Trapesista [Yunchun] R

Jan 03, 2009 14:30

Title: Trapesista
Pair: Yunchun
Genre: AU, Angst
Warning: Characters Death
Rating: R
Length: Series
Word count: 2,581
Summary: He falls in love with the assistant of the death just when he is about to die.
A/N: I have two reasons why I write this fic. First cause I hate not seeing a long Yunchun story and because Im advertising my newest com tvxq_tragedias. The only way to read this is to joining the comm. Im sorry for that but is a little bit more easy to do that than just making advertising post on other comms. Enjoy!!!
Remember Join to read!!!!!! tvxq_tragedias tvxq_tragedias.


Yunho wakes up with a startle, body cover with sweat. Yunho’s mind is trying to make sense to the images of a trapesista smiling at him while blood spills from Yunho’s body. A shiver runs through Yunho’s body while the same images play in the back of Yunho’s eyelids like a sick satiric movie. Yunho got out of bed and walk inside the dark bathroom. Yunho looks on the mirror just to find a disturbing image of himself with a smile, silly smile; blood in his face. Yunho quickly turns on the light. Yunho looks closely to his face in the mirror. No trace of smile, just a never ending frown painted in his face and certainly no blood.

Yunho shakes his head trying to erase from his mind the disturbing pictures. Not wanting to give it more thoughts. For two weeks already the dreams of the trapesista didn’t leave his mind. A feeling of unwellness and a thick aura of death always were the after effects of the dream.

But this time was different. This time he saw himself just after the dream.

Yunho just threw all the sick images to the back of his mind and started to get prepare for another day at work, after all the show must go on. Yunho turn on the shower, taking his clothes off his body and getting in the bathtub.


The wind moved the thin bar up and down, up and down. Dark hollow eyes looked at the empty theater. Soon his body moved like it has mind of its own, taking long steps, climbing, grabbing, flying, singing a voiceless song, an empty poem of an un-existent soul.

A broken song played in the background, a silly circus song long forgotten by the living people and the dead ones too. The empty bar now supported an apparently young guy, with formal black clothes, hair pulled to the back, serious face. Old. Too old for the century people lived on.

“Soon… we will meet soon Jung Yunho.”


Soft yellow sun light sneak between the curtains of Yunho’s bedroom playing abstracts forms over Yunho’s eyes. The soft light woke him up. Yunho look at his sides and frown. It is the first time waking up without the trapesista dream and Yunho didn’t like it.

Is not that he is some sort of a masochist but just like that, the dreams stop from appearing. Deep inside he didn’t felt that not having those dreams were a good sign. Yunho feels something is already near him and that he couldn’t do anything to make it to go away, to not invade his life.

As every day, Yunho prepare himself to work, an uneasy feeling creeping like a thin invisible fog around his nerves. Each day Yunho was getting busier, work starting to pile over his desk.

Fifteen minutes before 5:00pm he saw a brown envelope seal with a black wax something engrave in the wax and on the front of the envelope. Yunho look cautiously at the letter without opening before shrugging and tossing it in the trash can. He got back to his work finish just as the clock mark 5:00pm.

The screaming coming from his neighbors wakes him up, again no dream. Yunho felt anxious, nervous and he totally didn’t like any of this feelings. He washes himself, getting ready for another day at work.

Meetings, lunch with job related talks, more meetings, charts, numbers, words, clients, arguments, words, work and more work. Yunho sigh at the sight of all the folders invading the desk feeling that there was no ending, no hope to see his clear, clean desk.

Fifteen minutes before 5:00pm Yunho found between two blue folders a brown envelope sealed with black wax. Something unreadable was engrave on the wax and in the front of the envelope.

Yunho stare at the sealed letter, grab it with his left hand and throw it straight to the trash can.

A loud crash startles Yunho awake. He quickly ran to his bedroom window seeing a car crash at the side of the building he lives in. Yunho looks at the clock, seeing how late he could be if he didn’t get out now before all the police and curious people gather around the crash. The dream forgotten already.

He arrives at work just in time, greeting his secretary and co-workers. The day went by with work, rumors, politics discussion, sports talks, ladies talks, a little less charts, a lot of more words.

Still a pile of folders greet Yunho every time he spends time in his desk. ‘It will never end’ Yunho thought bitterly, grabbing a blue folder and working on it.

