Oct 11, 2011 21:04

In an island area of the park is the sometimes staid, sometimes festive Yamato Sector (which seemed strangely familiar to some of the crew, no doubt). Souvenir swords? Okonomiyaki? Sunset beaches filled with the SPRINGTIME OF OUR YOUTH? Medieval warlords drinking wine from human (shaped) skulls? They're all here!
[Set up your own locations as you ( Read more... )

takato matsuda, kanoe zouichi, reinforce zwei, aerith gainsborough, !plot: shore leave, cloud strife, aya brea, 779/splicer, tetsuwan atom/astro boy, !location: planetside, dhianeila, gaignun kukai jr./rubedo, !status: open, tim drake/red robin

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KARAOKE LOUNGE meat_mooks October 12 2011, 01:12:51 UTC

Eat snacks! Get drunk! Sing songs!


Drunk karaoke thread! zouichi October 12 2011, 15:39:52 UTC
Zouichi wasn't usually someone to do a lot of drinking (no point), but he figured he might as well go through the motions. 'Relax', in a fashion. He ordered something random off the drink menu, which turned out to be a sort of sky-blue liquid in a glass. He sipped it slowly as he sat in one of the chairs, watching people go by. It wasn't bad, though he couldn't say he'd tasted anything quite like it before.


detectivederp October 12 2011, 19:38:45 UTC
Tim was a wet blanket doing a sort of rounds in the park, since he hadn't had much choice in the matter. At least he could keep an eye on the crew, try to make sure there wasn't any trouble one way or the other.

Spotting Zouichi, he made his way over with a nod of greeting. "Relaxing?" he asked, with a bit of fake surprise in the tone.


zouichi October 12 2011, 19:43:53 UTC
"You could say that." He motioned to their surroundings which (for now) were rather quiet; apparently this place only got hopping a little later in the day. "I've been around to several areas of the park, and as far as I can tell, this is a rather rare opportunity. No one's even tried to kidnap me since I arrived."

Long story, Tim.


detectivederp October 12 2011, 19:46:45 UTC
"Hn." Tim moved to take a seat-- a few minutes sitting after being only on his feet, so far since the arrival, wouldn't hurt. "You'll have to tell me that story sometime," he said, raising an eyebrow under the cowl. "I'm still suspicious but... so far, so good, anyway."


zouichi October 12 2011, 19:49:00 UTC
Zouichi smiled slightly. "Actually, the one with the T. Rex is funnier. In retrospect. You going to order anything?"

Yes, Tim, that was a challenge.


detectivederp October 12 2011, 20:01:13 UTC
"I take it you have a lot of interesting stories to tell, then," Tim replied, raising an eyebrow under the cowl. He watched Zouichi for a moment, then shook his head. "Probably not. I'm mostly a 'water' kind of guy." Boring? Nah.


zouichi October 12 2011, 20:10:09 UTC
"Afraid I'll drink you under the table?" Zouichi's smile turned slightly competitive. "Tell you what. You join me for one glass, and I'll let you ask one question. Anything you want."

Think about it, Tim!


detectivederp October 12 2011, 20:28:39 UTC
Tim gave him an incredulous look, at that. And frankly, he was positive that Zouichi would be able to 'drink him under the table'. But it was a good offer. He made a show of considering it, watching the other carefully. He'd just have to play it safe. "Any loopholes or terms I should be aware of?" he joked. But he didn't want to know the specific conditions before he agreed. And Tim was certainly not above cheating, if he could.


zouichi October 12 2011, 20:37:29 UTC
"Not really. But you do have to drink the whole thing. And just to be fair, you should have what I'm having."

Zouichi was watching you, Tim. No deal if you didn't actually drink it.


detectivederp October 12 2011, 21:01:59 UTC
"Hn." Tim frowned, then rose his hand to call a server over. "Alright. Deal, then." He was mentally running over the contents of his utility belt, but he doubted he had anything that could help. He'll just also order something to eat, and take it slow. (It'd help his planning if he ever actually drank.)


zouichi October 12 2011, 21:05:04 UTC
It wasn't long before the server brought over another glass with a drink of the same deep blue hue, and set a plate of appetizers on the table to go along with it. Zouichi was content for Tim to catch up, of course. In the meantime, they could have a nice conversation.

"So, which areas have you visited so far?"


detectivederp October 12 2011, 21:26:56 UTC
Tim thanked the server politely, reaching to take an appetizer first. He ate a little, before taking his first sip of the drink. And he made an effort not to sow his distaste too much. He showed his poker face instead.

"Only a couple. Most of them were... overbearing. The Medieval Land wasn't as bad but... well, the land with all the kittens was a different story." He shrugged. "How about you?"


zouichi October 12 2011, 21:51:15 UTC
Can't read my
Can't read my
No, he can't read my

"Kittens? Anyway, I've been to Gold Planet, that medieval place..." Zouichi paused. "Actual kittens?"

He wanted to go to there.


detectivederp October 13 2011, 01:27:48 UTC
Tim gave a half laugh at that, "Looked like it, yes," he replied. "Cat person?" he asked, taking another careful sip, and frowning.

"How strong is this stuff again?" something he should have asked in the face of a challenge. But alcohol wasn't exactly in his area of expertise.


zouichi October 13 2011, 01:36:58 UTC
"I guess you could say that." Zouichi liked most animals, actually.

At Tim's question, Zouichi shrugged. Unbeknownst to Tim, one glass of this stuff was actually strong enough to get someone completely smashed. Well, unbeknownst to both of them.

Come to think of it, Zouichi was feeling a little warm... but that was probably just the lounge's temperature. After all, he couldn't get drunk. "You know, I'm surprised you came down here."


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