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4/4 /PLAYS WE ARE THE CHAMPIONS withanokka December 30 2010, 19:39:25 UTC
Third person sample: This was it. The end-all be-all of battles. Armed with only his boomerang and remarkable wit, the amazingly handsome Water Tribe teenager slid into position behind the rock, smoothing back his hair so he would look good if they had to find his body later. Spirits only knew what this would bring. It was an unfair fight, four of them, one of him- and his boomerang, of course. He had to do this, for the good of his tribe, for the good of his world…

It was do or die.

“Well, old pal,” Sokka murmured, holding his boomerang close to his chest, addressing it like a brother, “here we are again. Just you and me. Juuuust the two of us. We can do this, tog-”

“Hey, are you coming out from back there or what?”

And now the enemy was teasing him.

There are some things you just don’t do.

“ALL RIGHT, FINE!” He screamed the strangled war cry only a fifteen-year-old could manage to warble out, throwing himself out from behind the boulder, running full-on into the chaos-

That’s about the time that Suki casually stuck a foot out and tripped him. Moving on an unbidden cue, Toph wrenched her arm around and pulled a nice, knee-high obstacle for Sokka to stumble backwards over, only to be blown back onto his feet by a quick gust of wind. Of course, Aang was having a little too much fun and that nice gust of air carried him up, up and away-right into a hook of water that yanked him down into the river.

Once he finally figured out which way was up-- no thanks to his rotten, no-good sister standing right next to him-he flailed a moment and sputtered for air, gasping and glaring at the four of them.

“Under-under no circumstances, was that fair. At all. I mean, come on, Suki, y-you too? I thought you were on my side for this!” Sokka whined at his girlfriend, smoothing his bangs back out of his face. In typical defiance, they slid back down into his eyes, smacking water into his mouth.

“Well...” Sokka glared at her and at the cute way she shifted her hips and rolled her eyes and her adorable smile as she spoke-oooh, she was on his list, even as perfect as she was- “we all kind of talked about it, and we decided that instead of combat training? It’s Pick on Sokka Day.”

“Pick on Sokka Day?” He parroted, his voice cracking.

“Yeah!” Aang chirped, “it’s just like Avatar day! Except you didn’t kill anyone. Aaaand you don’t really have a whole town celebrating it.”

“It was Toph’s idea!” Katara added with a smile-a cunning attempt to win him over, he sees through your plans, Katara.

Sokka yanked his sopping wet hair out of his face to glare pointedly at Toph, and, remembering that she was blind, groaned. “Thanks, guys. I really mean it.”

He didn’t, of course. Sarcasm was the preferred flavor of Pick on Sokka Day, after all.

First person sample: [Oooookay this is totally not where he just was. Totally a very different place than a war balloon on the way to a prison.]


[Considering Zuko was the last guy he saw, the thought is instinctive. Did they crash? Did he lose his memory? Have they been captured? WHAT'S GOING ON? Thoughts and ideas come and are dismissed as quickly as they come, he's not really sure of what to think. The room is round. That's weird. This is all weird, but-- he grips for his boomerang as he approaches the door and--

it's not here.]

What?! Oh, come on, are you kidding me?

[He pats himself down desperately.]

That's not even fair.

[He's reached his conclusion: He's been kidnapped by the Fire Nation, they've stolen his weapons. Time to improvise.

All that's left is to open the door...]


ACCEPTED forestcalf January 1 2011, 05:44:59 UTC

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