the tower entrance

May 21, 2009 09:06


Application Status: CLOSED

Post your applications here using the template below. Don't forget to read the rules and regulations of the game first in case you miss anything.

Also, we would like you to be patient with regards to the approval of your application. Don't worry, we will process them as soon as we receive them however we might need to research about some fandoms and thus approving and declining an app might take a while. If a week has passed since you've posted your application and you've yet to receive a response, please feel free to contact the mods.

Applications will be opened on October 01 [12:01 am, AST].

Please read the rules carefully before submitting your application!


Name-- (what you'd like to go by)
Age-- (applicants must be 16 or older)
Contact-- (AIM? email? MSN? Just in case we have any questions!)
Personal LJ-- (For reference.)


Name-- (The name of the character you're applying for)
Fandom-- (What fandom they're from.)
Canon Point-- (From which point in the timeline are you taking them from?)
Age-- (If this hasn't been revealed in canon, give a rough estimate. If they are a God/Shinigami/Mythical Being, how old do they look?)
Gender-- (Again for reference-- sometimes it's not entirely obvious!)
Tattoo Position-- (Please specify where your character's tattoo will be located. Bear in mind that it must be within plain sight)

Personality-- (Please give at least two paragraphs showing how your character is around others, by his/herself. Mostly for clarification on the other players' parts since we may not all know where they are coming from!)
Strengths-- (These can be described as things they are good at/mental attributes/positive traits.)
Weaknesses-- (These can be described as negative traits/fears/things the character is bad at.)
History-- (You may provide a link here - a wiki or an external source, but please keep in mind to separate 'canon' from 'fanon' - if you think that your character's past is far too long to be narrated. But if we think that the history in the link is not enough, we would have to ask you to write one down.)
Appearance-- (Just a simple overview of what they look like for other players, please. A link to a picture would suffice. Narration is encouraged too.)
Powers-- (Does your character always have a special weapon with them that would be brought to The Tower? Do they have ninjutsu/magic or anything else that could be useful in case of combat? Keep in mind that there will be a power cap outside of challenges, so, if you can, specify to which degree the powers will be watered down)

First Person Sample-- (At least a paragraph--- 5 sentences or more---of what your character would write in their journal, or the main community. You can opt for a Q&A if you think your character could answer that better.)

Third Person Sample-- (At least three well-written paragraphs, with a minimum of 300 words, that show how you play your character. You may use any kind of prompt at all. They have to deal with the Tower though... For example, you may write your character's reaction to waking up here!)

Questions? (Anything else?)

What is the secret password? (It's in the rules~)


Name-- (what you'd like to go by)
Age-- (applicants must be 16 or older)
Contact-- (AIM? email? MSN? Just in case we have any questions!)
Personal LJ-- (For reference.)


Name-- (The name of the character you're applying for)
Fandom-- (What fandom they're from.)
Canon Point-- (From which point in the timeline are you taking them from?)
Age-- (If this hasn't been revealed in canon, give a rough estimate. If they are a God/Shinigami/Mythical Being, how old do they look?)
Gender-- (Again for reference-- sometimes it's not entirely obvious!)
Tattoo Position-- (Please specify where your character's tattoo will be located. Bear in mind that it must be within plain sight)

Personality-- (Please give at least two paragraphs showing how your character is around others, by his/herself. Mostly for clarification on the other players' parts since we may not all know where they are coming from!)
Strengths-- (These can be described as things they are good at/mental attributes/positive traits.)
Weaknesses-- (These can be described as negative traits/fears/things the character is bad at.)
History-- (You may provide a link here - a wiki or an external source, but please keep in mind to separate 'canon' from 'fanon' - if you think that your character's past is far too long to be narrated. But if we think that the history in the link is not enough, we would have to ask you to write one down.)
Appearance-- (Just a simple overview of what they look like for other players, please. A link to a picture would suffice. Narration is encouraged too.)
Powers-- (Does your character always have a special weapon with them that would be brought to The Tower? Do they have ninjutsu/magic or anything else that could be useful in case of combat? Keep in mind that there will be a power cap outside of challenges, so, if you can, specify to which degree the powers will be watered down)

First Person Sample-- (At least a paragraph--- 5 sentences or more---of what your character would write in their journal, or the main community. You can opt for a Q&A if you think your character could answer that better.)

Third Person Sample-- (At least three well-written paragraphs, with a minimum of 300 words, that show how you play your character. You may use any kind of prompt at all. They have to deal with the Tower though... For example, you may write your character's reaction to waking up here!)

Questions? (Anything else?)

What is the secret password? (It's in the rules~)




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Wanted Characters




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