1/ GOD ONLY KNOWSwithanokkaDecember 30 2010, 19:32:41 UTC
Name: Katu Age: 19 Username: fullmetalkatu Email: defenderdeja at gmail dot com IM: verbosemelchior
Character name: Sokka Series: Avatar: The Last Airbender Timeline: From seconds after the awkward conclusion to the now-infamous "That's Rough, Buddy" conversation during The Boiling Rock: Part 1 in season 3.
Background: Sokka is from the Southern Water Tribe-- his family consists of his younger sister, Katara, his father, chief Hakoda, and his grandmother. His mother, Kya, was captured during a Fire Nation raid when Sokka and Katara were very young (9 and 8 respectively) and killed soon after that. While Katara was more profoundly traumatized by this event, Sokka barely remembers his mother. The whole experience gave him his complete distrust in anything or anyone possibly related to the Fire Nation. However, Sokka's childhood trauma came when his father left to lead all the men of the Southern Water Tribe in the war effort against the Fire Nation. Sokka wanted to fight alongside them, but, at age 12, he was far too young. Hakoda told him that he
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2/HERE WE GOwithanokkaDecember 30 2010, 19:34:45 UTC
Personality: In season two, Sokka names himself the "meat and sarcasm guy," and bargains with whatever higher power he wants to think there is to abandon that in favor of getting him out of a sticky situation-- pledging to become the "veggies and straight-talk fellow."
Fortunately, he doesn't make good on that promise.
Sokka's personality is best described is with a quote from his one-episode sword master, Piandao:
"I saw something in you right away. I saw a heart as strong as a Lionturtle and twice as big. And as we trained, it wasn't your skills that impressed me-- no, it certainly wasn't your skills. You showed something beyond that. Creativity, versitility, intelligence. These are the traits that define a great swordsman. And these are the traits that define you." (Episode 44, Sokka's MasterBy season three, Sokka has done a lot of growing up. No longer is he the vaguely sexist, close-minded, xenophobic water tribe brat he was in episode one-- he's become a warrior, a strategist, and a highly valued ally. Sokka exemplifies the
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Appearance: SOKKA IS THE MOST HANDSOMEST WARRIOR WOLF TO EVER EXIS-- okay, no, Sokka's a bit of a dweeb. Spindly and gangly, he's put on some muscle by season three. His hair (normally kept shaved on the sides) has gotten scraggly and unkempt, though he still manages to keep his warrior wolf ponytail thingamawhat well-maintained, at the very least. Rarely without a cocky smirk or a deadpan stare, Sokka has expressive eyebrows and bright blue eyes like his sister. He's fairly dark-skinned in complexion and has a tendency towards wearing blue Water Tribe outfits or black and red in the Fire Nation.
Skills/Abilities: Sokka has always been billed as the "badass normal." He has no magical hoo-doo skills like everyone else he knows, and yet manages to hold his ground equally with all of his friends. As far as physical skills go, Sokka can use a boomerang and a sword and can tinker with a mess of other weapons. His father taught him how to build depth charges. Sokka knows a whole bunch about a lot of practical stuff, he can draft weapon
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4/4 /PLAYS WE ARE THE CHAMPIONSwithanokkaDecember 30 2010, 19:39:25 UTC
Third person sample: This was it. The end-all be-all of battles. Armed with only his boomerang and remarkable wit, the amazingly handsome Water Tribe teenager slid into position behind the rock, smoothing back his hair so he would look good if they had to find his body later. Spirits only knew what this would bring. It was an unfair fight, four of them, one of him- and his boomerang, of course. He had to do this, for the good of his tribe, for the good of his world…
It was do or die.
“Well, old pal,” Sokka murmured, holding his boomerang close to his chest, addressing it like a brother, “here we are again. Just you and me. Juuuust the two of us. We can do this, tog-”
“Hey, are you coming out from back there or what?”
And now the enemy was teasing him.
There are some things you just don’t do.“ALL RIGHT, FINE!” He screamed the strangled war cry only a fifteen-year-old could manage to warble out, throwing himself out from behind the boulder, running full-on into the chaos
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1/I DON'T KNOW WHENhair_fuDecember 30 2010, 19:49:26 UTC
Name: Katu Age: 19 Username: fullmetalkatu Email: Y-you should know this. /points at Sokka's application IM: And this too, honestly...
