Welcome to the BAFA Ball [Open]

Nov 09, 2007 18:05

Characters: All BAF officers and their guests.
Content: It's the BAFA Ball. Yes.
Setting: Valhalla Ballroom
Time: 5 p.m. to
Warnings: There better be no fighting, or you could face dismissal from the BAF~

It's almost time )

≠ lafiel abriel, ≠ britannia, ≠ asch fon fabre, ≠ bafa ball, miles edgeworth, ≠ rue, ≠ claire redfield, ≠ grimmjow jeagerjaques, ≠ jade curtiss, ≠ ema skye, ≠ leon kennedy, manfred von karma, ≠ ada wong, ≠ ichimaru gin, ≠ yurika doujima, ≠ ion fon elemni, thread, ≠ ahiru, ≠ dahlia hawthorne, ≠ valhalla, ≠ arietta, ≠ vava

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Comments 95

NEAR THE FRONT DOOR stupidsexygin November 10 2007, 03:10:03 UTC
Gin had prepared well for the ball. He was about seven feet from the door, he had a glass of water, he had a black suit and tie with a few vestiges of fashionable untidiness (though not too fashionably untidy- this was a posh function, after all), and he was wearing sunglasses.

At night.

He supposed some other people he knew would be arriving soon, in which case he could really start to enjoy himself. Right now, he was content to just stand back and observe the ballgoers.


NEAR THE FRONT DOOR mind_of_the_sky November 10 2007, 03:48:55 UTC
Jade also stood near the door, but on the opposite side as Gin. He was dressed in a dark dress uniform with gold lining and, dashingly, of course, sported a cape with a red satin interior. He'd braided his hair to one side for the evening, and left his glasses at home.

He had brought his own wine glass (filled with the woefully tame punch), and held it gracefully in his right hand, with his other arm folded behind his back. He smiled inquisitively at Gin, "I suppose neither of us really know the meaning of fashionably late~"


Re: NEAR THE FRONT DOOR edge_of_honor November 10 2007, 04:32:40 UTC
Edgeworth approached the door, back ramrod straight, arms behind his back, and a look of polite indifference on his face. As much as he disliked this function, that was no excuse for him not to make an entrance. His dress uniform was impeccable, and even more decorative than his normal attire; his boots were shined thoroughly, his pants and tailcoat were a rich wine red, and lapels of his coat were trimmed with the same gold thread that adorned his peacock blue vest. Of course, there was also the cravat.

His outer jacket was handed to the doorman with a nod, and soon after he entered the room. There were many sights to take in, from the musicians making their preparations to the ostentatious decorations, but the first thing that caught his eye were two familiar guests, already engaged in conversation. He nodded to Jade and Gin, before stepping forward. "Good evening, gentlemen."


NEAR THE FRONT DOOR stupidsexygin November 10 2007, 16:42:56 UTC
Gin nodded at Jade as he spotted him, his smirk intensifying slightly. "Well, if you're fashionably late, who's to say you already missed the good stuff, hm?" he said, cocking his head slightly- and then turning his head to the newcomer.

"Ah, Edgeworth! So lovely of you to join us."


BAR kingofallbeasts November 10 2007, 04:03:00 UTC
Grimmjow had no formal outfit. It had dissapeared- or prehaps he'd destroyed it somewhere down the line. He couldn't remember, damnit. ...so he'd gone out and gotten a tuxedo t-shirt. And a blinding turquoise suit jacket, if the damn t-shirt wasn't good enough for the posh bastards. The looks he was getting implied that yeah, that was the case, but well... fuck 'em.

He headed to the bar hoping the woman who'd ordered him to come would show up soon, as he was sort of lost... which he would never admit but fuck.


riveing November 10 2007, 04:48:20 UTC
While Selena hadn't been thrilled at the idea of this ball, she certainly wasn't about to slouch off on it either. She'd gotten a new dress uniform for the occasion, if only because her old one had a ripped shirt, and had even managed to comb her hair into something more professional looking than the spiked mess it tended to come out.

