Trapesista [Yunchun] R

May 03, 2009 00:52

Title: Trapesista
Pair: Yunchun
Genre: AU, Angst
Warning: Characters Death & Slightly disturbing scenes
Rating: R
Length: Series
Word Count: 2,901
Summary: He falls in love with the assistant of the death just when he is about to die.
A/N:I have two reasons why I write this fic. First cause I hate not seeing a long Yunchun story and because Im advertising my newest com tvxq_tragedias
After thinking and a lot of convincing from a friend the post are unlock so anyone can read.
A/N-2: After three months here is the part five!!!!! Is long, probably the longest piece I ever written. I think I switch from verb tenses a lot, hope it won't be obstacle to read. And dont kill me because I ended this part there. *hides* Theres a lot of new information but still Im not telling everything. The montage of the pics are mine, the texture for it found it on

I. / II. / III. / IV.

When Yunho walked out of the Inanis Theater it was already night. His mind replaying the last conversation with Yoochun. After Yunho wrote down everything on that paper coming with the first conclusion that Jaejoong and Yoochun were already dead was very easy but his mind or more like his heart screamed the second conclusion. Jung Yunho is in love with Yoochun the trapesista.

”When? How? Why? Are you crazy? Yunho you don’t know what you are saying.” Yoochun yells walking back and forth in the room. Yunho keeps his gaze down, heart beating fast inside his already tight chest. “Yunho… get out of here.” Yunho stands up and walks out

When Yunho arrived at his apartment he sat down on one of the chairs of his dinner area and stared at the page full of his scribbles.

Yunho pulls another white sheet and writes:

Yunho fetch his laptop and started to search for the history of the theater. There has to be something linked to the theater, they are always there.

After a couple of hours Yunho was frustrated to no end. Nothing, the theater had nothing that can be related to them. But after giving it a couple of thoughts, it didn’t matter. After Death assigns you someone everything conspire together to assure the success of the task.

So the theater didn’t matter, what it really matters is Jaejoong and Yoochun… and the dreams.


Jaejoong really left Yoochun for the first time in centuries. Being the first one, without a previous guideline makes you search. He remembers now the first time Yoochun went with him to the timeless library.

Jaejoong knows the library by heart, spending centuries in it makes you remember every corner. Jaejoong remembers very clearly Yoochun face back those times. It was pure terror. Jaejoong had to admit the building is pretty intimidating and scary. Just imagine walls in and out full, pack with souls.

So here he is once again, looking for something he can’t quite remember. There’s something about Yunho’s dreams, about Yunho’s words that reminds him of something he read many millenniums ago. Something that the past Deaths left behind.

You see this thing of being the assistant of Death is something relative new. It started because the present Death finds its way to stay longer. There is a manuscript that one of the Deaths left to prevent, and if it materializes then to break, the circle of the assistants.

But Jaejoong couldn’t remember where he read it but he knows he read it. He started roaming around, looking aimlessly through the books. After a long time or really not, Jaejoong founds the manuscript he was looking for.

He sits down on a chair, totally out of habit, and looks through the book. In the page seven and eight there it was.

Jaejoong smiles happily that he found what he came for and if his thoughts were right Yunho is the beholder of the truth. The end of all this is starting.


Yoochun is balancing his body on the trapeze when Jaejoong arrive. “Where were you?” Jaejoong smile at Yoochun “Making a visit to the timeless library” Yoochun arcs an eyebrow “Is been a long time since you go back there. Why now?”

Jaejoong waves the manuscript in front of Yoochun’s face. A knowing smile rips from Jaejoong face, making Yoochun very curious about the manuscript. “What’s in that Jaejoong?” Jaejoong flips open the manuscript before shoving the text in front of Yoochun’s eyes.

Yoochun eyes pop out of his sockets after reading it. This is why Jaejoong went to the timeless library. Yunho is the beholder of the truth. Yoochun smile sadly, his heart breaking a little bit more, bleeding a little bit longer.

