Trapesista [Yunchun] R

Jan 13, 2009 21:17

Title: Trapesista
Pair: Yunchun
Genre: AU, Angst
Warning: Characters Death & for this part I added some crude pics that I made.
Rating: R
Length: Series
Word Count: 2,144
Summary: He falls in love with the assistant of the death just when he is about to die.
A/N:I have two reasons why I write this fic. First cause I hate not seeing a long Yunchun story and because Im advertising my newest com tvxq_tragedias. The only way to read this is to joining the comm. Im sorry for that but is a little bit more easy to do that than just making advertising post on other comms. Enjoy!!!
Remember Join to read!!!!!! tvxq_tragedias tvxq_tragedias.


Yunho runs almost without direction. Desperation overruling his mind, making Yunho’s body clumsy. Yunho curses the long corridors of the Inanis Theater. Yunho started to panic; he couldn’t remember where the front door was. Every wall Yunho touch didn’t have any door. Yunho was trap, in a cage Yunho didn’t know.

When the trapesista ask for him, Yunho stand up but walk to the other side of the theater, out of the room and hopefully out of the Inanis Theater. Yunho kept running in what he thought where circles. Yunho felt he couldn’t get out of there.

His eyesight started to get blurry, his throat slowly started to close. Yunho could see right in front of his eyes the trapesista. Flying, swirling in the air, grabbing the bar with his hands or with the back of his knees. Yunho could see the trapesista hand reaching for him in front of so many people. Yunho could still see clearly the trapesista’s dark, empty eyes looking directly at him, smirk cutting the trapesista’s lips.

Someone touch Yunho’s shoulder startling him. Yunho stare at the bum while the bum stare confusion clearly in the bum’s dirty face. “Are you okay mister?” Yunho couldn’t talk. Yunho looked around just to find the old Inanis Theater all dark, broken, and dirt, clearly not in the exact shape he entered an hour ago. The Inanis Theater looked abandoned for a very long time.

Yunho shook his head to the bum seconds before the bum help him to stand up and walk out of the place. “Are you okay sir?” the bum ask Yunho again “You are lost sir?” Yunho looked at the bum seeing how the bum eyed him. Yunho was clearly not dress like a bum and in anyone eyes Yunho was completely lost.

Once again Yunho shook his head to the bum and gave him a couple of dollars for helping him get out of that place. Yunho said a small thank you and hail a cab back to his home.


He rubs his forehead with his left hand. He knows the first time is always the one most difficult but why he felt so frustrated about failing, he didn’t know. Beside him was sleeping a beautiful man, with dark hair, skin pale as a ghost or maybe he was a ghost.

The pale man chuckles at his frustration, making him feel a little bit more crazy and a little bit nauseous. He kicks the pale man right leg and hiss at one of the many deformed souls trying to get out of the tainted walls.

He glares at the wall in front of him. “Quit it.” The pale man laugh at him while he sulks in a corner. He frown deeply, thinking how to lure Yunho to him. He doesn’t want to hear the pale man words.

He kicks the chair to the back before grabbing the pale man by the neck. His dark eyes pierce through the other eyes. The pale man had a mocking smile. “Oh don’t be mad baby. I’m just trying to help you.” The beautiful man laugh making the pale man body rumbles with the laugh. He grabs a little stronger. The pale man checks his nails before looking directly to his dark eyes. “You know I can’t die twice.” The burgundy eyes of the pale man stare at his own dark ones. “Stop fussing around in the past and do what you are supposed to do. This is a never ending circle, deal with it, do the job- the pale man look around the room- and rest in this hell.” The pale man free himself and pat his shoulder with an inhumanly pale hand before disappearing from his room, taking out all the words on the walls.


When Yunho wakes up to find his room completely black and he didn’t remember turning all the lights off. Yunho walks guiding himself with his hand on the walls. Yunho gasp when he felt in his hands something liquid, sticky and warm. Yunho quickly finds the switch of the light and turn it on to find the one of his walls cover in something red, something like blood.

Yunho walk backwards until his knees hit with the border of the bed making him fall on the bed.

Yunho stare at the words, blood dripping from his wall. Yunho closes his eyes, praying for all this madness to disappear once and for all. When Yunho opens his eyes again, there were no words in his wall, no blood and his bedroom looked like he left it before going to sleep.

Yunho blink ones, twice and a third time before looking for his clock. The clock mark 5:50a.m and Yunho shiver at the coincidences. Yunho prepares for work hesitantly, thinking of ditching work but every time he sees the wall a shiver runs up and down on his entire body quickly discarding the idea of staying at home.

Yunho step out of his apartment complex and step inside the cab he minutes ago called. Yunho closes his eyes leaning on the backseat of the cab. When Yunho opens his eyes and looks out through the window his eyes stare in disbelieve.

The promotions of the NƎX show all over the town. Yunho rubs his eyes with the back of his hand and looks again to the covered town of the NƎX show promotions. Yunho kept staring at the posters on the streets his mind completely blank.

“Thinking of going sir?” the driver asks Yunho. “I don’t think so.” Yunho answer the driver looking at the front. The cab stop at front of his work and Yunho paid the driver. Yunho takes a look around his work place, only the promotion posters of the NƎX show greets him.

Like yesterday the show was the event of the year. Yunho felt odd, the strange feeling making his way again through his body. Everyone is talking about the show, searching like crazy for the tickets.