Still, unlike many of the women here she was more content to be wearing pants with her outfit and by the look of it anyone who wanted to suggest otherwise should have been ready for her to tell them where to shove their opinions.

She spotted her escort over by the bar, good she had wanted to go there anyway, and frowned at his outfit. The blue was very loud and was that a tuxedo t-shirt? This might not have been a good idea.

Selena tried to keep the glare off of her face as she approached him, and failed miserably. "A tuxedo t-shirt? Really? You couldn't wear a real shirt?"


kingofallbeasts November 10 2007, 17:12:24 UTC
Grimmjow glared at some bastard who was looking at him funny, and then turned to see- oh yeah.

...and fuck, how was he supposed to know this formal shit? He was from Sparta. They didn't do this shit there.

"I couldn't find anything, okay?" he snarled, crossing his arms. "These were the cheapest things I could find. You think they pay good money to a fuckin' cook, or somethin'?"


riveing November 11 2007, 00:35:33 UTC
Selena snorted faintly at this idea, but let the topic drop. Being poorly dressed wouldn't be something they could demote her for, and even if it was eye-catching she would simply have to get over it.

She'd need a lot of alcohol for that, though. "I hadn't realized you were a cook." Something gave her the impression that the crew of the Goliath had quite a few stomach aches.

The bartender asked what her poison was, and after a bit of annoyed back-and-forth she settled for some horrible sounding fruity drink. "No hard liquor. This is going to be a long night." She grumbled, clearly already not thrilled with the situation.


DANCE FLOOR dahliahasthorns November 10 2007, 04:29:22 UTC
Dahlia could care less if she had lost von Karma in the throng of people by the entrance during her rush to the dance floor, but she put the front of waiting for him anyhow. After all, she was being the sweet guest tagging along with an all-important Grand Admiral! She needed to be presentable!


She looked up at the chandelier ahead and gasped in awe, clasping her hands together in what could only be considered glee. "It's so beautiful! Oh, Grand Admiral, thank you for bringing me with you!" She turned her head to the elder man, offered him a bright smile before pulling out a small, pink camera, and snapped a picture of him. "I'll remember this forever!"


DANCE FLOOR karmauberalles November 10 2007, 18:19:04 UTC
This ball was probably going to be one of the most tedious and irritating events of von Karma's life- and really, there had been quite a bit of tedium and irritation. He rather wished he had just ignored Hawthorne, but then she would have never given him cause for suspicion- which could have had dangerous results. Those who put up a brainless facade to hide a sharper mind always had a reason for doing so, and the reason was often a rather dangerous one. The ball would give him an opportunity to see if there were any chinks in her carefully constructed armor and observe anything that would possibly give him insight as to what the girl's true face was like ( ... )


Re: DANCE FLOOR dahliahasthorns November 10 2007, 20:59:13 UTC
Dahlia gave another laugh (she was obviously ignoring such a venomous tone) before twirling to display her dress, pocketing the camera back to who-knows-where in mid-spin. "Of course I am! It's not every day a cook like me gets to go with such an important man to an event like this!" She swept the hand not holding her parasol to the side, motioning to all behind her. "This is… I-I…" The redhead frowned and brought her gloved hand to her mouth, staring downward for a moment before giving von Karma another sweet smile. "I just… thank you so much, Grand Admiral. This means so much to me… I-I can't even say." She reached and touched his arm in shy affection before turning her back to him in order to take in the environment.

At least, that's what it looked like. In truth, she was scanning the crowd for potential issues. It didn't seem as though anyone in the building would recognize her aside from… hahaha, Grimmjow, which was in her favor. It was just as well those idiotic Tortugan-scum wouldn't dare show themselves here. Dahlia would ( ... )


DANCE FLOOR karmauberalles November 10 2007, 21:49:20 UTC
"No," replied von Karma stiffly, shrugging off her touch and ignoring all her babbling- although briefly wondering where she'd put the camera. "I have absolutely no interest in dancing." He crossed his arms, quite prepared for the girl to try and persuade him into doing so.