Fifteen minutes before 5:00pm Yunho opens the right drawer; finding a brown envelope with an engraved black wax greet him. Yunho glare at the envelope this time before once again throwing it to the trash can.

The clock hits 5:00pm and Yunho is walking out of his office.

A strange sound wakes up Yunho from his sleep, just to walk in his living room to finds his TV turn on, blue screen blink at him, the sound of static replacing every sound. Yunho looks around his house trying to find a way for his TV to be turn on when he didn’t even saw TV the night before. Finding nothing he prepares himself for another day of work.

Papers, blue folders, meeting, clients, more papers, long hours on the computer, words, words and more words and work. He sits down with his secretary checking some letters before she have to type them down.

Fifteen minutes before 5:00pm besides his glasses lay the now familiar brown sealed envelope with the black engraved wax. Yunho rubs his chin looking directly at the envelope before pressing a button calling for his secretary.

“Yes sir?”

“Eve, did someone brought this letter?”

Yunho’s secretary looks at the envelope before answering him.

“No sir is the first time I’m seeing that.” She answers and Yunho raises an eyebrow. “Are you totally sure Eve?” Eve bob his head up and down. Yunho sigh and thank her.

Yunho places the letter before him, dueling if it was wise to throw it again on the trash can. Predicting from previews event this will be here tomorrow fifteen minutes before 5:00pm.

The clock hits 5:00pm and Yunho opens the envelope.


A light is turn on; the trapesista is on the spotlight. He swings, he flies, he reaches, and someone dies.

Dark empty eyes flick open, the theater comes to life, dust cleaning itself, curtains getting open. The show will start soon. The guest has been invited and accepted.

Another light turns on; the trapesista is on the spotlight. He swings, he flies, he reaches, he falls and someone else dies.

Black old clothes turn it into more modern, out of any fashion ones. All the hair that was pull back comes to life tossing itself to every direction until it finds the right place. Dark eyes turn focus, still hollow, still empty, and still lifeless.

The theater is light up; the trapesista is on the spotlight. He swings, he flies, he reaches, he traps you, he takes you with him and you die.


Jung Yunho is invited to the private show NƎX hosted on the old Inanis Theater

Yunho reads the letter. Dark ink spread across the brown paper forming elegant, long, antique words. Yunho is invited to something he never heard and in a place he doesn’t know. A knock on Yunho’s office door and a second later the head of his secretary peak inside of his office.

“Still here sir?” shock visible on her face. Yunho smiles and nods to her. “Today I don’t feel the rush to go on time.” She smiles at him before closing the door. He looks again the brown letter before tossing it again on the trash can.


He rest in the black sofa, mentally neutralizing all the pained voices whispering from within the walls. This place, this room held thousand of souls; trapped between his knuckles. A deformed face pushed against the red walls whimpering for forgiveness, for freedom. He glare at it making the face scream silently, going back to the doom place.

Soon will be the date of the meeting. The day damnation will take over and death will have to fight for what it thinks it owns. The day he meets Jung Yunho.

Dark empty eyes stared at the mirror. Another card has been send.


White and red hands reach to grab him. Suddenly everything is turning, he is swirling. And then he is seated, watching a beautiful creature fall down, black hair moving with the air, body falling, hitting and dying.

Yunho’s eyes blink one, twice. The white sealing greeting him. Another dream a very different dream. This time it wasn’t the trapesista he knows those dreams by heart. This one was a new one, someone else’s one. Yunho could even with his eyes open see the pale young man falling for somewhere really high and hitting something really hard dying instantly from the impact.

Noticing the time Yunho got up from bed and quickly prepares for work. On the way to work Yunho’s mind still working on the dream, subconsciously seeking the link between the trapesista dreams and this new one.

Work was unusually slow. Only the eternal pile of blue folders that seems to never ever end.

Fifteen minutes before 5:00pm Yunho finds the too familiar brown letter, the black ink appearing again like magic on the paper.

Jung Yunho is invited to the private show NƎX hosted on the old Inanis Theater.

Yunho’s brown eyebrow arcs in annoyance. Yunho sigh, he has been trashing the same letter every single time he sees it. Yunho already open it, read it and trashed it like the other times. But why the letter keeps coming back? Why it’s the letter in the same spot from last time? Why is now open?

