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Application: Alucard 2 of ? sortiarius July 2 2009, 00:58:01 UTC
Strengths & Weaknesses -- Alucard's weaknesses far out weigh his strengths. He is a man who turned away from God when he felt like he had no hope left. As a King and ruler he was cruel, deciding that the deaths of innocent lives would work to his favor and help win a war. He gives little thought to life and has even less respect for people who do not live their lives to the fullest means possible. His immortality has granted him endless experience, he knows many things and is second to none when it comes to combat experience. However, the immortality has also left Alucard extremely arrogant and egotistical. He is not the type of creature one should take solace in for advice or push for a friendship in. Physically and as far as powers go, Alucard has an extreme advantage over most foes. He can not be killed or hurt by any normal attacks, only the most holy of relics can cause him physical pain and possibly death. He has a myriad of powers at his fingertips, as well as two powerful holy hand guns. With years of combat experience under his belt, Alucard is an extremely formidable foe. The down side to his combat supremacy however, is he gets over confident. He has yet to met someone who is truly worth a challenge, as such he gets easily bored. He will play with his food so to speak until he can not stomach it anymore. The other extreme downfall to his powers, is that many of his powers are sealed away. Thanks to Integra's ancestor, Alucard has to receive permission to release certain levels of his power restrictions. These power arc levels go 1-5, one being the highest level of power restriction and 5 being the lowest. During most average missions Alucard is capable of releasing levels three through five. However, he is unable to release levels one and two without direct order from the head fo the Hellsing Organization.

History-- Something to keep in mind prior to reading Alucard's history, it is actually canon to the manga that some of the events of Bram Stoker's Dracula occurred. Therefore, some of those events will be remembered by this Alucard, their extent however will depend on if we ever see other Bram Stoker characters show up. I may have to adjust, but I'll keep it simple for the time being.

According to Hellsing, Alucard was born in 1431 and named Vlad III Dracul. He was the son of Vlad II Dracul, and he become the ruler of Wallachia up until his 'death' in 1476. As a child he was captured by the Ottoman Empire, and the victim of both physical and sexual torture. When Vlad rose to become the Voivode of Wallachia, under the guidance of the Church he begun to wage a crusade upon the Turks. The war eventually devastated both sides, Vlad's own people had been killed in vast numbers ( many by his own hands ). Captured, Vlad was forced to watch the rest of his homeland set ablaze. In the end, Vlad was to be executed and before he was beheaded, he drank of the blood from the battlefield in an act of pure desperation. He felt as if God himself had abandon him and his people, so he turned his back on God. The blood of those he drank that afternoon turned him into a true vampire, and in his state Vlad accepted the powers of darkness.

In 1893, Vlad found himself interested in Victorian England and begun to stretch out his resources to procure land through out specific points in London, England. It is through this interest that Dracula ( as he had become known as ) found himself tormenting the lives of Johnathon Harker, his fiancée, Wilhelmina "Mina" Murray, and her vivacious friend, Lucy Westenra. By meddling with Lucy Westenra, Abraham Hellsing is called to help Lucy with her sudden illness. It is Abraham that realizes Lucy is actually the victim of a Vampire, and from there he guides Dr. Seward and his friends in their efforts to save Lucy and eventually Mina. The Count was staked in the heart, but not destroyed. Due to some ancient magic Abraham was able to bind Dracula's powers and force him into a state of servitude. At some point Dracula was eventually forced into a hibernation of sorts. He was locked away for a number of years, until he was awoken in 1944.


Application: Alucard 3 of ? sortiarius July 2 2009, 00:58:42 UTC
Sir Arthur Hellsing called Dracula into battle in 1944. It was Arthur that gave Dracula his code name, Alucard. He was sent alongside Walter C. Dornez to Warsaw, Poland, in order to stop the Millennium Organization's vampire production program. Upon his return, Arthur deemed Alucard was "too powerful a drug to be used as more than the occasional medicine" and promptly sealed Alucard back away in the depths of the Hellsing Organization's dungeon. However, events that occurred around the time of Arthur's death found him being awakened once again. This time by Arthur's daughter Integra Hellsing. Tasting Integra's blood helped revive him from his slumber, and on her orders he helped save her from her Uncle Richard.

