
Dec 31, 2010 10:49

Who: Martha and OPEN. She's gonna be sneaking in multiple times, so THREADS ENCOURAGED.
When: Late afternoon, day 47
Where: The boarding house kitchen.
What: Martha Jones, cookie thief ( Read more... )

nathan ford, james t. kirk, [day 47], abby sciuto, [log]:, martha jones

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Comments 49

jusonepistachio December 31 2010, 16:16:12 UTC
If living in a house with deaf parents lead to one thing (other than being able to listen to your music as loud as you wanted) it was a keen awareness of ambient noise. Silence could in fact be very loud, alive with rumblings and creaks and groans. So Abby picked up on the oh-so-soft sound of footsteps, and it made her instantly curious. Everything made her instantly curious.

She was glad she had taken off her boots when she had come inside to get warm, it made it easier and quieter to do some tip-toeing of her own. She poked her head around the doorway and saw another little girl sneaking into the kitchen.

"Why are you sneaking?" she asked, in the too loud whisper perfected by children everywhere. "There's no one else in here."


thegooddrjones December 31 2010, 16:32:25 UTC
Martha yelped softly when someone broke the silence around her. She hadn't expected it, and she whirled quickly on her toes towards the other girl. The plaid skirt she'd worn spun pleasantly around her, and Martha was more than a little surprised (and distracted) by the furl of fabric.

It's entirely possible that child Martha had a little bit of ADD. However, when she saw that there was another girl, Martha grinned quickly. Her voice was spoken in that same too loud whisper. "Because there might be someone hiding, ya know? I always think my mum isn't there and then she turns up just in time to catch ya."

Martha beckoned the girl closer, and then she pulled a chair out from the table and brought it toward the counter where the jammy dodgers were. She swore that they were there. "'m Martha. What's your name?" A rather large grin and she looked rather pleased to see the girl.


jusonepistachio December 31 2010, 16:55:05 UTC
"Oh." Abby's eyes went wide at mention of possible hiders. She hadn't thought of that and she looked around the empty area as if expecting someone to jump out at them at any moment. Sneaking suddenly seemed like a good idea. Plus, it was fun to sneak so she nodded, and stage whispered. "Okay. good idea."

She moved forward at the other girl's beckoning, her socks making soft, whispery noises against the floor that sounded loud to her, but no adults suddenly appeared to ruin the fun so she didn't worry too much about it.

Abby hadn't paid much attention to the kitchen up until now, her morning and afternoon spent almost exclusively outside. They didn't get snow at home and she wanted to enjoy it as much as she could before she had to go back there.

She stood a little ways back from the counter, watching curiously as the girl pulled a chair up to it. "I'm Abby," she replied, grinning back. "Whatcha lookin' for?"


thegooddrjones December 31 2010, 17:06:39 UTC
"Yeah. You'd be surprised how good my mum is at it." Still stage whispering, Martha made a quick glance around, seeing if she could see anyone hiding in the shadows. She wasn't scared of things in the shadows, not really, she just preferred not to be surprised.

Martha had an eventful day; so far she'd discovered that magic was real and that Severus Snape was the best boy on the planet because he'd told her about it. However, the secret was important and she kept it locked up tight within her chest.

But when she was asked what she was looking for, a rather large hundred watt grin appeared. "'m looking for a jammy dodger. They're my favorite sort of biscuits."


goldn_boy December 31 2010, 16:41:16 UTC
Jim, not surprisingly to anyone who knew him, had a very similar idea. But he wasn't very sneaky about it--he wanted a cookie, he deserved a cookie, and anyway there was no one around to stop him from having one.

In fact, when Martha entered the kitchen, he already had one in his mouth and another in his hand. Which he promptly held out to the new girl.

"Want one?"


thegooddrjones December 31 2010, 16:48:25 UTC
Martha was surprised to see another person, and she blinked to him quickly, but she practically bounced over to the area where he was offering her the cookie from.

"Thanks!" She slipped it quickly into her mouth and then looked to him again. When she spoke it was around a rather full mouth of cookie. "'m Marfa." Her words were a bit garbled. "Wat's your name?"


goldn_boy December 31 2010, 18:31:17 UTC
"Jim!" Jim chirped. He had mostly swallowed his mouthful of cookie. "You have a funny accent."


thegooddrjones December 31 2010, 19:02:10 UTC
Martha's nose wiggled up when he said that she had a funny accent. "Nah uh. You've got a funny accent. 've got a proper English one. 'm from London. Where are ya from?"


sexycuzimbroken December 31 2010, 17:03:20 UTC
Nate had an interesting day by far. He was still trying to make sense of it all, really. What eleven year old wants to hear that they're really supposed to be an adult from some lady that says she knows him as a grownup? Even if the lady was really nice and made him hot chocolate. It was weird.

But he was happy to not be home. He was having a blast, and he wasn't going to let the things Sophie said stop him. Besides, he sounded like a really boring grownup, and he would thank himself for this later.

He was wandering by the kitchen when he spotted Martha and he grinned. He saw an opportunity for more fun. He slipped into the kitchen and let the door shut behind him, then crossed his arms.

"That'll cost ya," he said.


thegooddrjones December 31 2010, 17:13:04 UTC
The door shutting behind him made a rather loud noise in the near silence of the kitchen, and she gasped and giggled with more than a little comedic effect.

However, it wasn't adult; it was just a boy who was a bit older than she was, and was probably rather taller than she was. Her nose wiggled a bit when he mentioned that it would cost her.

"Cost me what?" She inclined her head and she watched him. "Do ya want a cookie too?"


sexycuzimbroken December 31 2010, 17:35:10 UTC
He smirked and shook his head. "Two bucks." Money meant everything, he knew that. He didn't pause to think if money existed in Peaksville, because how could it not? Everyone wanted money and only the smart guys got it. Smart guys like his dad, and he wanted to be like his dad. More or less.

Two fingers popped up. "Two bucks and I don't yell for help."


thegooddrjones December 31 2010, 17:44:36 UTC
Martha looked a bit confused, and she wiggled her nose up in response for it. She didn't know anything about a buck. After all, British people had the pound or the bit or something else, but never 'the buck.'

"What's a buck?" She asked the question quickly and stared at him before she took a bite of the cookie in her hand. It didn't make any sense, really. "Like a deer? Don't got two of them."


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