Welcome to the BAFA Ball [Open]

Nov 09, 2007 18:05

Characters: All BAF officers and their guests.
Content: It's the BAFA Ball. Yes.
Setting: Valhalla Ballroom
Time: 5 p.m. to
Warnings: There better be no fighting, or you could face dismissal from the BAF~

It's almost time )

≠ lafiel abriel, ≠ britannia, ≠ asch fon fabre, ≠ bafa ball, miles edgeworth, ≠ rue, ≠ claire redfield, ≠ grimmjow jeagerjaques, ≠ jade curtiss, ≠ ema skye, ≠ leon kennedy, manfred von karma, ≠ ada wong, ≠ ichimaru gin, ≠ yurika doujima, ≠ ion fon elemni, thread, ≠ ahiru, ≠ dahlia hawthorne, ≠ valhalla, ≠ arietta, ≠ vava

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DANCE FLOOR dahliahasthorns November 10 2007, 04:29:22 UTC
Dahlia could care less if she had lost von Karma in the throng of people by the entrance during her rush to the dance floor, but she put the front of waiting for him anyhow. After all, she was being the sweet guest tagging along with an all-important Grand Admiral! She needed to be presentable!


She looked up at the chandelier ahead and gasped in awe, clasping her hands together in what could only be considered glee. "It's so beautiful! Oh, Grand Admiral, thank you for bringing me with you!" She turned her head to the elder man, offered him a bright smile before pulling out a small, pink camera, and snapped a picture of him. "I'll remember this forever!"


DANCE FLOOR karmauberalles November 10 2007, 18:19:04 UTC
This ball was probably going to be one of the most tedious and irritating events of von Karma's life- and really, there had been quite a bit of tedium and irritation. He rather wished he had just ignored Hawthorne, but then she would have never given him cause for suspicion- which could have had dangerous results. Those who put up a brainless facade to hide a sharper mind always had a reason for doing so, and the reason was often a rather dangerous one. The ball would give him an opportunity to see if there were any chinks in her carefully constructed armor and observe anything that would possibly give him insight as to what the girl's true face was like ( ... )


Re: DANCE FLOOR dahliahasthorns November 10 2007, 20:59:13 UTC
Dahlia gave another laugh (she was obviously ignoring such a venomous tone) before twirling to display her dress, pocketing the camera back to who-knows-where in mid-spin. "Of course I am! It's not every day a cook like me gets to go with such an important man to an event like this!" She swept the hand not holding her parasol to the side, motioning to all behind her. "This is… I-I…" The redhead frowned and brought her gloved hand to her mouth, staring downward for a moment before giving von Karma another sweet smile. "I just… thank you so much, Grand Admiral. This means so much to me… I-I can't even say." She reached and touched his arm in shy affection before turning her back to him in order to take in the environment.

At least, that's what it looked like. In truth, she was scanning the crowd for potential issues. It didn't seem as though anyone in the building would recognize her aside from… hahaha, Grimmjow, which was in her favor. It was just as well those idiotic Tortugan-scum wouldn't dare show themselves here. Dahlia would ( ... )


DANCE FLOOR karmauberalles November 10 2007, 21:49:20 UTC
"No," replied von Karma stiffly, shrugging off her touch and ignoring all her babbling- although briefly wondering where she'd put the camera. "I have absolutely no interest in dancing." He crossed his arms, quite prepared for the girl to try and persuade him into doing so.


Re: DANCE FLOOR dahliahasthorns November 10 2007, 22:04:27 UTC
Her eyes widened and she pulled her hand back quickly, as if he'd just bitten her instead of plainly declining her invitation. "I… I'm so sorry, Grand Admiral. I just… I just thought…"

Dahlia turned away from him again and brought her free hand to her mouth, head tilted upwards as if to stop oncoming tears. She whimpered silently to herself and shook with the occasional sob, a heart-wrenching display of a heartbroken girl. If the crying didn't make him change his mind, the attention it might bring would.

Oh yes. She knew what she was doing.


DANCE FLOOR karmauberalles November 10 2007, 22:50:53 UTC
Oh, now, this was pathetic.

"Are you going to start crying like some petulant child?" snapped von Karma, who really did not want to deal with this, but wasn't about to concede to her. "Act your age. I doubt anyone's going to stand up for you if you keep acting like an idiot."


Re: DANCE FLOOR dahliahasthorns November 10 2007, 23:17:03 UTC
Oh, how rude. Still, it looked like the tears weren't going to work with this one, at least not now. Dahlia turned back around with a sniffle, gazing at him with big, teary eyes, contrary to her thoughts (which involved hitting the man with her parasol).

"I-I kn-… I know I'm just a g-guest, Grand Admiral. I-… it was wrong- w-wrong of me to ask." She bowed her head and wiped at her eyes. "I don't w-wish to cause a scene…" After a moment, an uneasy smile made its way across her face once more and she continued, "this is so childish of me, I know. I just…"

She tugged at her bottle-necklace for a moment while fixing him with a small smile. "Can I get you something to drink?"