Character name: Rapunzel Series: Tangled, 2010 Film Timeline: Right in the middle of "I See The Light", just as Rapunzel's got her hands on Flynn's satchel. Background: Once upon a time in a faraway and remarkably familiar kingdom, a queen was about to give birth to a princess. Now, the queen was very sick and needed a miracle-- the king sent his men and the people of his kingdom to find one
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2/ I DON'T KNOW HOWhair_fuDecember 30 2010, 19:50:58 UTC
Personality: Rapunzel is sunshine personified. Sweet, bubbly and goofy, she's free-spirited and strong-willed. She's competent for the most part, and smart enough to know when she's in a bit over her head. She has a ridiculously large heart and can light up a room without needing to make her hair glow. She makes friends quickly, given an opportunity-- and she loves having friends, especially considering how long she's been mostly alone. She is adaptable, to some extent, but very sheltered-- she's been lied to her entire life by Gothel, and she believed a lot of what she was told. Gothel has an entire song dedicated to telling her how awful everything is beyond Rapunzel's window. By the time she reaches Vertiline, she's dispelled a lot of those myths, and she's happy to find that Gothel was wrong in almost every way
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3/3 BUT I KNOW SOMETHING'S STARTING RIGHT NOWhair_fuDecember 30 2010, 19:51:57 UTC
Third person sample: Once they had managed to drag themselves out of the river, there was another minor issue to attend to:
Getting dry.
Now, normally, Rapunzel figured this probably wouldn’t have seemed like much of an issue to Flynn-well, Eugene- happy to get out of his wet, heavy clothes and find some place to sun himself dry, like some big, shaggy dog, but-well, maybe he was shy. And there was a girl present.
With seventy feet of sopping wet hair of her own.
“It glows,” Eugene managed, eying her hair somewhat suspiciously.
“It does,” Rapunzel supplied helpfully, beginning the long process of gathering it all up. In her tower, dealing with it when wet wasn’t as much of an issue. She had a big tub for it, and a lot of ceiling beams to drape it over-no problem. In the woods, however... with Flynn- Eugene! Eugene, she was going to need to remember that-with Eugene’s hurt hand, and Pascal being as tiny as he ever was, she wasn’t about to ask favors.
“What are you gonna do with all that, huh?” There was a minute hesitation mid-
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You can find information about your character's appearance to Vertiline here and specific information on their housing here.
Vertiline is not yet open, so please refrain from any IC posting. The mods are planning a special opening event for our first batch of accepted characters and will let everyone know the moment everything is ready to begin!
If you have any additional questions, please feel free to check over our Rules and FAQ once more, or contact a mod with your inquiry.
Hiccup app 1/ahhhh don't even knowtalkingfishboneDecember 30 2010, 20:27:33 UTC
Name: Blu Age: 20 (I literally wrote 18 at first 8| I’m a derp) Username: ”luna-kitsu-blu” Email: Blufox848@aol.com IM: cmdrpinstripes
Character name: Hiccup Horrendous Haddock the Third Series: How to Train Your Dragon (movie~) Timeline: In between being chosen to kill the Nightmare and getting to the grotto Background: Hiccup is the worst viking to ever viking, and I'm sure no one in Berk has been able to figure out how exactly that happened. 300 some years of living on the same isle, fighting the same nest of dragons, and somehow, their chief still wound up with Hiccup for a son. I'm sure inbreeding has been brought up once or twice, though. But, to understand why Hiccup is such a failure, you first have to understand how epic his father is by comparison
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Hiccup app 2/._.talkingfishboneDecember 30 2010, 20:29:00 UTC
Moral of this story; Hiccup. Fails. At life. Or so his entire village would assume. Honestly? The teenager is a genius with mechanics and is fully capable of keeping himself alive. He's just...never been given the opportunity. That hasn't kept him from fighting for one, though. We can see him continues to hit brick walls with his father and his other classmates, but he never gives up. He keeps making things, keeps thinking of new ways to impress his village and earn respect. Hiccup is made of tougher stuff than anyone gives him credit for. He's an outcast when applied to the standards of his society, but the end, he gets the job done, if in his own way.
Oh, and if you're wondering why I haven't mentioned Hiccup's mother, she's dead. We don't know how she died (dragon, I'd assume), or when she died, she's just dead. And Hiccup and Stoick have a matching set of helmets, each with half of her breastplate in them.
