Title: “Last Snowfall” Rating: G Word Count: 748 Prompt: Present Canon: manga Pairings: None, really. EriolxKaho implied? A vague reference to theoretical YuexSakura? Summary: Eriol contemplates Clow's last snowfall. Eriol, Ruby Moon, Spinel Sun
Title: Seduced by Moonlight Challenge: Harlequin Romance Canon: Future Mangaverse Rating: PG-13 Words: 1280 Genre: Humor Summary: A fantasy romance hits a little close to home...
Challenge: Cherub Babysitting Title: Letter from a Prisoner of War Genre: Spoof Length: 271 words Rating: Nothing bad. Summary: Suppi is being held captive by children! A letter from his point of view pleading for help.
Challenge: Two Characters Who Don't Know Each Other Interacting Title: The Book Club Length: 818 words Warnings: None Summary: Tomoeda's most fantasy-based book club meets! It would have been more plotsome had I more time and energy, but.. I didn't. Has a Suppi focus.
I've been lurking here a bit, waiting to introduce myself until I had something to contribute. I was planning on holding off a bit longer, because I'm sick, but I just had to jump in on this challenge. So hello everyone!
Challege: LJ Fanfiction Genre: Humor Canon: Uh... Length: 400 even Rating: PG for mild violence
Title: Fellow Rovers Challenge: Culture Vulture Canon: Manga Rating: PG Genre: General Summary: One of Nakuru and Suppi's most cherished interests, over a period of seven years and through many iterations.