And just like yesterday Yunho’s co-workers try hard to convince him to go. This time Yunho knew how the day unfolds. This time Yunho said no. Sharp as ever at 5:00p.m Yunho walks out of his work place. Yunho walks to his apartment complex finding almost all the streets empty. Everyone was on the NƎX show.

Two hours later one of Yunho’s friends called him. The show has been canceled.


The back of his knees hold his body on the bar, preventing his body fall to the floor. Words of ‘I told you so’ kept appearing on the wall of the theater. “Would you quit the illusions?”

Yunho didn’t come to the show and without Yunho there’s no show, without Yunho there’s no peace, without Yunho he can’t be free.

“What freedom?” a soft husky voice asks him. “I’m not talking to you.” He answers to the voice earning as a reply a soft laugh.

He whispers softly ‘I know’ before all the illusions disappear. The pale man walks to the middle of the theater stage smiling softly to him. He jumps from the bar to the floor and walks softly to where the pale man was. He wraps his arms around the pale man’s waist and buries his face on the pale man’s neck.

The pale man rubs strange shapes on his back trying to sooth the pain he is feeling thinking about the past.

“I was too… I am the greatest fool of all.”


Everything starts to move way too fast. Yunho could see blood dripping from above, staining Yunho’s shirt and face. Yunho looks up to see the trapesista hanging on the bar dead. His blood dripping on you tainting Yunho’s body.

Yunho wakes up with a startle and quickly grab the flashlight. Yunho illuminates the wall yesterday had the invitation written with blood, but this time it was completely white. No trace of words or blood. Yunho let out a sigh, letting his body fall to the bed once again. Yunho unintentionally point the flashlight to the ceiling of the bedroom to find those words. The words that will never leave him alone.

Yunho freeze on spot all of his body numb from the shock. The flashlight drops from the bed to the floor with a loud ‘clack’. Yunho’s eyes were wide. After a couple of seconds pass Yunho find the strength to turn on the light of his room. Yunho looks up to the ceiling and there were no words.

Today he didn’t have to work and he didn’t want to stay at his apartment. So Yunho cleans himself and got out walking aimlessly through the streets. Yunho looks around the different stores and all the people around.

He kept walking without direction to later find the Inanis Theater in front of him. Yunho ponder with the idea of sneaking inside the old theater just to see what he can find. Yunho’s body began to shiver with fear and anticipation. Yunho took a deep breath and walk to the Inanis Theater.

Yunho needs to find what’s behind all this non-sense right now.


The room was dark as his body melt with a pale body. He, after all, could find peace inside the pale man arms. Every move he made the pale man mirroring him. A tear fell from his black empty eyes landing on a pale soft finger.

“Hey, stop torturing yourself. The past is the past.” The pale man whisper against his ear, tracing old words on his arms and from his stomach the words ‘I Love you’ glowed. He caress light the contours of the pale man’s face before whispering ‘I know.’

But the pale man kissed him like the last time.

‘Do you?’


Yunho carefully enters the old Inanis Theater. Cursing for not bringing the flashlight with him since the whole place is really dark. Yunho let his eyes to adjust to the darkness and starts to walks slowly.

Yunho touches the walls for support and guidance until he touch something Yunho thinks is a light switcher. He flicks the switch to the side and the lights of the theater switch on. The first thought in Yunho’s mind was very old.

The color of the walls looks like a very stain white and the red columns have a couple of pounds of dust. Two separated stairs greets Yunho, inviting him to climb up one of the two. Yunho looks up seeing the chandelier intact.

Yunho climb the stairs hesitating in every step he makes. In a couple of seconds, Yunho reaches the room where the trapesista performs for the audience. Yunho stares at the huge room, lines of brown leather chairs filling the place. A soft light at the far right side of the platform caught Yunho’s attention when he was scanning the place.

Yunho walks to the right side, being really careful to not make any sound. It was door half open and Yunho could hear voices. A lot of voices fill with pain and despair. Yunho gather the guts he had left and walks inside.

The walls were a deep red and Yunho could swear he saw people in it. A hand try to reach for Yunho but he jump away from it. Yunho keeps walking minding being away from the walls.

Yunho saw a old desk, leather black sofas and old pictures of different men. Yunho grab one of the picture frames, eyes wide at what he saw. The frame fall from Yunho’s hands to the desk.

The beautiful man that Yunho saw dying on his dream.

Yunho heard a soft laugh at his left side and he quickly looked. There was the beautiful man, standing straight and soft smirk on his lips. Yunho’s heart started to race. Yunho’s mind going on an overload of strange happenings.

“Who are you?”

He felt when the pale man walks out of the bed. He turns his body to the side, smelling the almost forgotten sense of the pale man body.

“Who are you?” He heard someone asking… a voice he already knows by heart ironically. He stands up just to see another of the pale man illusions.

Jaejoong smile at Yunho while he stares at his assignment. All of this was totally wrong; an assignment never comes to us. Why would Yunho do this?

“You’re not gonna greet our guest?” Jaejoong asks and he just looks at Yunho before making Jaejoong’s illusion disappear.

“Go home Yunho.”

“Tell me who you are trapesista.” Yunho stubbornly stay in place and boldly ask him something he shouldn’t know.

“I said go home Yunho.”

“I won’t follow orders from a nameless man. Who you are?” He arcs his left eyebrow scrutinizing Yunho for the gazillion time. He walks one step forward and Yunho walks one step back.

Suddenly he stops.

“Park Yoochun.” And Yoochun slam the door at Yunho.

fic: trapesista, pair: yunchun, author: emda, rating: r

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