Keeps her close. Personality: Hiccup oozes potential. He’s bright, creative and eager. He likes putting thought and effort
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Hiccup app 3/3 (that's not so bad!)talkingfishboneDecember 30 2010, 20:30:03 UTC
Third person sample: He is so dead.
He is--he is so very dead.
Hiccup runs hell for leather past Raven’s Point, towards his dragon’s grotto. He know it won’t last; he knows better than even the most overprotective in his tribe when his breath will fail and he’ll need to stop. He’ll do so with definite reluctance.
What he wouldn’t give for wings. And maybe a lighter pack; could’ve probably skipped out on the fish.
But wings; especially times like these, he envies Toothless. If he didn’t have to rely on his friend to dive through the skies, he would be long gone by now. Soaring over waves, puncturing clouds, scaring the ever loving snot out of seagulls.
Maybe that’s all he needs. He just needs to take a flight and let the cool air clear his head. Some time in the skies to forget who he is and what he has to do tomorrow.
…nah, he just needs to not be here come tomorrow.
…and there goes his breath.
With a heavy thunk, the chief’s son lets the leather backpack straps fall from his shoulders as he staggers towards a tree. Hiccup
( ... )
You can find information about your character's appearance to Vertiline here and specific information on their housing here.
Vertiline is not yet open, so please refrain from any IC posting. The mods are planning a special opening event for our first batch of accepted characters and will let everyone know the moment everything is ready to begin!
If you have any additional questions, please feel free to check over our Rules and FAQ once more, or contact a mod with your inquiry.
Zhaneel 1/?bondedgryphonDecember 30 2010, 23:58:40 UTC
Name: Alma Age: 30 Username: almalthia Email: almalthia80@yahoo.com IM: almalthia80
Character name: Zhaneel Series: Heralds of Valdemar Timeline: After the death of Urtho and Ma'ar, while waiting for Skan to reappear through the gate following Aubri and Kechara. (End of 'The Black Gryphon' pre-epilogue)
Zhaneel 3/?bondedgryphonDecember 31 2010, 00:01:07 UTC
Already understandably upset at being treated like second rate chattel, this with-holding of information causes great strife amongst the gryphons and they stage a coup, sending Skandranon (Urtho's favorite amongst the gryphons) into Urtho's tower to find answers for them all. After finding out the secret to free-breeding, instead of fleeing as Urtho feared, the gryphons remain with their Father to defend and fight for their army. They prove not only to their Father that they are so much more than he thought, but also those humans that thought them no more than breathing cannon fodder. They are viewed with a new level of respect and treated with better dignity than they have been since their creation. During the final battle, those that cannot fight help evacuate the encampments and the flee to safer grounds by way of Gates, taking with them books and information of import that will prove vital to starting a new colony. It is not until after the simultaneous deaths of Urtho and Ma'ar that any of the gryphons begin striking out on their
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Zhaneel 4/?bondedgryphonDecember 31 2010, 00:02:04 UTC
She and Skandranon become mated through some very fancy mating flights after Skan learns of the little Kechara, a gryphlet that is simple of mind, but strong of Mind-Gifts. The pair take in the gryphlet as their own adopted daughter just before the final battle with Ma'ar kicks off.
Zhaneel remains behind to help evacuate the camp while her mate, along with several others, goes off to deliver a magical box that will explode on the death of Urtho. Urtho, gravely wounded, sends his children (the gryphons) and friends across a magical Gate that will take them safely from the explosion that will rid them of their enemy.
Unfortunately, as the Gate flares to life in what should be the appearance of her mate and friend, Zhaneel is snatched away and brought to the Wood, the state of her beloved Skan and the rest of those close to her unknown.
