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Zhaneel 1/? bondedgryphon December 30 2010, 23:58:40 UTC
Name: Alma
Age: 30
Username: almalthia
Email: almalthia80@yahoo.com
IM: almalthia80

Character name: Zhaneel
Series: Heralds of Valdemar
Timeline: After the death of Urtho and Ma'ar, while waiting for Skan to reappear through the gate following Aubri and Kechara. (End of 'The Black Gryphon' pre-epilogue)


Zhaneel 2/? bondedgryphon December 31 2010, 00:00:26 UTC
Background:::The Mage Wars ( ... )


Zhaneel 3/? bondedgryphon December 31 2010, 00:01:07 UTC
Already understandably upset at being treated like second rate chattel, this with-holding of information causes great strife amongst the gryphons and they stage a coup, sending Skandranon (Urtho's favorite amongst the gryphons) into Urtho's tower to find answers for them all. After finding out the secret to free-breeding, instead of fleeing as Urtho feared, the gryphons remain with their Father to defend and fight for their army. They prove not only to their Father that they are so much more than he thought, but also those humans that thought them no more than breathing cannon fodder. They are viewed with a new level of respect and treated with better dignity than they have been since their creation. During the final battle, those that cannot fight help evacuate the encampments and the flee to safer grounds by way of Gates, taking with them books and information of import that will prove vital to starting a new colony. It is not until after the simultaneous deaths of Urtho and Ma'ar that any of the gryphons begin striking out on their ( ... )


Zhaneel 4/? bondedgryphon December 31 2010, 00:02:04 UTC
She and Skandranon become mated through some very fancy mating flights after Skan learns of the little Kechara, a gryphlet that is simple of mind, but strong of Mind-Gifts. The pair take in the gryphlet as their own adopted daughter just before the final battle with Ma'ar kicks off.

Zhaneel remains behind to help evacuate the camp while her mate, along with several others, goes off to deliver a magical box that will explode on the death of Urtho. Urtho, gravely wounded, sends his children (the gryphons) and friends across a magical Gate that will take them safely from the explosion that will rid them of their enemy.

Unfortunately, as the Gate flares to life in what should be the appearance of her mate and friend, Zhaneel is snatched away and brought to the Wood, the state of her beloved Skan and the rest of those close to her unknown.

Personality:Years of emotional abuse has taken it's toll on the young gryphon, Zhaneel. Losing both parents at a very young age, her care was entrusted to the Trondi-irn (non-human healer) of the ( ... )


Zhaneel 5/? OMG, I'M SO SORRY bondedgryphon December 31 2010, 00:02:56 UTC
It's amazing to her, then, that she succeeds in taking out not one of the misshapen gryphons, but all three that she moved in against. She had expected the move to lead to her death, but instead she survives and finds herself receiving praise and a prize token from Urtho himself. She is flabbergasted, not knowing what to make heads or tails of, finally going because she is told that the kestra'chern can bring her pleasure and make her feel well ( ... )


Zhaneel 6/? ALMOST THERE I SWEAR ;___; bondedgryphon December 31 2010, 00:04:11 UTC
She is not one to carry a grudge against someone that has admitted their fault in something, but she damn well will remember it. Let it happen again and consequences might prove a little heavier than you anticipated ( ... )


Zhaneel 7/7 AND DONE! ;A; bondedgryphon December 31 2010, 00:07:57 UTC
Spoken/Written languages: Common (english)

Items: Neck pouch for carrying items, inside a gold reward chit. She would have had her crossbow/bolts and war-claws, but those will go bye-bye.

Third person sample:The smells were one of the first things that alerted the gryphoness that something drastic had changed. The smells and the way the sun sat in the sky, its light cutting through the thick foliage of trees that shouldn't have been there. Slowly Zhaneel comes around, inner lids sweeping across her yellow eyes several times as she lifts her head from the leaf covered ground. She shakes her head several times, remembering only the intense feeling of free-fall, although she had been on the ground at the time the Gate engaged ( ... )


ACCEPTED forestcalf January 1 2011, 05:47:50 UTC

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