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Comments 267

1/? superbiemperor July 1 2009, 12:53:26 UTC

Name-- Hel
Age-- 22
Contact-- (AIM: thicksweetmiasma) (Email: countess_margolotta@yahoo.co.uk)
Personal LJ-- macabreromansu


Name-- Superbi Squalo
Fandom-- Katekyo Hitman REBORN!
Age-- 32
Gender-- Male
Tattoo Position-- Neck/collarbone

Personality--Squalo has a very loud and crude personality which people also take for stupidity, and with most things he prefers to cut straight to the core of the matter, more ready to fight than talk. Although he has a lot of arrogance, most of it is well-earned as he takes his position both as Sword Emperor and vice-commander of the Varia very seriously. He spends most of his time complaining about Xanxus' various fits, and is the one to bear the brunt of a lot of his Boss' anger ( ... )


2/? superbiemperor July 1 2009, 12:54:38 UTC
History--Not much is known about Squalo other than when he was younger, he attended a school exclusively for young mafioso and was obsessive in his study of the sword, absorbing many styles and defeating rival swordsmen all over to gain the title of 'Sword Emperor', The actual Sword Emperor was a man named Tyr, the boss of the Vongola Famiglia Varia Assassination Squad at that time. For two days, he and Squalo battled and Squalo finally beat him, taking his title ( ... )


3/3 superbiemperor July 1 2009, 12:57:49 UTC
First Person Sample--

Che, the fuck am I now?! This isn't Mordena...OII!!

I need to get to the fucking airport ASAP!! Got a useless brat waiting for me to pound the shit outta him when I get to Japan.

VVVOII, there nobody around here that has any clue what we're all doing here?! What a fucking waste of time, oii!

Third Person Sample--Opening his eyes, Squalo found that his head felt as heavy as a rock and furthermore there was a steady pounding going on, an ache in his skull that made him take care not to jar it too much when sitting up. He was lying on a bed, quite a narrow one, plain sheets and blankets in a small room, more like a monk's cell he'd seen once on a particularly gruelling job at a monastery in the Alps ( ... )


Request! thetowermascots July 4 2009, 11:04:06 UTC
Could we get a revision of your First Person Sample and Third Person Sample? We're not very convinced that we can 'hear' the character's voice from both samples.


1/2 whenyoufalldown July 1 2009, 14:22:30 UTC

Name-- Avaritia
Age-- 17
Contact-- MSN/email shh-its-me@hotmail.com
Personal LJ-- whenyoufalldown


Name-- Kuchiki, Byakuya
Fandom-- Bleach
Age-- 32
Gender-- Male
Tattoo Position-- Back of the left hand. I'm uncreative like that =\

Because of his noble roots Byakuya tends to carry himself with a level of arrogance and acts in an aristocratic manner - he seems always serene and apathetic towards other people, even when he is actually deeply nflicted. He is also extremely calm, even in battle, and is very seldom surprised by even the most drastic of actions.

Despite his icy and regal manner, Byakuya cares for and protects those important to him. Byakuya strongly believes in law and order. He believes that to maintain the order, all law-breakers must be punished, even if that goes against his own wishes. Also, Byakuya seems to have a comic side to himself despite his extremely serious personality.

Strengths-- Cool, calm and collected, almost nothing fazes Byakuya. Skilled swordsman. Fast on his ( ... )


2/2 whenyoufalldown July 1 2009, 14:24:14 UTC
First Person Sample-- I have been here for a month now. Strangely, time here seems to slow down. Most of the company here is tolerable but I grow weary of some of their antics. They make my fukutaichou seem almost tame in comparison. Sometimes, it is like a mad house in here. Although I suppose we all must be mad, reaching for a prize that may or may not really exist.

Third Person Sample-- I'll probably be making stuff up about the tower so I apologise in advance Dx ( ... )


Request! thetowermascots July 4 2009, 11:09:39 UTC
Could you expand on the Personality, Strengths and Weaknesses? Also, could you give us more details about the Senbonzakura?


Re: Request! whenyoufalldown July 4 2009, 13:57:44 UTC
I tried to cut down Senbonzakura's descriptions?

Senbonzakura ("Thousand Cherry Blossoms): A regular katana, with only the crossguard distinguishes it, mostly by being almost not there. Senbonzakura's crossguard is a simple open frame, much like a 4-pane window. It has a light blue handle. Byakuya has mastered Sebonzakura and is able to use all release forms effectively ( ... )


Application: Alucard 1 of ? sortiarius July 2 2009, 00:55:37 UTC

Name-- Vista
Age-- Old enough
Contact-- aim: ailsoulsnight e-mail: visagesoplenty@gmail.com
Personal LJ-- sortiarius


Name-- Vlad III Dracula, also known as Vlad Ţepeş, Kazıklı Voyvoda, Viovode of Wallachia, Alucard.