Personality:Years of emotional abuse has taken it's toll on the young gryphon, Zhaneel. Losing both parents at a very young age, her care was entrusted to the Trondi-irn (non-human healer) of the
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Character name: Link, Hero of Winds Series: Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass - Video Game Timeline: Post Bellum's defeat, but prior to waking up on the Ghost Ship. Essentially, what Link will remember is the world fading to white, and upon opening his eyes to say goodbye to Ciela, finding himself in Vertiline. NOT AS PLANNED. Background: My pre-written history for Wind Waker can be found here, and the events of Phantom Hourglass can be found here. Personality: Link is often considered the classic “silent hero”, as he literally says nothing throughout the games even though the other character speak freely, except a small amount of questions and yes or no response options offered to the player (often depicted through nodding or shaking his head). Thus, one of the many ways of perceiving his character is that while Link isn’t mute (he speaks once in Wind Waker: a "come on!" response to call certain people/objects), he could simply prefer not
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Link 2/ Idk manunamvirtusDecember 31 2010, 00:39:35 UTC
While Link still has a lot of the naïvety of a little kid, he is not nearly as innocent as he should be due to everything he's had to do during his journey: he's confronted horrible monsters and killed those monsters, he's been nearly killed himself, and he's had to deal with a great amount of abandonment. He was forced to leave his grandmother all alone and fend for himself, which means he had to learn how to be completely independent in not only every day life, but also in the dangerous situations his quest required from him. It is not a far stretch to say that Link probably became home sick often, and alongside that, he also had to deal with the guilt of allowing his sister to be kidnapped instead of being able to protect her as he believes he should. Because of this, it is likely that Link suffers from nightmares, whether about monsters, Ganondorf, Bellum or even just missing his family and friends
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Link 3/This is just gonna keep goingunamvirtusDecember 31 2010, 00:40:40 UTC
Link is also DAMN crafty at seeing the good side of people, and once he spots some goodness in a person he will latch onto it like an adorable leech and never let go. He's amazingly gifted at bringing it out of a person too, and with the sheer patience of a goddamn saint he often befriends the kind of people who treat him a bit poorly just because he knows that ~deep inside, they're a nice person~ (ie, Tetra and Linebeck). Why he doesn't have more kind friends too is probably just Link's undeterrably shitty luck in everything life has to offer. That aside, when Link forms a close attachment to someone, he will drag himself through the dirt to hold onto them, fighting tooth and nail if he has to. He is unbelievably devoted to the people he cares about and will never, EVER abandon or betray them if it is in any way possible not to. However, by doing that Link also makes himself extremely subjectable to being hurt by loved ones. Abuse or mistreatment is something he would and will readily take as a price to keep someone, and he can
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Link 4/And goingunamvirtusDecember 31 2010, 00:48:17 UTC
Skills/Abilities: COMBAT /ETC. SKILLS Link is surprisingly good at kicking people's asses for his age, and he has his own personal arsenal of special offensive and defensive attacks: his most notable ones are his quick dodging skills and extreme agility (jumping over people's heads), as well as the classic parry attack. He has excellent depth perception and aims remarkably well, which is handy not only for sword-fighting, but also with his long range weapons. Because of his physical disadvantages, Link doesn't use much of his own physical force when he is fighting, and if he is disarmed he is likely to be at a huge disadvantage if he can't find something else to use to fight his attacker off (I've removed his power bracelets which would have made him considerably stronger; with everything this kind has, it's really not fair for him to keep all of it). Regardless, this is balanced out fairly well by remarkable fluidity in his fighting style, as well as Link's impressive flexibility. On top of that, Link has some amazing balance when
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Comments 468
Age: 19
Username: fullmetalkatu
Email: defenderdeja at gmail dot com
IM: verbosemelchior
Character name: Sokka
Series: Avatar: The Last Airbender
Timeline: From seconds after the awkward conclusion to the now-infamous "That's Rough, Buddy" conversation during The Boiling Rock: Part 1 in season 3.
Background: Sokka is from the Southern Water Tribe-- his family consists of his younger sister, Katara, his father, chief Hakoda, and his grandmother. His mother, Kya, was captured during a Fire Nation raid when Sokka and Katara were very young (9 and 8 respectively) and killed soon after that. While Katara was more profoundly traumatized by this event, Sokka barely remembers his mother. The whole experience gave him his complete distrust in anything or anyone possibly related to the Fire Nation. However, Sokka's childhood trauma came when his father left to lead all the men of the Southern Water Tribe in the war effort against the Fire Nation. Sokka wanted to fight alongside them, but, at age 12, he was far too young. Hakoda told him that he ( ... )
Fortunately, he doesn't make good on that promise.