To this date Alucard serves his current master, Sir Integra Wingates Hellsing and is the 'dog' of the Hellsing Organization. At times it seems like Alucard is playing his own side to complete his own desires. However, he is still magically bound to be a servant of the Hellsing Organization ( he does find amusing ways around his restrictions, such as turning the young Police Woman Seras Victoria ). His own enemies the Millennium Organization are still up to their tricks, and so far none of the fake vampires they have produced have impressed Alucard.

Their recent invasion of London, the impact of killing Anderson after he merged with Helena's Nail, and his fight with Walter have all taken their toll on him. Last Alucard was seen he was deal with the Millennium Organization's pet cat Schrödinger. Schrödinger has the ability to exist only for as long as he believes he exists, and during their battle Alucard comes to consume him. Schrödinger however serves more like a poison at first, because there are millions of minds within Alucard, Schrödinger can no longer recognize himself and therefore neither can Alucard. Alucard seems to accept his fate and says his goodbyes to Integra, and seems to disappear into thin air, leaving only the bloody Hellsing-pentagram on the ground, possibly symbolizing him being sealed away once again.

It will be from this point: Alucard vanishing after having absorbed Schrödinger, that Alucard will appear in The Tower.

Appearance-- With the abilities to change one's shape Alucard tends to swap out looks at will. Depending on his mood, or level or power release at the time he takes on different forms and or appearances. His most recent attire and form is similar to his original appearance. In Victorian fashion he wears a charcoal suit, leather riding boots, and a red bow tie. The outfit is covered by a long red overcoat, and completed with a giant red fedora and a pair of circular, wire-framed sunglasses. Thanks to his supernatural strength, Alucard is rarely ever without his two guns Jackal and the .454 Casull Auto. When breaking down Alucard's other physical attributes he is in top physical condition and bears no ill scars or markings. Like most vampires he does have a pair of fangs.


Application: Alucard 4 of 5 sortiarius July 2 2009, 01:01:39 UTC
Powers-- Alucard is the most powerful vampire and has a wide range of supernatural abilities at his fingertips to use. However, due to experimentation and enslavement at the hands of the Hellsing family, Alucard's powers are limited. He can only access powers during certain level releases. These restrictions are lifted only when an order comes down from the head member of the Hellsing organization ( though it is assumed during missions Alucard is given free reign to lower and raise the restrictions from levels 3 through 5. Release of Level 1 and Level 2 restrictions must come directly from Hellsing's Leader ). Here is a basic list of powers Alucard has access to while in full release: immortality, regeneration, super human senses, super human strength/speed/accuracy, the ability to pass through walls and other solid objects, manipulations of shadows and the world around you ( think illusions ), shape shifting ( he may assume the form of bats, dogs, demons, shadows, or other creatures ), control of weather to an unknown degree ( call about fog, storms fronts ), Teleportation, Telekinesis/Telepathy, mind reading/control ( control only works on those of lesser will ), familiar summoning ( anything a vampire takes into his own being may be used at a later time as a familiar. For example, during the Battle of London, Alucard called on his entire Wallachian army to fight the Millennium organization ), immunity ( such to garlic, sun light, silver. Alucard can only be hurt by the most holy of holy relics ), and flat out combat experience.

First Person Sample-- This is wonderful! So many unique humans here, so many powers. Perhaps one of them will truly turn out to make for an interesting challenge. This type of death is turning out to be more amazing than I ever could have hoped for. I want more!

Third Person Sample-- Going to assume a mock event introduction will suffice for a writing sample. Alucard vs Random Ghoul infested event.

Eager for a suitable challenge, the vampire strode calmly through an open set of doors. The tips of his fingers itched anxiously to feel the cold metal of his guns return to his hands. Even if the previous event had only ended a few days, it as time to see how this test would fair. The room around him shifted and Alucard phased out of sight as he felt his powers return to him.