Fandom-- Hellsing, with a dash of Bram Stoker's Dracula.
Age-- Appears to be in his 40s, however Alucard is well over a few centuries old. Alucard can however, change his appearance at will.
Gender-- Male, however Alucard is able to take on any form he likes. Even female forms and those of animals ( bats, wolves, dogs, demons ).
Tattoo Position-- On the inside of his wrist. Alucard is forced to wear gloves with a control pentagram on them, so I figured that the inside of his wrist would be the most logical place for the marking.

Personality-- Alucard was someone who at one point in time possessed a deep sense of moral and justice. He was a crusader king, a man who ruled his nation and fought for God against those who would harm his home land. He became famous for punishing ( ... )


Application: Alucard 2 of ? sortiarius July 2 2009, 00:58:01 UTC
Strengths & Weaknesses -- Alucard's weaknesses far out weigh his strengths. He is a man who turned away from God when he felt like he had no hope left. As a King and ruler he was cruel, deciding that the deaths of innocent lives would work to his favor and help win a war. He gives little thought to life and has even less respect for people who do not live their lives to the fullest means possible. His immortality has granted him endless experience, he knows many things and is second to none when it comes to combat experience. However, the immortality has also left Alucard extremely arrogant and egotistical. He is not the type of creature one should take solace in for advice or push for a friendship in. Physically and as far as powers go, Alucard has an extreme advantage over most foes. He can not be killed or hurt by any normal attacks, only the most holy of relics can cause him physical pain and possibly death. He has a myriad of powers at his fingertips, as well as two powerful holy hand guns. With years of combat experience ( ... )


Application: Alucard 3 of ? sortiarius July 2 2009, 00:58:42 UTC
Sir Arthur Hellsing called Dracula into battle in 1944. It was Arthur that gave Dracula his code name, Alucard. He was sent alongside Walter C. Dornez to Warsaw, Poland, in order to stop the Millennium Organization's vampire production program. Upon his return, Arthur deemed Alucard was "too powerful a drug to be used as more than the occasional medicine" and promptly sealed Alucard back away in the depths of the Hellsing Organization's dungeon. However, events that occurred around the time of Arthur's death found him being awakened once again. This time by Arthur's daughter Integra Hellsing. Tasting Integra's blood helped revive him from his slumber, and on her orders he helped save her from her Uncle Richard ( ... )


Application: Alucard 4 of 5 sortiarius July 2 2009, 01:01:39 UTC
Powers-- Alucard is the most powerful vampire and has a wide range of supernatural abilities at his fingertips to use. However, due to experimentation and enslavement at the hands of the Hellsing family, Alucard's powers are limited. He can only access powers during certain level releases. These restrictions are lifted only when an order comes down from the head member of the Hellsing organization ( though it is assumed during missions Alucard is given free reign to lower and raise the restrictions from levels 3 through 5. Release of Level 1 and Level 2 restrictions must come directly from Hellsing's Leader ). Here is a basic list of powers Alucard has access to while in full release: immortality, regeneration, super human senses, super human strength/speed/accuracy, the ability to pass through walls and other solid objects, manipulations of shadows and the world around you ( think illusions ), shape shifting ( he may assume the form of bats, dogs, demons, shadows, or other creatures ), control of weather to an unknown degree ( call ( ... )


Yosuke Hanamura 1/? kyriesanctus July 2 2009, 06:39:48 UTC

Name-- Kyrie
Age-- 22
Contact-- just as kyzaku (AIM) SorceryGenius@aol.com (e-mail)
Personal LJ-- kyriesanctus


Name-- Yosuke Hanamura
Fandom-- Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 4
Age-- 16
Gender-- Male
Tattoo Position-- Inside of the wrist. It's natural color is red.

Personality-- On the outside, Yosuke is a pretty normal guy. Kinda lazy, kinda nice, obviously bored and has a streak of bad luck- whether it's crashing his bike on the way to school for days in a row or always managing to say or do the wrong thing that the wrong time (or breaking precious kung-fu DVDs). He is, like the protagonist, from the city, and therefore his new setting in the quiet, rural town of Inaba is a jarring and slightly unwelcome change to the hustle and bustle of the 'city.' Because of this, he never really manages to fit in at his new school, or at work. At school, people tend to view him as a city boy, and think of him as the son of the man whose business is murdering the town's shopping district, talking about him behind his ( ... )


Yosuke Hanamura 2/? kyriesanctus July 2 2009, 06:41:19 UTC
Strengths-- Yosuke is fairly decent at deductive reasoning, and while he's no expert at it, he's pretty good at following up with clues to create theories. He's a good friend when it comes down to it, even though he may complain about the things he has to do for people he is still someone who helps his friends when he can. He tends to try to be a good team player, knowing when someone else is more suited to take the lead, even if it's a position he may end up being jealous of later on.

