Hot Lady in Nearly No Clothes - Warning! :3

Aug 23, 2011 16:31

Characters: Faye Valentine and ALL EVERYONE ALL

Location: Larmline Apartments

Time: Early Morning (as in, 1/2am)

Style: Whatever.


Finally, those fishy freaks had seemed to have disappeared. Or, eventually, the folks round Vatheon had killed them off. Faye had considered helping out but, then again, what a waste of ammo, ( Read more... )

karkat vantas, faye valentine

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inkedhistory August 23 2011, 15:46:16 UTC
And what do you know. One of those apartments she's knocking at happens to be Lavi's.

The red head, hair disheveled and eye patch slightly lopsided, slowly opens the door. The normally cheery Lavi is wearing a frown.

"Oi, lady," he narrows his green eye. He would probably think she was pretty, if it wasn't for this ungodly hour or her loud voice. "Some'f us are still tryin' ta sleep, ya know?"


myfayevalentine August 23 2011, 15:49:09 UTC
Faye glanced the guy over, noting the eyepatch almost at once. Ah, it made him seem much more reasonable. In some bizarre way, that made sense to her.

"Hey, cowboy. Got any food?"

Faye was good at playing sweet, and she made sure she loomed impressively in his doorway.


beeeeth!!! 8> inkedhistory August 23 2011, 19:23:24 UTC
Lavi blinked. Twice. Then stared for a fairly long time. This lady woke him up...well, probably woke half the apartment building up, because she wanted food.

"Maaah," he straightened up, and took a slight step back at said looming. "Not really...Left over donuts, maybe." See that look? He isn't all too willing to share.

This guy loves his sleep. Especially recently. So, excuse him. He isn't one happy camper at the moment. Which is quite rare...You just happened to get him at a bad time.


^_____________^!!!!! myfayevalentine August 23 2011, 20:30:47 UTC
"Donuts? I guess that'll do." Looks like Faye's just helping herself into Lavi's apartment. Donuts would be better than nothing. So she presses herself towards him and grins, evidently planning on finding and eating said donuts.


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myfayevalentine August 23 2011, 20:33:51 UTC
Faye grinned at the girl and took the plate, though she did look a little disppointed at its contents. What did this woman think she was? A beggar?! Faye still snatched the plate and padded into the girl's apartment.

"Well, better than nothing I guess."


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myfayevalentine August 24 2011, 14:52:28 UTC
Oh shit. Faye heard the dog, her eyes darting about the place to try and find it out.

"You keep animals in here?"

Faye sounded quite incredulous, a little less pleased to be there, but she held tight onto her bread and butter anyway.


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myfayevalentine August 23 2011, 20:35:59 UTC
Faye just glanced the...thing? over. What the hell was it? Some kinda monster, or she really was beyond tired. Her eyes widened as she stared at the thing. Fuck off? Faye just shrugged.

"You fuck off."


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myfayevalentine August 23 2011, 20:40:20 UTC
Faye just looked down at the guy - it wasn't even a stare. Just looking, with big tired eyes. She glanced at that finger and shrugged again.

"Okay, kid. Whatever. But take it easy."


thetrollprince August 24 2011, 02:37:28 UTC
Luckily for this woman, the door she happened to be knocking on was that of Orihara Izaya. Not only did he like Faye personally, but he didn't sleep all too often as is. Currently, he was situated at his desk with a fresh cup of tea. He had sent Kaori to bed at least an hour ago and had just begun to finish up work he had promised would take minutes. Please. Like an informant's work was ever done.

He had heard the woman's bitching and yelling for a while now but mostly ignored it. Until, of course, she was knocking at his door and it was only then that the voice registered. Setting down his cup of tea, he left his desk. Unlike Faye, his pajamas were a bit more modest. A gray hoodie and a pair of black shorts that just went a little above his knees. And some ankle-socks. He padded across the floor, looking over his shoulder to see if Kaori had awoken but of course- the dark apartment remained silent ( ... )


myfayevalentine August 24 2011, 08:49:11 UTC
"Izaya. My hero." The words were spoken deadpan, without the kind of emotion that someone would normally put with them, even if they were only joking. Maybe Faye wasn't joking. Dumplings? She felt like she had been rescued.

Faye strode comfortably into the flat - likely Izaya looked very cute indeed, but he could have been naked and her reaction would have been entirely the same. "Did you make the dumplings?" Given that Larmline apartments were all similar, if not the same, Faye walked herself into his kitchen and began a hunt for them, peering into the fridge.

Really, it was good for her to know that there was someone who was around at that time of the morning - and, more to the point, that Izaya was never far away from her. It was comforting, but be damned if she would ever suggest such a thing.


thetrollprince August 24 2011, 23:01:50 UTC
Let's just face it, these two would forever and always be the cutest citizens of Vatheon. The one thing he did notice was that the yellow with her hair looked pretty stylish. He made a mental note to compliment her about that later. But for now? He was busy following her into his kitchen. He didn't mind the nosy behavior. As a matter of fact, it was pretty nice to not have to play super-formal-house guest for once ( ... )


myfayevalentine August 25 2011, 19:06:45 UTC
Faye paused in her rummaging of his fridge to stand straight, turning to look at Izaya with quite the incredible expression, "Izaya has a secretary?" She laughed, but only because she hadn't imagined Izaya as strictly the business type. Mafia, maybe. But a secretary, "A secretary that cooks, huh? I gotta get me one of those..."

Faye was keen for these dumplings, and she took him as directed and fumbled about a bit for some chopsticks. Tilting her head back to her host, she gave a soft smile, "Wanna heat them up for me?"

Half-naked? Faye shook her head, almost like she was disappointed with his comment. "I could be a lot more half-naked if I wanted to be..." But her amused smile faded slightly and she adjusted a strap on her shoulder, "I slept for a while... then those fish things came."


neutral_loli August 24 2011, 03:25:43 UTC
At the sound of shouting at the door, Liechtenstein gets up, still quite sleepy, and wonders if Mister Italy had wandered into their yard again, without his clothes, and brother was shooting his gun at the poor nation. When she doesn't hear the sounds of gunshots or screaming, the little nation remembers that she's still in Vatheon.

Letting out a little yawn and donning on a night robe, she leaves the warmth of her bed and puts on her slippers before heading to the door. Carefully, she opens the door, the light in the hallway making her squint, and peers at the person pounding at her door.


She hastily covers her mouth while yawning.


myfayevalentine August 24 2011, 14:54:22 UTC
Faye looked down at the girl, seemingly rather started to see someone so cute appear at the door.

"Hello. You don't happen to have any food you could spare, do you?"

Faye would have to play sweetness with sweet, so she smiled as best as she knew how. Getting men to give her what she wanted was one thing, but cute girls? She wasn't so sure.


neutral_loli August 24 2011, 16:43:04 UTC
Rubbing her eyes, Lichtenstein tries to remember what she currently has in the refrigerator to offer the woman. During the attack, she had thought it would be best to stock up on food, in case the attack lasted longer than a week. Preparing food did make take her mind of the creatures roaming the city, though it did leave her with too many leftovers to finish herself.

"Hello. Ah, yes I do have some extra food to spare."


myfayevalentine August 25 2011, 19:02:04 UTC
That would have made sense. Faye on the other hand, she just loaded up on snacks and couldn't be bothered leaving for any real food. Faye? Lazy? Nah, she just knows how she prefers to spend her energy.

"Aww, really? That would be really kind."


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