Nng..I see doubles of everything. - [OPEN]

Aug 03, 2008 23:55

Characters: Naoto Fuyumine, anyone aboard the 4423
Content: So..Naoto is sick. Rare and unfortunate as it is, she's suffering from a huge headache and nausea to boot. So much for being anti-social. :<
Setting: Naoto's room
Time: Sometime in the morning.
Warnings: ..nothing yet!

..could you please get me a bucket or fifty? )

≠ fai delwyn flowright, ≠ john "doktor sleepless" reinhardt, ≠ rhyme bito, ≠ shimada kambei, ≠ naoto fuyumine, ≠ winry rockbell, ≠ lavi

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Comments 66

reaperbait August 4 2008, 04:21:00 UTC
Rhyme didn't know who Naoto was really, all she knew was that Naoto was sick and sounded just awful.

Unfortunately, Rhyme wasn't a doctor, or even a particularly good healer. But there was more to being a doctor than just medicine and knowledge! So, armed with two bananas and four pieces of toast, Rhyme made her way to Naoto's quarters. Hopefully she would be allowed in!

She knocked on the door very loudly, and then a few moments later called out. "May I come in?"


depraedor August 4 2008, 17:35:37 UTC
Naoto winced at the loud knocking before replying, her voice husky and strained.


She wasn't sure who it was but the voice sounded childish, perhaps it was Amu?


reaperbait August 4 2008, 17:41:07 UTC
Rhyme opened up the door and saw the seawoman on her bed, she looked nice. She'd certainly been nice to Rhyme when she'd introduced herself to the crew.

"Hi! I'm Rhyme, it's nice to meet you." She couldn't do much more than be cheerful, so she set the toast and bananas down on a table near Naoto. "I brought you some food, it's good for if you aren't feeling well." She gave a huge smile.


depraedor August 4 2008, 17:56:55 UTC
Cracking her eye open she watched the little girl make her way towards the table before something down.

...ah, so it was Rhyme. The new cabingirl on the ship.

She smiled back, albeit a bit tiredly but as warm as she could muster.

"..thank you, Rhyme."


fuhenteki August 4 2008, 04:46:21 UTC
Despite barely knowing this doe-eyed woman enough to be so concern for her health, Kambei could not help but worry for her. Her coughs sound so sickly as she spoke to him earlier, obviously trying to hide her current condition from everyone who knew her. The samurai of course knew that Naoto was no feeble woman, more or less able to take care of herself without the prying affections of others. So what compelled this seasoned warrior to go out of his way and make 'tea' for this woman? Perhaps his past experiences with the farmers of Kanna has soften the samurai's persona a bit more than he would like. However, as much as Kambei would adore to pin the blame of his kindness upon the former allies and friends he made; the samurai knew he was always gullible to help those in need. The samurai simply hoped his good intentions would not be turned away for Naoto's sake ( ... )


depraedor August 4 2008, 17:37:55 UTC
At the sound of knocking, Naoto struggled to sit up. It was Kambei, the man who had called her by her last name and reminded her of..

...never mind, now was definitely not the time to think of that.

"You may come in, Kambei."

She straightened up as best she could against the wall and brushed her bangs as she rubbed the skin in between her eyes. The headache was only getting worse but to refuse help would be stupid. She understood that much.


fuhenteki August 4 2008, 18:21:55 UTC
Entering the room once he heard her voice, Kambei opened the door slowly as he strolled in. He closed the door gently behind him, knowing by the anguish upon the woman's face that her head was perhaps aching. The agony that Naoto felt could be clearly seen upon her face, the samurai's worried gaze lingering upon her form as he hastily walked closer to her cot.

"It seems you have seen better days..." Kambei whispered quietly as he came close, inspecting Naoto's condition with an experienced gaze. "A flu, no less. Perhaps the stress of your days catching up with you." He leaned in close as he offered the mug of hot tea toward the ailing woman.

"Perhaps this minor remedy can ease your pain."


depraedor August 4 2008, 18:36:36 UTC
The concern on his face was obvious and she was reminded why she didn't want any visitors. Pity wasn't something Naoto was familiar with, and she had no intention of ever becoming comfortable with it.


She reached out for the warm mug and took a tentative sip before smiling up at him, thankful for the hot drink.

"Ah, I think it will. Thank you, Kambei."


sciencejesusnow August 4 2008, 05:44:57 UTC
The Doktor pounded on the door of Naoto's room impatiently. "House call from a very busy Doktor," he called through it.


depraedor August 4 2008, 17:39:09 UTC
The impatient knocking did its equivalent damage to the side of her head as it throbbed and Naoto glared at the door, as if blaming it for all the pain she was feeling.