Sokka's personality is best described is with a quote from his one-episode sword master, Piandao:
"I saw something in you right away. I saw a heart as strong as a Lionturtle and twice as big. And as we trained, it wasn't your skills that impressed me-- no, it certainly wasn't your skills. You showed something beyond that. Creativity, versitility, intelligence. These are the traits that define a great swordsman. And these are the traits that define you." (Episode 44, Sokka's MasterBy season three, Sokka has done a lot of growing up. No longer is he the vaguely sexist, close-minded, xenophobic water tribe brat he was in episode one-- he's become a warrior, a strategist, and a highly valued ally. Sokka exemplifies the ( ... )
Skills/Abilities: Sokka has always been billed as the "badass normal." He has no magical hoo-doo skills like everyone else he knows, and yet manages to hold his ground equally with all of his friends. As far as physical skills go, Sokka can use a boomerang and a sword and can tinker with a mess of other weapons. His father taught him how to build depth charges. Sokka knows a whole bunch about a lot of practical stuff, he can draft weapon ( ... )
It was do or die.
“Well, old pal,” Sokka murmured, holding his boomerang close to his chest, addressing it like a brother, “here we are again. Just you and me. Juuuust the two of us. We can do this, tog-”
“Hey, are you coming out from back there or what?”
And now the enemy was teasing him.
There are some things you just don’t do.“ALL RIGHT, FINE!” He screamed the strangled war cry only a fifteen-year-old could manage to warble out, throwing himself out from behind the boulder, running full-on into the chaos ( ... )
Age: 19
Username: fullmetalkatu
Email: Y-you should know this. /points at Sokka's application
IM: And this too, honestly...
Character name: Rapunzel
Series: Tangled, 2010 Film
Timeline: Right in the middle of "I See The Light", just as Rapunzel's got her hands on Flynn's satchel.
Background: Once upon a time in a faraway and remarkably familiar kingdom, a queen was about to give birth to a princess. Now, the queen was very sick and needed a miracle-- the king sent his men and the people of his kingdom to find one ( ... )
Getting dry.
Now, normally, Rapunzel figured this probably wouldn’t have seemed like much of an issue to Flynn-well, Eugene- happy to get out of his wet, heavy clothes and find some place to sun himself dry, like some big, shaggy dog, but-well, maybe he was shy. And there was a girl present.
With seventy feet of sopping wet hair of her own.
“It glows,” Eugene managed, eying her hair somewhat suspiciously.
“It does,” Rapunzel supplied helpfully, beginning the long process of gathering it all up. In her tower, dealing with it when wet wasn’t as much of an issue. She had a big tub for it, and a lot of ceiling beams to drape it over-no problem. In the woods, however... with Flynn- Eugene! Eugene, she was going to need to remember that-with Eugene’s hurt hand, and Pascal being as tiny as he ever was, she wasn’t about to ask favors.
“What are you gonna do with all that, huh?” There was a minute hesitation mid- ( ... )
We are glad to welcome Rapunzel to Vertiline!
Please comment on the taken characters and friend add/removes posts.
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Vertiline is not yet open, so please refrain from any IC posting. The mods are planning a special opening event for our first batch of accepted characters and will let everyone know the moment everything is ready to begin!
If you have any additional questions, please feel free to check over our Rules and FAQ once more, or contact a mod with your inquiry.
Age: 20 (I literally wrote 18 at first 8| I’m a derp)
Username: ”luna-kitsu-blu”
Email: Blufox848@aol.com
IM: cmdrpinstripes
Character name: Hiccup Horrendous Haddock the Third
Series: How to Train Your Dragon (movie~)
Timeline: In between being chosen to kill the Nightmare and getting to the grotto
Background: Hiccup is the worst viking to ever viking, and I'm sure no one in Berk has been able to figure out how exactly that happened. 300 some years of living on the same isle, fighting the same nest of dragons, and somehow, their chief still wound up with Hiccup for a son. I'm sure inbreeding has been brought up once or twice, though. But, to understand why Hiccup is such a failure, you first have to understand how epic his father is by comparison ( ... )
Oh, and if you're wondering why I haven't mentioned Hiccup's mother, she's dead. We don't know how she died (dragon, I'd assume), or when she died, she's just dead. And Hiccup and Stoick have a matching set of helmets, each with half of her breastplate in them.
Keeps her close.
Personality: Hiccup oozes potential. He’s bright, creative and eager. He likes putting thought and effort ( ... )
He is--he is so very dead.