BACKSTAGE ungainlyfowl November 10 2007, 04:35:46 UTC
The well known theater troupe was in tizzy. Out front the tumblers were preforming a few quick acts while the main entertainers continued to make last-minute arrangements. While a boys dressed in brightly colored apparel made human pyramids in front of the curtained stage, a group of girls dressed up as dead maidens who had been betrayed by love twittered nervously back stage ( ... )


Re: BACKSTAGE pas_de_canard November 10 2007, 04:58:32 UTC
While Rue seemed to prefer staying at her vanity, Ahiru, on the other hand, was all atwitter. She flitted about the back of the stage, running to look through the side of the curtain at the people beginning to congregate in the room. Wow, there were so many! Her face broke into a bright smile as she watched them all, before she made her way back over to Rue.

"Rue-chan, Rue-chan! There are so many people out there! Isn't it exciting?" It wasn't every day that they were asked to perform at such an important event. Well, Ahiru wasn't performing, but Rue was and Ahiru intended to support her 100%. It was about the only thing she could do, since Ahiru had been forbidden to help with just about anything: she got the job of moping up after the show. Sigh.

But she wasn't going to let that get her down! Nope, nope! Just being here was enough for her. It was so big and shiny and there were so many important people! Ahiru found herself drawn to it like a bird to a shiny piece of tinfoil.


BACKSTAGE ungainlyfowl November 10 2007, 05:16:22 UTC
"There are a lot, aren't there." Rue said, face a perfect look of pretty apathy. Though she did like to preform, since her recent conversation with the boy over the network her Faith In Humanity tally had gone down again. Hopefully, at least these people would know what the art of ballet was. That boy was probably just a common... Thing.

She couldn't help but have a sense of nostalgia. The ballroom, the ornate trappings, it felt like something out of a fairytale. And when one had been raised in a world of the imaginary and the fantastic, things like balls and performances were the only places that felt like home.

"Just be careful not to break anything, Ahiru." The older girl added, adding a few darker accents to the edges of her eyes with a darker color of purple and a few touches of glitter.


Re: BACKSTAGE pas_de_canard November 10 2007, 05:23:42 UTC
"Mmhmm! And more and more keep coming! This'll be one of our biggest shows yet!" Ahiru was over at the curtain again, rising up on her toes in order to lean her head out farther than it had been previously. She wanted to get an even bigger view of the ballroom! It was so glamorous! Ahh, if only Ahiru could be out there and dance on that floor. It wasn't ballet dancing but it was dancing, and Ahiru did want to learn all types. Though, she supposed she should focus on at least mastering the basics of ballet first.

She looked back as Rue spoke again. "Break anything? Ah hah hah, I wouldn't do anything like that." She would. But never on purpose! Well, as long as she kept her hands to herself this evening everything should be ok, right?


[[ One of the Rest Areas to the Side ]] redheadedpiracy November 10 2007, 04:41:54 UTC
Asch tensed, a bit angrily; they were barely inside and already he was feeling more antisocial than he ever had before.

How he hated parties.

However, he was apparently required to rub elbows with the officers and make a good impression, according to his father, so regretfully that was exactly what he had to do, nerves and reluctance aside. If Natalia wasn't with him, he'd very well have turned and left on the spot, consequences be damned, but he knew she occasionally liked going places with him, and...

...it also helped that Natalia looked stunning; Asch could barely take his eyes off of her, which was not so good as he was getting some dirty looks from other female attendees. Natalia didn't seem to mind, however; in fact, if he were to take a shot in the dark, she almost seemed amused. She was all that mattered, after all.

Well, they could always stand aside and mock the cadets if things got too dull.


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