"Come in."

She had never met the crew doctor, unaware until today that they even had one. But medical procedure was medical procedure, and she only hoped that he was capable.


sciencejesusnow August 4 2008, 18:49:21 UTC
Doktor Sleepless pulled open the door and stepped inside, looking around furtively. Spotting Naoto on the bed, he strode over to it and set his medical bag on the floor, opening it up.

"My name is Doktor Sleepless. I understand that you haven't been feeling well, Miss...?"


depraedor August 4 2008, 18:57:40 UTC
..that was a..rather strange name. She raised an eyebrow at him while watching him remove his tools from her medical bag and felt a twinge of uneasiness.

"...Naoto Fuyumine."


omgwtfwrench August 4 2008, 15:18:44 UTC
When Winry had heard Naoto's voice over the journal system, she had known something was wrong. Exactly what, she wasn't entirely sure. She hadn't quite asked with what since she had becoming more concerned with helping her in person. Given the uncharacteristic tone that the woman had been using she was either down in the dumps or very ill--neither of which were good, and both of which the blonde was ready to do her best to remedy.

She had hurridly gone to the kitchen to get a large glass of whatever. Whatever it ended up being she felt it would help at least a little, and then went to Naoto's room. She gave a gentle knock on the door first.

"Naoto? It's me."

Considering she had been given the invite, she felt it would be okay to enter so she slowly opened the door to give Naoto time to protest should she be wrong, before stepping in.


depraedor August 4 2008, 17:41:53 UTC
Almost smiling at Winry's tentative knocking and voice, she replied just as gently, trying her best to mask the pained strain.

"Ah, Winry."

She shifted on the bed, hand rising to steady her shaking head while she did so and leaned her back against the wall behind her. She was definitely looking worse for wear with her disheveled hair and clothes but she managed to keep a strong front. It would do no good to have to have Winry see her in such a weakened state, and to have anyone else worry about her was..unnecessary.


omgwtfwrench August 4 2008, 18:02:35 UTC
Winry gently closed the door behind her and smiled warmly at Naoto. She looked quite worn out, definitely not how she was accustomed to seeing the strong figure, but it didn't seem to be anything dangerous which made her relax quite a bit. After all, Winry was use to sick people.

She approached to stand by Naoto's bedside, she held out the glass of water towards Naoto "Thought you might want this." She was significantly less worried about her now, but still wanting to make sure everything would be alright.

"Have any of the doctors come to see you, yet?"


depraedor August 4 2008, 18:08:06 UTC
Gently taking the glass of water from her hands, she took a sip, grateful as the cool water eased her clenching stomach. She placed the glass back down on the bedside table and motioned beside her.

"Thank you. You can...take a seat, if you'd like."

She rustled some of the sheets to make room for her and continued speaking.

"..ah, no, not yet. To be honest, I wasn't aware we even had a doctor on crew."


saudade_red August 5 2008, 16:23:41 UTC
Lavi hadn't commented on Naoto's journal, but that wasn't to say he wasn't worried. Rather, he didn't see how that would help. Maybe if he went along to her room in person he'd be able to do something?

Even if not, he could at least see how she was doing.

He knocked gently on Naoto's door, quietly enough not to wake her if she was sleeping. After waiting a few seconds for a response, he pushed the door open a little way to look into the room - he didn't want to barge in, but...



depraedor August 5 2008, 17:31:48 UTC
She turned in bed at the sound of knocking and a familiar voice. Was that...Lavi? Grunting quietly as she hoisted herself up against the wall, she nodded towards him.

"Ah, hello Lavi."


daah, slow mun is slow. sorry. saudade_red August 6 2008, 20:44:23 UTC
Lavi took her greeting as an invitation to come properly in, opening the door fully and stepping into the room.
He stood somewhat awkwardly by the door, not entirely sure what to say now he was here. He wasn't used to this sort of feeling - most people he knew how to deal with, but he was conscious of a need to tread more gently than usual around Naoto, especially if she was feeling as fragile as she looked.

"I didn't mean to disturb you," he said, concerned at the obvious effort it took her just to sit up - it looked like she really needed to rest. "I just...wanted to see how you were."


it's quite alright :> depraedor August 8 2008, 03:28:57 UTC
"I'm doing..alright. A little nausea and a headache, but it won't last long."

Pulling the sheets around her, she glanced back up at him.

"...I..haven't seen you for a while. How are you?"


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