anyone about anything.

On the other hand, at school I had a student get mad at me for spoiling Chrono Trigger, because it had just been RE-released and therefore was no longer fair game again for discussions despite his age. I told him that was silly, but this is far from a common sense thing, so a specific policy will be needed to avoid people getting all hurty about getting games ruined for them.

For example, I'd love to app Francis York Morgan but the dude is a walking spoiler full of spoiler.


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