Oct 11, 2011 21:04

In an island area of the park is the sometimes staid, sometimes festive Yamato Sector (which seemed strangely familiar to some of the crew, no doubt). Souvenir swords? Okonomiyaki? Sunset beaches filled with the SPRINGTIME OF OUR YOUTH? Medieval warlords drinking wine from human (shaped) skulls? They're all here!
[Set up your own locations as you ( Read more... )

takato matsuda, kanoe zouichi, reinforce zwei, aerith gainsborough, !plot: shore leave, cloud strife, aya brea, 779/splicer, tetsuwan atom/astro boy, !location: planetside, dhianeila, gaignun kukai jr./rubedo, !status: open, tim drake/red robin

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Comments 310

FESTIVAL meat_mooks October 12 2011, 01:10:05 UTC

... )


Re: FESTIVAL tamerofmiracles October 12 2011, 01:39:24 UTC
That's where you're likely to find Matsuda Takato and Guilmon, both Tamer and Digimon staring in awe at how well-organized the place was!

...Takato, actually; Guilmon was busy staring around at the food stands.

"Alright boy, let's take this one step at a time. First we've gotta see..."

"Guilmon's hungry, Takato. Time to eat!"

"...What to feed you first. Getting souvenirs for the others can wait."


Re: FESTIVAL tetsuwan_atom October 12 2011, 01:43:35 UTC
Atom was so busy looking around at all the food stands he barely noticed Takato and Guilmon until he was almost right on top of them. He blinked at the sight of Guilmon, surprised.

"Hey! Are you guys from the ship?"


tamerofmiracles October 12 2011, 22:16:38 UTC
"Uh...yeah, we are." Takato replied, barely keeping Guilmon from sniffing Atom outright. "I'm Takato, and he's Guilmon. I'm a Tamer, he's my partner and that's a pretty long story."


SUSPICIOUS UNMARKED RESTAURANT meat_mooks October 12 2011, 01:11:11 UTC
There's a darkened building in one of the street corners that seems foreboding and full of DESTINY. DESTINY is leaking out from under the doors in the form of eerie fog.

[Basically it's a restaurant with ninja waiters. O NO]


Re: SUSPICIOUS UNMARKED RESTAURANT potentialmonkey October 12 2011, 06:26:56 UTC
"Hellooo, anyone here?" Ron asked. Rufus sniffed the air around them. "Ninja." he squeaked. Ron nodded, finally picking up on it.

"Uh, so can I just order the beef stir-fry or do I have to fight you guys for it?"


meat_mooks October 12 2011, 14:45:00 UTC
Out of the darkened, fog-filled hallway, a masked man suddenly dropped down from the ceiling.

"All those who wish to dine here must first prove their worth in battle. ...Proceed to the seating area, please."

With that, a nearby hidden panel opened, revealing a foreboding wooden walkway in front of Ron, filled with mist and surrounded on each side with old pine trees (fake). The man threw a smoke bomb and disappeared. Mysterious!


potentialmonkey October 12 2011, 19:29:05 UTC
"What do you say Rufus? Think we should go for it?" Ron asked his pet.

Rufus threw up a thumbs up. "Yuh-huh."

"Alright," Ron started through the walkway. "But this food better be worth it."


KARAOKE LOUNGE meat_mooks October 12 2011, 01:12:51 UTC

... )


Drunk karaoke thread! zouichi October 12 2011, 15:39:52 UTC
Zouichi wasn't usually someone to do a lot of drinking (no point), but he figured he might as well go through the motions. 'Relax', in a fashion. He ordered something random off the drink menu, which turned out to be a sort of sky-blue liquid in a glass. He sipped it slowly as he sat in one of the chairs, watching people go by. It wasn't bad, though he couldn't say he'd tasted anything quite like it before.


detectivederp October 12 2011, 19:38:45 UTC
Tim was a wet blanket doing a sort of rounds in the park, since he hadn't had much choice in the matter. At least he could keep an eye on the crew, try to make sure there wasn't any trouble one way or the other.

Spotting Zouichi, he made his way over with a nod of greeting. "Relaxing?" he asked, with a bit of fake surprise in the tone.


zouichi October 12 2011, 19:43:53 UTC
"You could say that." He motioned to their surroundings which (for now) were rather quiet; apparently this place only got hopping a little later in the day. "I've been around to several areas of the park, and as far as I can tell, this is a rather rare opportunity. No one's even tried to kidnap me since I arrived."

Long story, Tim.


LASERTAG meat_mooks October 12 2011, 01:17:03 UTC

... )


Re: LASERTAG zouichi October 12 2011, 01:25:21 UTC
Zouichi spun his laser pistol idly by the trigger guard, waiting for some worthy opponents to show up. He was taking this completely seriously, because guns were serious business.



carrieswar October 12 2011, 02:11:38 UTC
"This. Looks. Awesome!"

Jr. was looking around, trying to size up the room and the platforms and oh man there was so much - even more than he could probably see at that moment.


gunspluscells October 12 2011, 02:32:20 UTC
Lasertag? Seriously? Aya picked up one of the laser pistols and looked at it. Looked at it closely. Memories of team bonding days. She pulled the trigger and there was burst of light. Excellent.

"Okay, time for business." She smiled, one of the few genuine ones since she awoke.


Closed futureisclear October 15 2011, 04:58:49 UTC
Ildraniath, being the sensible sort, had managed to find an old temple. Or at least a facsimile of one. In any case, it was much quieter and far more isolated than other areas of the park and that made it perfect for what she intended to do. She need a degree of privacy after all.


Re: Closed zouichi October 15 2011, 05:15:09 UTC
Zouichi arrived at the temple soon after he received her message. He'd been expecting the ship to confine them to the Bleed for a while yet, but here they were. And as far as he knew, no one had even gotten kidnapped yet.

He nodded to her in greeting, glancing around at their surroundings. Well, it made sense that a temple like this would have few visitors in an amusement park. Little sound filtered up from the rest of the theme park, giving it a sense of distance.

"I was thinking you'd spring for Indulgence Cove," he said, a little dryly.


Re: Closed futureisclear October 15 2011, 05:24:43 UTC
"Fah. Bright lights and mindless indulgence. Not the place for what I am attempting to," Ildraniath replied in a deadpan, "But what do you expect of this place? Excess everywhere."

She shook her head and then bowed slightly to Zouichi, "Thank you for coming, however. We'll see if this works or not. It is a relatively simple attempt, but... one that will be very telling. One way or another."


Re: Closed zouichi October 15 2011, 05:32:36 UTC
Zouichi returned the gesture. "No need to thank me. Believe me, I'm very interested in whether this will work or not." His personal concern for Ildraniath aside, knowing that there might be a chance to use her abilities as a farseer to benefit their cause in the war would be enormously helpful.

Of course, there were likely people on the ship that would just as soon hope she'd be unable to look more than a few moments into the future, at least for the duration of the conflict... but that was a short-sighted sentiment.


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