[Secret Santa for reikoseishin!] Can Christmas Be Merry Again?

Jan 04, 2009 14:58



So far away…

(Moans and pants filled the room as they touched each other in ways that made them moan… beg for more.  It was true. DBSK were lovers to each other.

But their love was looked down upon.

Management found out and sent them away to different countries.

Yoochun to America.

Changmin to Japan.

Jaejoong to France.

Yunho to China.

Junsu to Brazil.

Places they once adored now cold and cruel.  Did they know they had to suffer?)

Pounding… what did they want?

Didn’t they know they ruined their lives?  Destroyed the one thing that held them together?

His heart fluttered and he cried out, falling to the ground and clutching his heart, sobbing.  Cries of alarm reached his ears… barely…

(The idea of being so far away from the others wounded him to the core.  But he had to stick with it.  They all did.  For six fucking months, they had to do solo work and avoid each other at all costs.

It was their job.

Their curse.

Yet he had woken up so many times in a cold sweat and a hard on.  The ghosting feeling of lips on his… a tongue on his throat… hands caressing his body… a mouth on his cock.  A moan spilled from his mouth so many times as he came at the memory alone.

And his heart broke just a little more every time.

Until that day.)

Screams reached his ears and he opened his eyes to see a woman hurry in with a guard.  Who…

He was lifted… as if a feather…

Thinking of Yunho and Changmin…

A scream left his lips as his heart paused…

One that caused his skin to crawl.

(They were becoming one again.  His heart hammered in his chest at the thought alone.  Jaejoong got back first… then Changmin…

Junsu came back next.  They touched each other once more, kisses leaving each other breathless in their apartment.  But one thing they wordlessly agreed on was to wait… wait for the others.

But were they wrong…)

Fans were screaming… crying… begging him to stay strong.

If he could’ve… he would have smiled.

If he could’ve… he would have laughed.

If he could’ve… he would have blown them a kiss.

But all that left his lips were pants and random screams of agony.

He couldn’t do it anymore…

(He was haunted by the mere memory of them.

YunChun died in each others arms as a sniper round pierced their beautiful bodies.

That night, they made love to each other.  The eldest bawled in sadness, missing the feel of Yunho’s hands and the curves of Yoochun’s form.  Yet he curled into MinSu’s attempt at giving him love, Junsu fucking him into the sheets while Changmin fucked him further into Jaejoong.

However, Jaejoong had called Changmin’s phone a few days later, giving him words of love and had Changmin bawling in minutes.  The phone was passed to Junsu and the older of the two held it to his ear.

For minutes, Jaejoong whispered words of love and comfort into his ear.  Junsu started sobbing, feeling Changmin lightly touching his shoulder.  And he finally heard it.  The older told him goodbye… and the shot of a pistol sounded into his ear. The phone dropped from his hand, clanking on the ground as he passed out, Changmin catching him.)

That shot sounded off in his head.

And it was killing him.

IVs were being connected to his body.  He ripped them off anyway.

A tranquilizer was forced into his blood…

And he screamed as it attacked his heart.

(It was months later that he had jumped from their balcony.  The thought made him sick to his stomach to see that beautiful being… now destroyed.  He kept with it… for the whole year… until Christmas came…

and his heart failed him.)

Thousands mourned as the star of Asia was now dead.  He had lasted a year after his friends were killed.

His heart was weak…

But his soul was strong.

Family mourned the most… for their baby was gone.

Kim “Xiah” Junsu… was now dead… his heart stopping when midnight struck.

Christmas was no longer merry… only a time for mourning.

rating: r

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