Weaknesses-- Yosuke has a tendency to let people walk all over him. He wants to help out when he can, and because of that, people take advantage of him, specifically, his fellow teenaged co-workers. His being the manager's son puts a lot of stress on him. It can also be pointed out that Yosuke's Shadow self is someone who is looking for excitement, and who wants the spotlight. Part of him puts on an act in order to be accepted by people. It is obvious he desperately wanted friends who he felt actually close to, and never felt like he fit in until ( ... )


Yosuke Hanamura 3/5 kyriesanctus July 2 2009, 06:44:55 UTC
First Person Sample--

Hello? ... feel stupid talking to this thing. Ugh.

Hey, I'm guessing this is how this thing works, but can anyone help me out here? I've got no idea where I am and this place really doesn't look like Inaba. Souji, Chie, Yukiko, Kanji, Ted? If you guys see this I'm at some kind of hotel-thing. I've never seen it before, so you guys might not be able to find it. I'll try to meet you at the exit if I can get there on my own. Just hope I don't run into many Shadows...

Man, I really hope this is some kind of weird dream and I wake up soon.


Yosuke Hanamura 4/5 kyriesanctus July 2 2009, 06:45:22 UTC
Third Person Sample-- (Assuming characters wake up in beds in the living quarter?)
Waking up sucks; this is something Yosuke knows and agrees with very much. Sleeping in is great- especially when you're having dreams like he was having. Dreams about certain idols in certain bikinis. That had been a nice dream. Waking up wouldn't have been that bad either, until he peeled an eye open and caught a glimpse of the room he was in. "What the-?!" A loud voice broke the relative silence around him as he thrust himself up against the mattress, into a seated position.

Yosuke groaned as he looked around the room. Clearly, not is own, and it definitely wasn't someplace that would be found in a place like Inaba. It's not like anything like this would have happened there, either. You don't just wake up in a room that isn't yours, unless. Unless this is inside the TV. "Oh you've got to be kidding me." Even though he could see just fine without them, he blindly groped the bedside table beside him for his 'special' glasses, shoving them on his face ( ... )


1 croutonpupil July 2 2009, 21:59:23 UTC

Name-- Coppelia
Age-- 16
Contact-- email: joecool7889@gmail.com; aim: swan marytrdom; wln/msn: coppeli@live.com
Personal LJ-- magicdragonomg


Name-- Meander
Fandom-- 10%+/Nature of Nature's Art
Age-- I'm told by the creator that Meander is in his mid-twenties in human years (something like three and a half to four years in dog years).
Gender-- male
Tattoo Position-- Meander's tattoo can be located on the triceps muscle - or upper muscle, near the shoulder - of his right front leg. Due to his thick orange coat, the tattoo itself would be large (four inches wide) and at its default color black.

Personality-- Animals are allowed within society to choose their own names if desired (otherwise, by default, they are referred to by scent). Meander chose his name, "to wander around kind of leisurely", by his own accord, and in reality, the name both does and doesn't suit him. On the surface, because of Meander's below average critical thinking as compared to other society animals, he's often seen as "slow", dull, ( ... )


2 croutonpupil July 2 2009, 22:04:28 UTC
Strengths & Weaknesses-- One of Meander's greatest problems and the source of some of his struggles in canon is his attentive and perceptual abilities. While enrolled in the College, his grades often suffered, and there has been at least one instance where he's been held back a year. Meander's teacher, Mr. Rule, often feels frustration for his pupil, as Meander still tries his best in school, but it's implied that he's not "smart". Of course, what Meander is really after is persistence and focus, something he has somewhat achieved after events in canon but not fully grasped. In short, Meander will probably struggle with puzzles and mental challenges, but if he has enough drive and determination, he should be able to eventually find a solution. While he may feel distress over a situation, he never truly gives up ( ... )


3 croutonpupil July 2 2009, 22:09:32 UTC
Upon bringing Meander to Fiat, a medical expert on the Halo Brain, it appears on close inspection that Meander has ignored a cardinal rule: never use more of the brain than the equivalent currently utilized. Apparently, there is a 10%+ limit on the capacity of the Halo Brain to be used at any one time, as the Halo Brain generates a great amount of heat (hence the fire that may spout on the top of his head). The result of surpassing the limit is brain damage. In Meander's case, he ended up lucky: he only lost abilities of speech and motor functions temporarily ( ... )


4 croutonpupil July 2 2009, 22:15:24 UTC
Since Meander's once intact, complex mental facilities were erased, Meander will "revive" in the Tower. He will remember only fighting Rule up until the point the style to make him vacuous is used on him, and he will be fuzzy on the details of the fight.

Appearance-- FULL-BODY (The "dissipating blocks of his brain" are symbolic.)
Yes, it should be obvious upon meeting Meander that he is not human; more precisely, Meander is a maned wolf brought up in an alternate South America. As such, he bears many characteristics similar to most maned wolves: a brown-orange coat, large ears, tinted brown, a dark mane, muzzle, and dark socks on his legs. A patch of white in the form of a crest can be found close underneath his chin on his neck, and his tail and lower belly are white as well. Some more individual features of Meander may be his somewhat thinner coat (than most maned wolves) and his bright, simple eyes. While Meander will often have this in the heat of battle, the slightly iridescent flames from between his ears and a little ( ... )


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