Trapesista [Yunchun] R

Feb 04, 2009 22:38

Title: Trapesista
Pair: Yunchun
Genre: AU, Angst
Warning: Characters Death & for this part I added some crude pics that I made.
Rating: R
Length: Series
Word Count: 1,814
Summary: He falls in love with the assistant of the death just when he is about to die.
A/N:I have two reasons why I write this fic. First cause I hate not seeing a long Yunchun story and because Im advertising my newest com tvxq_tragedias
After thinking and a lot of convincing from a friend the post are unlock so anyone can read.
This is not as smoothly as I hope it to be but you guys needs some answers to straight to the point it is for a bit.
Yunho wanted to spill all the beans but he can't.

I. / II. / III.


Yunho looks around his apartment, looking for something to do, something, anything to stop his mind of thinking about them, about the dreams. This was getting scary, sick, and deadly and Yunho didn’t like it a bit. He didn’t want to think about all this, Yunho didn’t want to think about Yoochun.

But his mind screams at him to solve this, to break the puzzles of this crazy situation. So he sits down on a chair of the kitchen table with pen and paper. Yunho starts to write down all the things. The dreams, the envelopes, the promotion, the reaction of everyone in town, the theater, the performance, Yoochun, the room, the pictures, Jaejoong; Yunho wrote every single thing he could remember and that happened in the white paper.

After everything was written down on the paper Yunho looks at it and read it out loud. The first thing he was completely sure is that everything run in circles. The dreams were always the same and he always wakes up at the exact same time. The envelopes always arrive at the same hour on the exact same spot and even when Yunho opened and toss it on the trash after reading it. The day of the show there was promotion everywhere and everyone in town knew about it but no one had an invitation like Yunho.

The performance of Yoochun captivated everyone, especially him. But Yunho got scared and run out of the theater but it turn out like the performance never happened. The next day was exactly the same, the promotions, the people euphoric about it but when Yunho didn’t go the show was canceled.

Then the incident with his walls and the conversation with Jaejoong and Yoochun. Yunho was completely sure that everything will repeat again. The last thing Yunho wrote on the paper was his latest dream. After staring at the paper Yunho’s mind thought for a second, just a second if this newest dream is the way to end this craziness.

Yunho didn’t like this. He didn’t like it a bit.


Yoochun naked body lay on the cold floor of the theater, his hollow eyes staring at nothing. Jaejoong’s words keep circling inside of Yoochun’s head. Jaejoong was right no one of them had heart and his command was very clear.

A hand appears in front of Yoochun’s face and he took it gratefully. “You have to man up Yoochun.” Jaejoong said to him after pulling him up “and please get dress unless you’re asking for it.”Jaejoong arcs his left eyebrow teasingly and Yoochun laugh it off.

“I’m a man” Yoochun said to Jaejoong “A man that will do his work his own way, not your way but my way.” Yoochun walks inside of his room put clothes on his body and started preparing for what he had to do.


The next day work for Yunho passed in blur. His mind working like crazy to solve the puzzle of Yoochun and the Inanis Theater. So when he finds the envelope on his desk fifteen minutes before 5 o’clock he decides to pay a second visit to Yoochun.

So when the clock hit 5 Yunho took all of his thing and walk quickly to the theater. Yunho stood in front of the theater broke entrance hesitating a bit. Yunho took a deep breath and walked inside.

When Yunho reached the door of Yoochun’s room Yoochun walked out of it. “I sense you.” Yoochun simply said to Yunho and walked pass him. Yunho looked back before stepping inside of Yoochun’s room.

Yunho looked around finding Jaejoong’s picture and Yoochun’s picture. First conclusion: both Jaejoong and Yoochun were already dead. Yunho stared at the walls, at the deformed faces. He walked closer to one of the deformed things finding that he didn’t fear it. The thing tried to reach for him but he stared almost deadly at it, scaring it.

Yunho laugh at how easy these things get scared. Yunho kept looking around “What are you doing here?” Yoochun asked. Yunho replied to him without looking at him “Answers.”

“Have you found something?” Yoochun said resting his weight on the border of the door. Yunho purse his lips and look at Yoochun “Yeah and it was the easiest answer ‘till now.” Yoochun arc his left eyebrow curiosity making its way to his mind. “Can I know the answer Yunho?” Yunho smile at Yoochun “That you and Jaejoong are dead. Oh and these things inside your walls are easily scared.”

Yoochun furrow his eyebrows “You are not scared? And how these damn souls are easily scared?” Yunho looked away from Yoochun “Because I dreamt about you, your death and Jaejoong’s death before even getting the invitation.” Yunho toss it the envelope to the floor. Yoochun stared at Yunho trying very hard to decipher Yunho and the fact that he dreams about them. “And these damn souls like you called them get scared just by glaring at them. Either you and Jaejoong glare at them too much or something is wrong with me.”

Yoochun walked closer to Yunho. “Something wrong with you?” Yunho glared at Yoochun just the exact way he glared the soul a couple of minutes ago. All the souls that were staring shrink at Yunho’s glare. “Are you scared Yoochun?” and Yoochun almost gap at how dark Yunho’s voice was for that second. Yoochun’s body shivers before stepping back, away from Yunho.

“I even know how this is going to end” Yunho murmurs “Or at least the way it will turn out if I want this to go, to end.” Yoochun gasp at how dark Yunho expression was. “How you know that?” Yoochun asked Yunho, his mind going crazy with all these.

“I saw it.” Yunho simply said, staring at the floor. “You what?” Yoochun nearly shout the words before grabbing Yunho by the shoulders making him looked at his eyes. Yunho took a deep breath and repeated his words “I saw it.”