DANCE FLOOR karmauberalles November 11 2007, 00:03:23 UTC
von Karma was quite sure she did that on purpose, and it took most of his self control to keep him from retaliating or at least saying something very, very obscene.

"I'm not thirsty," he said, the corner of his mouth twitching- though he did pay discreet attention to the way she was messing with her necklace. A bit suspicious, that- especially its shape.


Re: DANCE FLOOR dahliahasthorns November 11 2007, 00:09:58 UTC
If she caught him staring at her necklace, Dahlia didn't show it. She just twirled her parasol in her hands and kept smiling.

"Is there anything I can do for you at all?" she asked, eyebrows rising in question. "It's the least I can do after all your kindness…" Pfft, kindness. Yeah, and she was Little Ms. Sunshine when no one was looking.


DANCE FLOOR karmauberalles November 11 2007, 00:34:41 UTC
Did she really expect him to believe any of this? Perhaps you could start saying what's really on your mind, thought von Karma irritably. It would make things much easier for him, but if he made any moves against her now, she'd probably deny it and become more guarded.

"No, nothing at the moment," he said, straightening his glove out a bit.


Re: DANCE FLOOR dahliahasthorns November 11 2007, 00:51:24 UTC
"I see…" Dahlia's smile faltered in the slightest, but it came back just as quickly. So what if he had a feeling her act was just that- it's not like he had the balls to call her out on it. Besides, in a crowed room like this? She couldn't afford to let his stares get to her. It was just as well that he wouldn't say anything, because she wouldn't respond.

For a while, the woman said nothing, merely twisting the top to her necklace this way and that. Her eyes were back to scanning the crowd, catching nothing of interest aside from perhaps the other cook being a mess. After some deliberation, she removed her camera once again from wherever she kept it and smiled again at the elder man.

"Can you take a picture of me? I couldn't bring my tripod."


DANCE FLOOR karmauberalles November 11 2007, 01:17:58 UTC
...Really, he couldn't think of a good reason not to take a picture of the girl. It wouldn't even take up any of his time. He paused a moment, then snatched the camera from the girl's hands, took a quick picture, then shoved it back at her. Of course, if there were any imperfections in the photograph it probably came from her expression, or something, as she was in center, in focus, and the camera wasn't crooked.


Re: DANCE FLOOR dahliahasthorns November 11 2007, 01:40:12 UTC
She took the camera back with what looked like excitement, almost bouncing with joy as the man shoved the camera back into her arms. "Oh, thank you, Grand Admiral," she said, pressing the pink camera to her chest. "I couldn't thank you enough for tonight!"

It didn't come to her attention until after she noticed her hands were wet that she forgot to tighten the bottle when she was fiddling with it before. Not until after the smell of hemlock became present on her gloves.

…oh god damn it.

"E-excuse me, Grand Admiral, I have to go to the ladies room." Play it cool, Dahlia. Play it cool. Turn, leave. He won't know.


DANCE FLOOR karmauberalles November 11 2007, 04:14:00 UTC
von Karma first noticed Hawthorne's worried look, then the fact that her gloves were somewhat damp- then the familliar smell, as a member of the von Karma family didn't live long unless they learned to recognize detectable traces of most poisons.

He grabbed her arm- not roughly enough to draw attention, but roughly enough to inform the girl that yes, she was in a very, very precarious situation and any further messing around would not be tolerated.

"First, I'd like to ask you a quick question; what's an innocent young woman like you doing with hemlock?"


Re: DANCE FLOOR dahliahasthorns November 11 2007, 04:32:05 UTC
N-no… No!

Dahlia's eyes widened in an innocent gesture of confusion, visibly shaken at von Karma's actions. "H-hemlock?" She looked down at her gloves and the open necklace clutched in her right hand (she'd made sure to take it off before the Admiral had taken to grabbing her by the arm). "I-is… is that what it is?"

She wasn't going to be found because of a simple mistake. She wouldn't. "Who… who would put hemlock in my necklace?" she whimpered out, tears beginning to fall from her checks. "Why… why would anyone do that? It must be a mistake!"

…but now that he knew… she couldn't let him get away. She had to stop him from spreading what he knew…


DANCE FLOOR karmauberalles November 11 2007, 04:54:37 UTC
"I would suggest you stop your theatrics," whispered von Karma, barely audible. "You're drawing far too much attention to yourself- and if you try anything, then I will make sure that you are discovered, tried, and hanged." In a more audible voice, he said, "Actually, I believe I've changed my mind. Are you still interested in a dance, Miss Hawthorne?"

There were more people at the ball, and who would really suspect a quiet conversation between the two on the dance floor?


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