Uneasiness was making its way in on Yunho’s conscious. He pushes aside the blue folder he was looking at moments before the letter appear and turns on the computer.

After couple of seconds, Yunho search for the Inanis Theater. Looking through all the results something calls Yunho’s attention.

Yunho reads carefully through the text. The Inanis Theater has been closed down for the last hundred years.

So how the hell Yunho is been invited to a theater that has been over the past hundred years?


The beautiful pale young man grabs him by the hand, leading him to unknown places. He doesn’t care if he is going to die, he just care that the beautiful man loves him.

He is falling and falling hard. He screaming, his blood dripping out of his body, life leaving him and the beautiful man stare at him. Pain, agony, hurt, then nothing.

Then absolutely nothing, a vast of emptiness, the company of loneliness.

He finds himself in a place without place, between times without time and he meets Death. There’s an arrangement and you become something new.

Something not someone and now you are like the beautiful man but with the dark empty eyes.


Yunho is standing in front the Inanis Theater. Old and creepy. This theater hasn’t been in use for a very long time and the structure tells it. Yunho stares at the broken sign of the theater, mind trying to make sense of everything.

The letters keeps coming no matter how many times he throws it in the trash can. And now Yunho is having two types of different dreams. The one with beautiful pale man falling from a very high place and the trapesista blood spilling from his body. Yunho mentally admits that all of this is creeping him out.

Yunho wonders if changing something of his routine could break these strange happenings. Yunho glance back for the last time at the Inanis Theater before going back to work.


He senses the presences of Yunho near him. He runs quickly to the front of the building to just catch a glimpse of Yunho just seconds before Yunho walks away. Dark eyes stare just the spot where Yunho was standing just a minute ago.

“Why?” His deep voice questioned Yunho’s actions. “Why?”


Fifteen minutes before 5:00pm the brown letter is again there; open. Yunho sigh before glaring at the brown paper with dark letters. He is already bored of reading the same thing.

Jung Yunho is invited to the private show NƎX hosted on the old Inanis Theater.

It never changes; always the same thing written magically on the brown paper. Yunho was already tired of the letters and the dreams. Changing his routine didn’t help a bit, everything remains the same. Same damn letters, same creep dreams.

The days came by and the date of the private show NƎX was getting near. Yunho grew restless, anxious and the work only helps him to numb the feelings. The top drawer at Yunho’s left side was full of the brown letters with the same old words.

The day of the show was in Yunho’s memories the most bizarre thing in his entire life. Everywhere there was a promotion of the NƎX show. Everyone was talking about it, wanting, fighting, and dying to get the tickets. Suddenly everyone knew about the show and everyone, every living soul wanted to go.

The NƎX show was the event of the year and some might even say of the century. Deep inside Yunho felt like there was something strange, something out of place and that he was the only one who felt and saw it like that.

The strangest thing was that he was the only one who received an invitation. The rest of the people around him heard it on the news, saw it on the papers or saw it on the streets promotions. And every single person felt the urge to go, to not miss the show.

Yunho’s co-worker convinces him to go. “How could you miss this, everyone in town is going to the show. You can’t be the only who won’t assist?”

And there Yunho was. Standing in front of the Inanis Theater, inside the line of what it feel like his last day of his normal life.

And how right Yunho was.


The signs of the Inanis Theater light on. The whole town knows of the show and the special guest is on the line. The lights dim out and the spotlight is on the trapesista.

He swings, he jumps, he reaches and he catches the other bar. Gorgeous yet obscure routine was display in front of the enchanted audience.

He dances in the air and jumps, twirls, swings. He flies and then a little smile.
He bows the spotlight on him. He looks directly at Yunho and stretches his arms towards him.

The trapesista is reaching, calling, captivating.


The show starts with an act of a trapesista. Yunho stares at it, hating the similarities. Soon enough, like the rest of the audience, Yunho finds himself immersed in the act. His beautiful body movements and trained limbs display difficult acts. Daring the gravity with each jump.

The trapesista ends the act and bows to the audience before stretching his hands towards Yunho’s direction. Everyone is looking for who the trapesista is asking for until the spotlight is on Yunho.

And that when Yunho sees it… and now Yunho is sure that his life will change completely… it could even end.

fic: trapesista, pair: yunchun, author: emda, rating: r

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