The Tower

May 11, 2009 10:31


A wish. It is a small and powerful thing. It varies from person to person, but every soul houses a hope, a dream, a vision of the future.

This, the Tower knows for it was once in itself a wish.

In the very beginning, there was no tower. There was a vast continent of people who thrived and loved their lives. However as time passed, their continent began to disappear. The tides came in but did not go out, swallowing up the land until all that was left was the highest point of the highest mountain. Seven of the people's strongest in body and sharpest of mind gathered at the summit, and gave one last bid to save their civilization.

With their blood, sweat, and tears, they forged the Tower floor by floor. They worked tirelessly, day in and day out, though each day the waters rose. Soon only the land they were building on was left, and not long after the seven of them were the only survivors left. Still, they worked on. The Tower was all they had left, the very last of their wishes. It was the very last of an entire civilization's hopes and dreams.

But the Seven were not infallible. They were mortal. They had limits. One by one, they began to fade and die. Fifteen floors were completed before they depleted their strength. All that remained was the Tower, the very last wish.

All alone in a world swallowed by the sea, it was not long before the Tower began to have wishes of its own. It was built to fulfill dreams, and never being able to serve its purpose caused its longing to grow. Until the day came that it could bear it no longer, until something had to be done.

The memories of the stone and mortar of the tower called forth shadows, echoes of its creators, the Seven. And on the very last floor, where the very last dream died, the Tower decided it would grant the wish of any who reached it.

But for the shadows of the Seven who never saw their dreams reach fruition, they will not make this journey easy. As they were tried, they intend to try those who attempt to pass through their tower. Only the most deserving will be granted their wish and sent home.

Everyone else will stay, forever in their company, to replace a civilization they could not save.

Welcome to the Tower. We've been waiting for you.

The Tower is set on a lone island in the middle of nowhere, on a secluded planet that is flooded by water. The only piece of land you will find anywhere is the island itself, and the only structure visible anywhere is the Tower. While the outer walls of the Tower remains constant, it's a different story inside. Every event that occurs means that the surroundings will change in order to suit its purpose. One moment, you could find yourself in a barren room, the next you'll be stranded in the middle of a desert which seemingly has no end. You could find yourself floating in the air, or you could be swimming in an ocean filled with sharks.

The Tower is divided into 15 floors, and the only way to access a higher floor is to beat the challenge that is given to you. A symbol marked on any part of your body signifies the highest level you have completed, and it continues to change each time you beat a level. But be warned, losing the challenge means you'll have to take a second challenge to determine whether you stay on the same floor or you drop a level. Not all the Seven would be kind enough to give a simple challenge, and some of them might try forcing one on you that would seem impossible to solve, though it never really is.

Don't worry about the living quarters. The Seven aren't so cruel that they would force you to sleep on barren, filthy ground after pulling you away from your world so forcefully. They've provided a large, ever expanding room with enough beds to accommodate several armies. Even when you think it seems so crowded, it never seems to fill up. Privacy can be an issue, but the Seven aren't going to give you your own room, unfortunately. You'll just have to make due with what you have. There is also a never-ending supply of food, granted by the Tower itself. How else does it expect anyone to reach the prize without strength and nourishment? Of course, they can be very playful sometimes, and would resort to turning the room upside-down just to get their kicks. Don't be surprised to find that when you wake up, you can be hanging off the ceiling or floating in midair.

Don't try to cause trouble though, not like you can do much. Weaponry and powers are sealed off in the living quarters, and all you have that's usable are the items within the room and kitchen themselves. They're all sealed with sorcery though, and would do their best to bestow little to no harm on each other.

What are the Seven, you say? They are the guardians of the Tower and are the ones who issue the challenge to all the players. Their tastes and moods vary from time to time, and no one could ever guess what will happen to them next. If you're lucky, you might get a compassionate one who would give you an easy time in completing the level. Not that it's possible, since none of the guardians are ever so willing to just let anyone reach the prize.




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