Sha... Sha... Sha.

It was as if the wind was breathing as it shifted through the lifeless branches of the trees that suddenly appeared. A great forest was illuminated by the crimson glow of a full moon. It was rare for the color of the moon to take on this wonderful shade of red. It made the skin of most humans prickle with goose bumps. Perhaps, it was lucky for Alucard then that the color of the moon only served to lighten his mood.

He appeared out of thin air, the tails of his long red coat flapped silently in the wind as he stepped out into the open field. From behind his sunglasses he took in the light of the moon. He could barely stop the smile from forming on his lips, and exposing the tips of his very sharp fangs. "What a wonderful night!" he remarked out loud, as he turned away to walk up the near by hill.


Application: Alucard 5 of 5 sortiarius July 2 2009, 01:01:59 UTC
His hands slinked into his pockets, fingers taking firm hold of two extremely large and powerful weapons as he reached the peak. Before him stretched a line of ghouls ripe for the picking. Their grotesque and lifeless faces were just begging to be put out of their miserable existences. They weren't worthy of the gift they had been given, they were less than dirt as far as he was concerned. Alucard could only hope their Master was a bit more interesting. He opened fire without warning and begun to stain the grass a deeper shade of red than the moon was casting down upon them.

Questions? Alucard's nature requires that he sleep in a coffin and consume blood. I just wanted to get clarification and make sure those two things won't be an issue for him here at the Tower. Also, as far as weapons go I would like Alucard to be able to retain use of his guns during the live events, as well as his powers. I don't expect him to be able to release to level 2 or 1, because there is no Integra Hellsing here to approve him that level release. For the most part Alucard will only be able to access portions of his powers ( more large scale abilities like summoning a large amount/large scale familiars will be impossible for him ).

What is the secret password? There is no such thing as being too detailed.


Accepted! thetowermascots July 4 2009, 11:07:29 UTC
Welcome to the game!

Please create your character journal and join thetower_rpg, thetower_ooc and thetowerlogs. You may also join radtower, but it's not required. Also, please friend thetowermascots in order to be able to access certain posts.

Once you've been friended back, kindly reply to the Taken Characters page and provide your Player Information. Don't forget to introduce yourself in thetower_ooc as well!

Note: The game will officially open on July 10, however, you can post any queries/introduction in thetower_ooc as soon as you've been accepted into the community.

Please reply here with the character journal you'll be using in the game for ease of process.


Edit due to Mod Error thetowermascots July 4 2009, 14:55:05 UTC
Could you provide us his canon point as well?


thetowermascots July 4 2009, 15:07:32 UTC
Also, regarding the question:

No issues about the coffin, but we were wondering what you had planned for his need to consume blood. Would you make him attack people, or would it be all right if he could find some stock of it in the kitchen, since there will be a wide range of food (or in his case, blood) for the different tastes of the residents.

He can keep his guns and powers, but they will only be usable during the actual event.


454casull July 4 2009, 17:36:35 UTC
1. This is Alucard's journal!

2. Did you know btw that "thetowerlogs" community is not registered? Just a heads up.

3. His canon point was written at the end of his history. It is: It will be from this point: Alucard vanishing after having absorbed Schrödinger, that Alucard will appear in The Tower.

4.As for his need to consume blood, Alucard would never attack someone to consume their blood unless they openly ( and excessively ) provoked him. Due to his restrictions and 'orders' he is not allowed to openly attack others, nor would be put himself on a level of other other vampires by attacking humans so needlessly. Just like in the manga/anime he can be provided with blood packets ( like you see in hospitals and blood banks ) and be just as fine. I can not promise however, if we run into an event that he won't consume the blood of his enemies ( NPCs of course ).

5. Sweet that's what I figured. Thanks. :]


thetowermascots July 5 2009, 00:08:09 UTC
Sorry! It was supposed to be thetower_logs. Thanks for pointing it out.


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