Jaejoong knowing how Yoochun’s heart works he pats him on the shoulder “Let’s hope he is right Yoochun, let’s hope you don’t have to kill him.”

After hearing Jaejoong talking about the manuscript Yoochun walks inside of his room. Yunho’s words kept circling around his mind, not leaving a second of mental peace. A couple of days past without a word of Yunho and without peace of mind, Yoochun felt restless, preoccupied, anxious and at the end of all the different feelings Yoochun felt there was little thing clinging on a tiny side of his heart.

Longing is making its way into Yoochun’s heart and he hates it. Yoochun can’t fall for Yunho… no; he can’t let it happen. But Yoochun waits and waits, he looks out from one of the theater broken window, hoping and almost calling for Yunho.

Too many days past like this without peace of mind and longing for what he shouldn’t be longing until reality and duty paid him a reality check visit.

One day he wakes up to find Death seating at the end of his bed, Jaejoong is casually leaning on one of Yoochun’s bed post. Blazing red eyes look through Yoochun’s hollow ones and he heard it clearly. A dark and deathly voice boom through his brain.

“Time is running out. Better run along or you will get run by it.”

With that Death disappears and Yoochun’s body starts to shiver. Jaejoong rubs Yoochun’s back soothingly. “Everything’s gonna be alright.” Yoochun looks up at his ceiling and sigh.

“No Jaejoong, nothing’s gonna be alright.”


Yunho spend the days after his last visit to Yoochun arranging everything for his work after he handed in his resign letter. Yunho’s boss was surprise of the sudden decision but Yunho know well why it was like that.

Yunho interview endless of candidate but only one caught his eyes. A young man called Shim Changmin. Tall, handsome, intelligent, witty man with the knowledge that is needed to be in this position. When everything was set up Yunho left his job in the capable hands of Changmin and without looking back he walk out of his job. One step closer too to leaving his life.

Yunho wanted with all of his heart to see Yoochun again, but in order to achieve his plan his feeling had to wait a little longer. The dreams kept appearing. Jaejoong’s death day, Yoochun’s death day and his own death day. And new dreams started to show night after night. Yunho saw some shows, he saw people he knew and people he didn’t. He heard a deep voice way back on his head but he ignore it. He saw red eyes, he saw blood, he heard screaming, he inflicted suffering and Yunho suffer within himself.

And then he started seeing thinks when he was wide awake. Yunho started to get scared of himself, he lock up himself fearing he could hurt someone from outside. Visions of his pale face and languish body drove him crazy.

Until one night Yunho broke down and cut deep into his soul and body. The thrill of his own blood swiping out of his body mesmerizing but the pair of black eyes that look back at him through the mirror scared him to no end.


Jaejoong never felt guilty about being who he was no matter how a monster people could think of him. In the end he ceases to be a human being centuries ago, so why would he care about something as superficial as that. But when Jaejoong heard screaming he started to care about how of a monster he is.
The screaming kept going on and on. Couple of seconds later Jaejoong heard footsteps beside him and he spare at glaze and everything stop in that second. Jaejoong saw Yunho bloody body walking past him, but what shock him the most was Yunho’s black eyes.


Yoochun felt Yunho’s presence seconds before he heard the screaming. All the souls in his walls were writhing in pain, screaming, squealing. If Yoochun didn’t felt the fear he felt it the moment Yunho walk through his door, bloody slipping out of his wrist, black eyes stared at him.

Jaejoong walk in too and started to tend the wounded wrist of Yunho while Yoochun stare with wide eyes. Fear froze him. “Yoochun I need your help” Jaejoong said to a very frozen Yoochun. “Damn it Yoochun, snap out it and help me you dumbass” Jaejoong yelled successfully bringing Yoochun back to earth.

Yoochun quickly started to tend Yunho’s right wrist while Jaejoong tend Yunho’s left wrist. After they cleaned up Yunho Jaejoong nudge Yoochun on the ribs. “There’s not a single soul in the walls” Jaejoong said softly looking at the walls. Yoochun look at Yunho and sigh. “Can’t you feel the fear Joongie?” Yoochun asked Jaejoong “Yes I do Yoochun” and they both look at Yunho black eyes “I feel it right into my bones.”


