FACEBOOK: Not Necessary To Join

Aug 24, 2011 15:28

Okay, you can comment here now, because Facebook's interface makes me hate life and also because it's not like I can't keep track of two separate sets of comments ( Read more... )

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unclejam August 24 2011, 21:52:44 UTC
* Housekeeping

** Given that is now the year of our lord 2011 and the original VL was founded in 2003, you should probably heavily modify the appability rules. In specific, I would propose a metric something like this.

Did it have a commercial release? (This is to minimize people throwing together shitty newgrounds games and then apping Catgirl von Aspergia because look it is a game ok) Continue to -

Is it fairly readily available in English, either through official distribution or through fan distributed patches? (This was actually always a quiet agreement; I recall that Type-Moon people slipped in a couple of times with no real hubbub, but you may want to make it clear. This may be a back door to let people app Cirno.) Continue to -

Is the character hilariously overpowered? -> if so, are you willing to accept a degree of peacebonding on your OPness in day to day activities? Continue to -

Special final metrics; I can't think of what to put here, primarily filters to prevent people apping their WoW character (I imagine it's cool to app Hamuul Runetotem or Mylune from WoW; it is not OK to app Popcornfart@Uther, legendary war-gnome) and possibly extremely unusual cases (Cthulhu from Cthulhu Saves The World). This is probably also where you can put the filters to keep dudes from apping from pure porn games (stuff with sexy content that is either non-explicit (Leisure Suit Larry) or which is redacted in later reissues (Type Moon shit) is probably ok)

You should probably err on the side of allowing things with peacebonding for the sake of power levels. I remember VL had like sixty-entry lists of God characters/Artifact items. Nothing much got done with 'em, they just took things out of the toybox.

** Aging. Do something that makes more sense than the original document with this. I got the core concept. Think back to the core concept and think of how to express it in a way so people can app 14 year olds, play them for 3 years, and allow them to be 17.

* Public relations: this is mostly a list of things NOT to do, based on things I had to clean up after.

You can do whatever you want but you have to have a reason for them. This reason should ideally be as far from 'Because I said so,' even if for some things, they are simply 'because I said so.'
Try to keep a respectful but conversational tone in discourse with the public. A lot of what I did involved taking statements from Sinistar that, I'm gonna say outright, kind of sounded pompous and imperious, and rewrote them to address the actual issue.
Do not resort first to public statements. If you have two people doing something douchebaggy, shake them by the necks and get them to cut it out. Public announcements regarding things should be kept to matters of general policy and possibly reminders or pointers to revisions of files.
ONLY PRAISE IN PUBLIC. DISCIPLINE ONLY IN PRIVATE. This is not quite as absolute as my scare HTML is making it look; telling someone 'hey knock it off' on an O-channel or whatever is one thing. However, you should give people props and credit ONLY in public, and if you have reasons to punish, discipline, or otherwise yell at them, do it only in private meetings or page. Other dudes can probably cite the psychology behind this; I'm going to credit it to my Candarian demon tutelage and say you ought to just stick to that as a policy!!


addendum unclejam August 25 2011, 00:53:27 UTC
You can of course praise people in private too, the point here is really more 'make sure to praise in public, make sure to discipline in private.'


raiu August 28 2011, 17:05:23 UTC
I'm pretty sure the old VL had a "game must have been commercially published" rule (and that Newgrounds Flash games are published, but not commercially published). Sadly, this means I can't app for The Dragon of Darkness (hero of the Druid in the Woods and Morgash Chronicles series), but them's the breaks.

MMO NPCs and bosses might be okay (Dark Vlad, Statesman, or Lord Spookyraven, for example), but absolutely not player-created PCs, and not characters based on PC classes. Overall, though, it might be easier to just ignore MMOs entirely. (Warcraft - the RTS series, that is - would still be allowed)

... I think I need to start writing an app. Without an app form. Hm.


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