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1/? superbiemperor July 1 2009, 12:53:26 UTC

Name-- Hel
Age-- 22
Contact-- (AIM: thicksweetmiasma) (Email: countess_margolotta@yahoo.co.uk)
Personal LJ-- macabreromansu


Name-- Superbi Squalo
Fandom-- Katekyo Hitman REBORN!
Age-- 32
Gender-- Male
Tattoo Position-- Neck/collarbone

Squalo has a very loud and crude personality which people also take for stupidity, and with most things he prefers to cut straight to the core of the matter, more ready to fight than talk. Although he has a lot of arrogance, most of it is well-earned as he takes his position both as Sword Emperor and vice-commander of the Varia very seriously. He spends most of his time complaining about Xanxus' various fits, and is the one to bear the brunt of a lot of his Boss' anger.

He has a lot of faith in Xanxus and is very confident in making him the 10th boss still in place of Tsuna, and despite the previous defeats, hasn't wavered.

He is also very perceptive, able to see through the Phantom Knight's advanced illusions in their match [Squalo's 100th in the dvds he sent future!Yamamoto], leading him to participate in another match straight after, feeling that the one with the Phantom Knight didn't count as a victory.

Squalo's personality strengths probably lie in his stubborn 'swordsman's pride', which allows to keep believing in and following Xanxus even after their defeat and also helps him to be able to acknowledge Yamamoto as a sort of rival to encourage on the same sword path as himself. His arrogance and over-confidence, which may also be listed as a weakness, is a strength that enables him to be a competent second-in-command of the Varia force as he is prepared to move flexibly in order to keep the unti together even when it looks like they are failing. This also accounts for his physical strengths; his belief that he can beat anyone and his hunger for more sword styles to assimilate keep him moving forward.

Has a tendency to be over-confident and has an extremely bad temper, tending to lash out at allies and enemies alike with violence and minimal patience, so his anger could rise at the most insignificant thing if a more irritable mood than usual. Ths can lead to insubordination against the Boss which ultimately usually gains him violence in return. Smarter than he looks and acts but not quite as smart as he thinks he is.

Also it may be hard for him to adjust to working in a partnership with someone even if he has no choice in the matter. Constantly argumentative, and coupled with his usual cocky attitude, Squalo doesn't easily endear people towards him.


2/? superbiemperor July 1 2009, 12:54:38 UTC
Not much is known about Squalo other than when he was younger, he attended a school exclusively for young mafioso and was obsessive in his study of the sword, absorbing many styles and defeating rival swordsmen all over to gain the title of 'Sword Emperor', The actual Sword Emperor was a man named Tyr, the boss of the Vongola Famiglia Varia Assassination Squad at that time. For two days, he and Squalo battled and Squalo finally beat him, taking his title.

The new Sword Emperor, Squalo was all set to become the next head of the Varia but before he could assume the seat, he met Xanxus, the son of the Vongola IX head. When Xanxus found that he wasn't eligible himself to take over the Famiglia, he planned to take it for himself instead. Squalo pledged that until he realised this dream, he wouldn't cut his hair. Eventually, the Varia squad was used to attempt a coup and take the title by force. When this failed, Squalo, unknown to Xanxus, learned a piece of vital information that tied him to the new Varia boss.

The next time Squalo appeared, he was still at Xanxus' side as they attempted to take the seven Vongola Rings central to the Famiglia's boss and his most trusted subordinates in order to finally declare himself as the 'real' 10th generation boss in place of the chosen heir, Sawada Tsunayoshi. He fought Yamamoto Takeshi for the Vongola Rain Ring and the position as Guardian of Rain but lost and was thought to be killed by the surprise trap after the match was over. He appeared later on during the match between Tsuna and Xanxus to reveal to him and everyone else there that he knew the real reason behind Xanxus' non-eligibility to become Boss.

The next appearance was in the Ten Years Later arc, in which he instructs Tsuna and the others to remain at the Vongola hideout and stay there until further instructions appear. Later on, he is shown in Italy with the other members of Varia, fighting against the Millefiore there. Upon hearing of the younger Yamamoto Takeshi's loss against the Phantom Knight, Genkishi of the Millefiore, Squalo is incensed [since he now is presumed to share the title of Sword Emperor with the older Yamamoto] and comes to the Vongola hideout [complete with a present!] to train him.

Appearance-- (Just a simple overview of what they look like for other players, please. A link to a picture would suffice. Narration is encouraged too.)

Squalo has mastered many hundreds of sword techniques as well as devising his own version. In order to keep up with the previous Sword Emperor, Tyr, he cut off his hand after the fight and attached his sword to an artificial one on a hinge so he would have no blind spots if an enemy were to attack him from behind and explosive pellets can be released from along the length of the blade.

List of attacks include:

Attacco di Squalo - oscillating wave from a single blow to the opponent. Travels through opponent's body effectively paralysing them

Zanna di Squalo - four consequetive attack in which it seems like only one has struck. These are applied with Squalo's full strength.

Scontro di Squalo - Squalo charges forward, slashing in front of him at great speed

Torrential Rain - charge forward and attack with a thrust

Last Minute Rain - Drops katana, kicking it with his foot to send it flying in a stab.

Early Summer Rain - Slashes diagonally but drops the sword midway, switching hands, before finishing the attack. Able to put off the opponent's timing

Spraying Rain - also can be used with loose dirt/sand/gravel etc - Holds the katana backwards and spins to create a whirlwhind-type shield.