Yunho feels the fear in Yoochun and Jaejoong. It scares him that even the assistant of Death could fear a mere human. Yunho stares at the soulless wall thanking that they don’t have mirrors here. Yoochun walks to Jaejoong and whisper something so softly Yunho couldn’t hear it. But soft voices start to talk inside of Yunho’s head. Yunho cover his ears with his hands and closes his eyes.

“How the hell he ended with those black eyes Jaejoong?” Yoochun asks Jaejoong while Jaejoong gaze at Yunho. “I seriously don’t know. I don’t know everything Yoochun.” Jaejoong said to Yoochun helplessness slipping through his voice. “Yoochun” Yunho’s small voice breaks the conversation between Yoochun and Jaejoong. Yoochun looks at Yunho then at Jaejoong. “Go. Stop hanging on the past Yoochun. He is the one who you love now.” Yoochun looks at Jaejoong with sad eyes before walking back to Yunho.

“I will be in the library.” And with that Jaejoong was gone.

Yunho feels Yoochun sitting beside him but still he didn’t open his eyes. “Yunho?” Yoochun calls for him but he didn’t answer back. Yunho keeps his ear sealed with his hands trying desperately to ignore the voices inside his head.”Yunho” Yoochun call once again and earning nothing as a reply he kneel in front of Yunho and touch lightly Yunho’s chin.

Yunho opens his still black eyes and stare directly into Yoochun eyes. “I’m haven’t die and I started to change. I have no longer a place in the world. I’m not one of you and I’m not human anymore. My blood dazzles me, curse souls are afraid of me and I’m seeing what I will do once I become what I have to be.” Yunho’s hands drop on his lap and he let out a sigh.

Yoochun kept staring at Yunho’s black eyes trying to figure it out all this mess. “What you want me to do Yunho?” I know nothing, I feel clueless, I haven’t done anything and you already love me.” Yoochun sigh and rest his head over Yunho’s knee “and I’m finding myself longing for your presence and it’s irritating me. I fear for you, I don’t want you to end here, in this place that is not a place. I have nothing. Jaejoong have nothing. I don’t want nothingness for you.”

Yunho chuckles at Yoochun words. Yoochun glare at Yunho “why are you laughing at?”

“Do you know the meaning of sacrifice?”

“Do you know the meaning of sacrifice?” Jaejoong smile at the last word he heard of Yunho. People ignore literature, ignore novels, short stories and the funny thing is that in every single story love is the main influence.

All this time what he and Yoochun did was deceive people. Make a beautiful, endearing lie to achieve the goal of taking the soul. Assistant only do what they ask, we don’t love, and we can’t.

But Yunho is other thing, other being, more than death, less than human. Yunho is something new altogether. So Jaejoong couldn’t think love between Yoochun and Yunho be a bad thing. Besides if it’s what it takes to free them then so be it.

“Jaejoong” he hear Yoochun calling his name and he reluctantly turn back to the theater. When he arrive Jaejoong found Yoochun sitting on the floor his head resting on Yunho’s knee, eyes close, face displaying pain through his features.

Yunho looks directly at him, his black eyes staring hopefully at Jaejoong. “I need you to find something” Yunho says and Jaejoong arcs his left eyebrow “I need you to find which human haves too many time, how many times he or she has skip death.” Jaejoong frown “Why would you want to know that?”

“Wouldn’t you give endless time to the person who can steal the power you have?”


Yunho couldn’t believe they haven’t thought of it. If Death found a way to stay longer and stronger and there was something or someone who can stop him, who can take away all the power he have, Death will make itself sure to not let that stop him. If a human has the power to dethrone him Death will never let this human die.

Yunho needed right now to know the name, to know who he is searching for, who’s gonna free them all from this mess up thing. He wanted time with Yoochun and Yoochun only so there he got his shot. He could have the information he needed and made Jaejoong stay away from Yoochun.