Hiccup runs hell for leather past Raven’s Point, towards his dragon’s grotto. He know it won’t last; he knows better than even the most overprotective in his tribe when his breath will fail and he’ll need to stop. He’ll do so with definite reluctance.
What he wouldn’t give for wings. And maybe a lighter pack; could’ve probably skipped out on the fish.
But wings; especially times like these, he envies Toothless. If he didn’t have to rely on his friend to dive through the skies, he would be long gone by now. Soaring over waves, puncturing clouds, scaring the ever loving snot out of seagulls.
Maybe that’s all he needs. He just needs to take a flight and let the cool air clear his head. Some time in the skies to forget who he is and what he has to do tomorrow.
…nah, he just needs to not be here come tomorrow.
…and there goes his breath.
With a heavy thunk, the chief’s son lets the leather backpack straps fall from his shoulders as he staggers towards a tree. Hiccup ( ... )
We are glad to welcome Hiccup Horrendous Haddock the Third to Vertiline!
Please comment on the taken characters and friend add/removes posts.
Be sure to join our game communities:
Feel free to introduce yourself and your character at vertiline_ooc!
If you are at least 18 years old, you are also welcome to join vertiline_adult where all adult content should be directed.
Also remember to disable customized comment pages before posting. Simply select "Yes" under Basic Options.
You can find information about your character's appearance to Vertiline here and specific information on their housing here.
Vertiline is not yet open, so please refrain from any IC posting. The mods are planning a special opening event for our first batch of accepted characters and will let everyone know the moment everything is ready to begin!
If you have any additional questions, please feel free to check over our Rules and FAQ once more, or contact a mod with your inquiry.
Age: 30
Username: almalthia
Email: almalthia80@yahoo.com
IM: almalthia80
Character name: Zhaneel
Series: Heralds of Valdemar
Timeline: After the death of Urtho and Ma'ar, while waiting for Skan to reappear through the gate following Aubri and Kechara. (End of 'The Black Gryphon' pre-epilogue)
Zhaneel remains behind to help evacuate the camp while her mate, along with several others, goes off to deliver a magical box that will explode on the death of Urtho. Urtho, gravely wounded, sends his children (the gryphons) and friends across a magical Gate that will take them safely from the explosion that will rid them of their enemy.
Unfortunately, as the Gate flares to life in what should be the appearance of her mate and friend, Zhaneel is snatched away and brought to the Wood, the state of her beloved Skan and the rest of those close to her unknown.
Personality:Years of emotional abuse has taken it's toll on the young gryphon, Zhaneel. Losing both parents at a very young age, her care was entrusted to the Trondi-irn (non-human healer) of the ( ... )
Age: Fifteen.
Username: marburusu
Email: phantommarbles@gmail.com
IM: PhantomMarbles
Character name: Link, Hero of Winds
Series: Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass - Video Game
Timeline: Post Bellum's defeat, but prior to waking up on the Ghost Ship. Essentially, what Link will remember is the world fading to white, and upon opening his eyes to say goodbye to Ciela, finding himself in Vertiline. NOT AS PLANNED.
My pre-written history for Wind Waker can be found here, and the events of Phantom Hourglass can be found here.
Link is often considered the classic “silent hero”, as he literally says nothing throughout the games even though the other character speak freely, except a small amount of questions and yes or no response options offered to the player (often depicted through nodding or shaking his head). Thus, one of the many ways of perceiving his character is that while Link isn’t mute (he speaks once in Wind Waker: a "come on!" response to call certain people/objects), he could simply prefer not ( ... )
Link is surprisingly good at kicking people's asses for his age, and he has his own personal arsenal of special offensive and defensive attacks: his most notable ones are his quick dodging skills and extreme agility (jumping over people's heads), as well as the classic parry attack. He has excellent depth perception and aims remarkably well, which is handy not only for sword-fighting, but also with his long range weapons. Because of his physical disadvantages, Link doesn't use much of his own physical force when he is fighting, and if he is disarmed he is likely to be at a huge disadvantage if he can't find something else to use to fight his attacker off (I've removed his power bracelets which would have made him considerably stronger; with everything this kind has, it's really not fair for him to keep all of it). Regardless, this is balanced out fairly well by remarkable fluidity in his fighting style, as well as Link's impressive flexibility. On top of that, Link has some amazing balance when ( ... )
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