Surging Rain - also can be used with loose dirt/sand/gravel etc - Lifts wave of water around him then ducks with katana held out in front.

In the Ten Years Later arc, in addition to his sword, he uses a rain attribute ring and his main box weapon is a shark, Grande Pioggia Squalo or 'Big Rain Shark', which is strong enough to attack enemies on its own (Rings & Boxes explained). Handicap: Squalo's box won't open, even if the ring is inserted into the lock.


3/3 superbiemperor July 1 2009, 12:57:49 UTC
First Person Sample--

Che, the fuck am I now?! This isn't Mordena...OII!!

I need to get to the fucking airport ASAP!! Got a useless brat waiting for me to pound the shit outta him when I get to Japan.

VVVOII, there nobody around here that has any clue what we're all doing here?! What a fucking waste of time, oii!

Third Person Sample--
Opening his eyes, Squalo found that his head felt as heavy as a rock and furthermore there was a steady pounding going on, an ache in his skull that made him take care not to jar it too much when sitting up. He was lying on a bed, quite a narrow one, plain sheets and blankets in a small room, more like a monk's cell he'd seen once on a particularly gruelling job at a monastery in the Alps.

'Shit...' He said, or tried to say, but ended up barely getting the word out before his head protested loudly. Still, he wasn't going to sit around there and do nothing, so he stood up carefully, finding that this movement was definitely for the better. As he focused more on his surroundings, his head became clearer and the ache less.

Walking over to the plain, wooden door of the room, he was surprised to find that it wasn't locked in any way and opened it, sword hand held in front of him in case this was a trap of some sort. He wouldn't have put it past those Millefiore bastards to try something as low as kidnap although he'd be damned if he knew how they got the jump on him in the first place. That royal brat was going to have a field day and Squalo swore, there and then, on the threshold of the room, that he would rather bite his own tongue and kill himself like a coward than ever subject himself to the months, possibly years of ribbing this would entail if it ever got out.

Questions? Do we need to specify the point of time in which the characters are taken from in the canon? If so, Squalo is taken from approx. chapter 238 of the manga.

What is the secret password? 'There is no such thing as being too detailed.'

Appearance-- Squalo has long, silver hair that reaches past the small of his back and at this point in the canon, is in the alternative Varia uniform of all black, with black fur around the coat collar and the tops of his boots. The Varia crest is in red on his coat, on the left side. His sword is usually stapped to his left [artificial] hand. He has grey eyes and stands approximately 182cm tall.


Request! thetowermascots July 4 2009, 11:04:06 UTC
Could we get a revision of your First Person Sample and Third Person Sample? We're not very convinced that we can 'hear' the character's voice from both samples.


Re: Request! superbiemperor July 4 2009, 12:03:18 UTC
First Person Sample--

Che, where the fuck am I now?! This isn't Mordena...OII!!

I need to get to the fucking airport ASAP!! Got a useless brat waiting for me to pound the shit outta him when I get to Japan, can't stand around in this place forever!

VVVOII, there nobody around here that has any clue what this shit is all about?!

What a fucking waste of time. Oi, I got things to do! Show me a way out or I'll cut my way out!!

Third Person Sample--
Opening his eyes, Squalo found that his head felt as heavy as a rock and furthermore there was a steady pounding going on, an ache in his skull that made him take care not to jar it too much when sitting up. He was lying on a bed, quite a narrow one, plain sheets and blankets in a small room, more like a monk's cell he'd seen once on a particularly gruelling job at a monastery in the Alps.

'Shit!!' He said, or tried to say, but ended up barely getting the word out before his head protested loudly. Still, he wasn't going to sit around there and do nothing, so he stood up carefully, finding that this movement was definitely for the better. As he focused more on his surroundings, his head became clearer and the ache less.

Walking over to the plain, wooden door of the room, he was surprised to find that it wasn't locked in any way and opened it, sword hand held in front of him in case this was a trap of some sort. He wouldn't have put it past those Millefiore bastards to try something as low as kidnap although he'd be damned if he knew how they got the jump on him in the first place. That royal brat was going to have a field day and Squalo swore, there and then, on the threshold of the room, that he would rather bite his own tongue and kill himself like a coward than ever subject himself to the months, possibly years of ribbing this would entail if it ever got out.

'VVOIII, where the fuck is this hole?!' He shouted, free of the ache in his head now he'd fully woken, and swung his word about in front of him, light from a couple of stained glass windows glancing off the blade.


He stomped over to a staircase and ran down, boots pounding on the uncovered stone and echoing in the narrow space.


Accepted! thetowermascots July 4 2009, 14:54:07 UTC
Welcome to the game!

Please create your character journal and join thetower_rpg, thetower_ooc and thetowerlogs. You may also join radtower, but it's not required. Also, please friend thetowermascots in order to be able to access certain posts.

Once you've been friended back, kindly reply to the Taken Characters page and provide your Player Information. Don't forget to introduce yourself in thetower_ooc as well!

Note: The game will officially open on July 10, however, you can post any queries/introduction in thetower_ooc as soon as you've been accepted into the community.

Please reply here with the character journal you'll be using in the game for ease of process.

Edit due to Mod Error:
Yes, we would need the canon point. Thank you for providing it!


Re: Accepted! superbiemperor July 4 2009, 15:27:40 UTC
Thanks 8Db - superbiemperor


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