Jaejoong looks at Yunho and then at Yoochun. “We don’t have much time Yunho” “Then I would be on those shoes more time that I was planning.” Yoochun wraps his arms around Yunho’s leg and sigh, sadness taking over his features.

“I just need a name and a place. I just need that Jaejoong.” Jaejoong nod once and disappear.

“What are you planning to do Yunho? Why aren’t you at your home curl up in a human ball, shivering in horror?” Yoochun asks Yunho a frown appearing on his forehead. Yunho sigh heavily before looking at Yoochun. “Look at me Yoochun” the assistant opens his eyes and he looks directly to the black pool of Yunho’s “Are you afraid of me?”

Yoochun lost himself in those dark eyes. “I know more things to be afraid of than you.” Yunho smiles at Yoochun before caressing Yoochun left cheek-

“don’t be”.


Jaejoong could feel the annoyance slipping through Yunho’s pours. “Sorry for interrupting your little quest” Yunho glares at Jaejoong “but I got to the information you needed.” Jaejoong laughs at Yunho’s shock expression and quickly changing into a sad and displease one. “The thing is I got three names.” “Three names?” Jaejoong nods at Yunho’s question before getting into de detail.

“Yours, Kim Junsu and Shim Changmin.” “How my name is there?” Jaejoong chuckles at Yunho’s question. “Simply because Yoochun is taking too long to kill you.” In that exact second Jaejoong felt regret for the first time, Yunho’s face change into an unreadable expression and Jaejoong almost, just almost felt afraid.

“You said my name and a Kim Junsu and a Shim Changmin, right?” Jaejoong nods again. “Can you tell me how this Shim Changmin looks like?” Jaejoong tilts his head “Why you wanna know that?” “Just answer the question Jaejoong.”

Jaejoong sigh and describe Shim Changmin as tall, high cheekbones, chapped lips, manly nose, square like jaw, dark hair, long legs, very polite and charming but a bit nerdy and sharp with words.
Yunho held a thoughtful expression until Jaejoong got enough of being ignored.

“Do you know him?” Jaejoong ask Yunho with a friendliness that never existed and that Yunho didn’t needed to point out. He got more important things to do. “He is the one replacing me at the company I worked for.”Jaejoong raise his eyebrow and mouthed the words ‘interesting, very interesting.’

“Do you think then this Kim Junsu is the one?” Yunho looks directly at Jaejoong eyes and manage to not scare him. “Why you think that?” Jaejoong bites the corner of his lips, another human habit he adopted, “Seems that this Shim Changmin is taking your place in the human world, maybe this Kim Junsu would take your place in our world.” And Yunho hated that probably, just probably Jaejoong was right.


“Okay, okay, okay. Got it. You want alone time with him.” Yoochun pouty lips what was all it took to convince Jaejoong to disappear.

Yunho was roaming around the theater when Yoochun begged Jaejoong to go. After Jaejoong left Yoochun waited for around half an hour with no sign of Yunho. He knew Yunho was near, very near him but didn’t exactly know where.

After another painful ten minutes Yunho appear, casually leaning on the door frame, eyes closes. Yoochun walked to where Yunho was and wraps his arms around Yunho’s waist. Yunho relaxed in the hug and wraps his arms around Yoochun.

They held each other for a long time before Yunho tilt Yoochun’s head up and press his still warm lips to Yoochun’s cold ones.

Soon they walk to the bed blindly. Lips, teethes and tongues crashing in passionate fever, twirl steps and overwhelming need for each other.

Yunho’s knees hit the bed first and Yoochun fall with him like they were tied to each other. Yoochun broke the kiss first and stare at Yunho’s face. His fingers caress, like a child caress his mom when she just save him from a bad thing, every angle on Yunho’s face. Eyebrows, forehead, cheekbones, nose, upper lip, lower lip, chin, jaw and for the last place Yoochun brushes Yunho eyelashes.

“Open your eyes.” Yoochun whisper softly.

Meeting beautiful brown eyes.

fic: trapesista, pair: yunchun, author: emda, rating: r

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