“How?” Yoochun asked desperation grasping his body “How Yunho, how?” Yunho chuckle before looking directly at Yoochun’s blank eyes “The exact same way I saw you and Jaejoong.”


Jaejoong stared at Yunho and Yoochun. He clear sensed a lot of tension and he could smell fear mixed with fury. Jaejoong find Yunho’s posture, words and aura strange. No one in centuries, maybe millennium dreamt about them. And to make it more strange the souls feared Yunho, a mere mortal. Even to him, the dark aura around Yunho made his body shiver shortly.

The strangest thing was that Jaejoong heard about this before or more like it read it on something.

This job, to be the assistant of death, wasn’t created from the beginning and it won’t suppose to last this long. Something told Jaejoong deep inside that this never ending circle would be break soon.


Yoochun push Yunho to sit on his bed and sits beside him. “Jaejoong come out here.” Yunho said startling Yoochun a bit. “How you know he is here?” Yoochun asks the exact same moment when Jaejoong appear in front of them.

“Somehow he can’t go on, he can’t move on. Don’t ask me why I know this, I just know that you two have past and until you go” Yunho point at Yoochun “he can’t go.” Jaejoong stared at Yunho like he was something new and frightening.

Yunho chuckles “This is weird, see I need you two to talk about yourself, or you want me to figure it out all by myself. Believe me I have a lot of possible theories.” Yoochun looks at Jaejoong searching for any signal but Jaejoong merely stared at Yunho.

Yoochun sigh and thought ‘we all going to hell, so let’s make the ride shorter.’ “You already state that we are dead” Yoochun sigh again “but I really can’t tell what you wanna know.”

“We are the assistant of Death” Jaejoong said suddenly “that means you’re gonna die Yunho.” Yunho laugh softly “I know” Jaejoong look at Yunho “You are going to die Yunho. Yoochun is going to kill you.” Yoochun stand up in a second pushing Jaejoong away from Yunho “No he’s not gonna kill me.” Yunho said looking straight to the wall before him “I’m gonna die, I know for fact, but he is not gonna kill me.”

Jaejoong glare at Yunho and Yoochun felt how the atmosphere got heavier. “I am not the normal assignment Jaejoong” Jaejoong still glaring at Yunho while Yoochun kept him away from Yunho “I know I’m gonna be something darker, something even you Jaejoong, the first one, will fear.”

Yoochun stared at Yunho this time, not caring about keeping Jaejoong away from Yunho. “What you just said?” Yoochun asked in disbelief of what he just heard “Jung Yunho explain you words right now” Yoochun demanded.

Yunho sigh “So Jaejoong killed you and you took his position as the assistant.” “Don’t fucking change the topic” Yoochun scream at Yunho charging towards him. Yoochun grab at Yunho’s shoulder shaking him back and forth “He didn’t killed me, he didn’t, he didn’t” Yunho look at the mess Yoochun was now “He didn’t I asked him.”

Yunho repeated his words “You won’t kill me.” Yunho grab Yoochun’s chin “This is not like last time” and Yoochun’s eye widen at the similarities of words “This is not like your last time Jaejoong” Yunho said looking directly into Jaejoong’s black eyes.

Yunho let go of Yoochun and walk around the tense room, not a single soul in the walls. “Each of you has a talent right” Yunho looks at Yoochun then at Jaejoong “Yoochun is a trapesista but what are you Jaejoong?”

“I’m an illusionist” Jaejoong said voice soft and careful “I see now, it makes sense. That’s why you appear and disappear and all that right?” Jaejoong simply nod at Yunho.


“Jaejoong can you leave for a bit; I wish to have a word with Yunho in private.” Jaejoong nod before disappearing. Yoochun sat on his bed “All of this is full of insanity, can you see it Yunho?” Yunho smile at Yoochun making Yoochun non-existing heart to jump “You think this is insane? Then tell me Yoochun if what you have with Jaejoong is not insane.”

“But we can change this Yunho, people escape from death a numerous time and you seems smart enough to do it too.” Yunho chuckle at the words of Yoochun before sighing “Yoochun, you story with Jaejoong wasn’t merely your death time it was more right” Yoochun looked at Yunho before nodding “We felt in love.”

Yunho look at the ceiling before taking a deep breath. “This isn’t my mere death time too Yoochun” Yoochun stared at Yunho, eyes wide with fear of what Yunho is implying “You can’t fall in love with me Yunho, you just can’t.”

Yunho look at Yoochun and smile a sad smile “I already did.”
I will like to share the song helps me to write Yunho's parts Decode by Paramore
This are the lyrics:
By Paramore
How can I decide what's right?
When you're clouding up my mind
I can't win your losing fight all the time
No care to ever own what's mine
When you're always taking sides
But you wont take away my pride
No not this time
Not this time

How did we get here?
Well I use to know you so well
How did we get here?
Well, I think I know

The truth is hiding in your eyes
And its hanging on your tongue
Just boiling in my blood,
But you think that I can't see
What kind of man that you are
If you're a man at all
Well, I will figure this one out
On my own ("I'm screaming I love you so")
On my own (My thoughts you can't decode)

How did we get here?
Well I use to know you so well, yeah.
How did we get here?
Well, I think I know

Do you see what we've done?
We've gone and made such fools of ourselves
Do you see what we've done?
We've gone and made such fools of ourselves

How did we get here?
Well I use to know you so well, yeah yeah.
How did we get here?
Well, I use to know you so well

I think I know
I think I know
There is something I see in you
It might kill me I want it to be true

fic: trapesista, pair: yunchun, author: emda, rating: r

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