
Jun 27, 2011 20:10

Characters: Equius Zahhak and whoever feels like bugging him
Location: The park
Time: Afternoon on the first day of the curse
Style: Whatever!
Status: Open ( Read more... )

karkat vantas, kikuchi hiro, silver (pokemon), equius zahhak, rainbow dash, gamzee makara

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Comments 92

brbstealingpknm June 27 2011, 11:54:59 UTC
This pony here will just snort in disgust, ears flicking back. Ugg. Morons. This whole stupid bubble is filled with complete morons. He doesn't know you, but that's never stopped him from being a massive douche.

"You are aware that you look like a moron."


stayb100ponyboy June 27 2011, 12:23:11 UTC
Equius skids to a halt, then looks down his nose at the gaudy purple and red pony. Purple and red? Really?

"I'm sorry, pony, this horse is busy right now and can't play with you."

Trotting away briskly now, tail and nose high in the air.


brbstealingpknm June 27 2011, 12:37:40 UTC
Hey, it's better than the stupid grey!

Either way, his red eyes narrow under his mane as the thing leaves and slowly, his mouth curves into a smirk. Oh. Mistake in turning your back on him, Pokemon reject. Without saying a word, Silver trots after him - pretty much mimicking Equius, though how well he can pull it off as a pony's up for debate. "Horse? More like a reject Pokemon."


stayb100ponyboy June 27 2011, 12:52:27 UTC
A pony mimicking a horse? Is that really offensive?

Sigh and eye-roll. "I'm quite sure I said I didn't want to play with you, pony. Go away. And stop making up words."

He has no idea what a Pokemon is, but it sounds like an insult.


magnetimous June 27 2011, 13:23:40 UTC
Equius isn't the only one enjoying this curse.

There is a curly haired kid staring at him, and even though Equius has never seen Gamzee like this before --but, well, how has?-- he is still recognizable enough right? A mop of messy dark curls, more lankiness than one teen should be able to deal with and that familiar placid smile. Sure, his skin might not be grey anymore, and his clothes have been exchanged for a school uniform, but Gamzee is kind of unmistakable, no matter the species.

Especially when he opens his mouth. "You lookin' pretty fuckin' jazzed, bro."


stayb100ponyboy June 27 2011, 13:31:18 UTC
Equius would recognize Gamzee no matter what form he was in.

"Highblood!" He comes cheerfully trotting over, positively exuding happiness and good cheer; it's pretty clear that he is loving being a centaur.. "Isn't this the most amazing curse?"


magnetimous June 27 2011, 13:39:13 UTC
For once, Gamzee actually has to crane his head back a little to look up at Equius. Hey, add that horsey half and Equius is the taller of the two for this week. Folding his hands behind his head, he smiles up at him, not even bothering to hide his glee. "Shit, yeah. This place is real fuckin' generous with the miracles being. Haha, I all up and made me like Wataru and get this, the motherfucker all is lookin' like me right now. The old me, I mean."


stayb100ponyboy June 27 2011, 14:21:31 UTC
Equius isn't exactly trying to hide his happiness either. Being like this has thrust him into his rarest of states: a genuine good mood, unfettered by self-hatred or angst about touching anything. He's doing the beaming-without-smiling thing again, although with the proper motivation, the Highblood probably could tease a real smile out of him this week. Hey, it just seems like a week for miracles.

"Wataru is a troll? How is he enjoying that so far? And how do you like being a human?"


chairplay June 27 2011, 14:26:38 UTC
[sdkjhfjkdsh that's creepy as fuck--

Have a guy, perching in a tree with a nice fluffy pair of white angel wings and a sword. He's swinging the sword around as he watches Equius parade around.

Not going to say anything yet, nope nope, just kind of. Staring.]


stayb100ponyboy June 27 2011, 14:34:10 UTC
[Falkdhga'lkdghadskl... why is everyone so creeped out by centaurs? Centaurs are awesome, you're just jealous.]

[Equius doesn't notice the winged human watching him, and continues to practice his gates. He's getting better at cantering now (he can manage it without almost tripping himself), and is trying to psyche himself up to attempting a gallop.]


chairplay June 27 2011, 14:35:20 UTC
[He's totally going to change his sword into a bow and arrow now and... wait.

Just waiting for the perfect moment now.



stayb100ponyboy June 27 2011, 14:43:03 UTC

[Unaware that he's being watched, Equius tosses his head, throws caution to the wind, and starts galloping. Oh... oh, this must be what freedom feels like...]


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stayb100ponyboy June 27 2011, 21:59:54 UTC
Equius has almost given up on Karkat showing up; he's been in the park most of the afternoon with no sign of him, dealing with all sorts of shenanigans and meeting new people, so it's not like the day has been a complete waste. However, the time lag has given him plenty of time to get comfortable with his new body, and can move fairly well now, horse parts and all. He's also been gifted a bow and some arrows, so now he looks like a real centaur.

So he's a bit tired, and also pleased with himself, and doesn't hear or notice when Karkat dive-bombs him. The hoof clips him in the back of the head, making him stumble forward a few steps, and he whirls around angrily, looking for the responsible party.


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stayb100ponyboy June 28 2011, 00:50:49 UTC
Equius looks around, trying to figure out where that voice is coming from, until he looks up and... oh. Oh, Vantas wasn't lying, he really did kick him in the head.

From the ground, Equius snickers.

"A grievous oversight on my part. How could I possibly miss such an adorable little pony?"

Not that he's much bigger, but shhh, only insults now.


mauvesympathy June 27 2011, 20:45:45 UTC
[Oh hi, Equius.

Have a small, white pegasus pony accidentally crashing into you.
... He's been practicing flight for a while now.]



stayb100ponyboy June 27 2011, 22:02:01 UTC
[Oh hai, Soul, hai!]

[When the flying pony collides with him, Equius isn't expecting it and it knocks him clear off his feet--it's much easier to trip with four feet than two, okay?--and he lands in a tangle of limbs, tails, and presumably white pony.]



mauvesympathy June 27 2011, 22:04:13 UTC
[Hai, Equius, hai!

After that... presumably painful crash, he's gonna just... stumble out of the tangled mess of horse and feathers.]

Ugh... sorry, dude. Don't have the hang of this shit, yet.


wait... didn't they piss each other off when they met before? stayb100ponyboy June 28 2011, 00:52:32 UTC
Apparently not.

[Equius staggers to his feet--luckily, nothing seems broken or injured except his dignity--and eyeballs the white pony.]

Who are you?


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