Where were you last Friday night? [Open]

Feb 22, 2009 21:37

Characters: Any 4423 character who signed up here.
Content: Investigators interrogate the 4423 crew one by one.
Setting: Prison/Holding cells in Berum, interrogation room
Time: After they've all been in the cells for a while, but it's the same day. The investigations will likely be long and go on far into the night and early morning.
Warnings: Hmmm ( Read more... )

anko mitarashi, hiruma youichi, ≠ shimada kambei, ≠ maxim, jenka, dimo, ≠ wolfgangina lalla getto, ≠ fai d. flowright, ≠ muguruma kensei, shinji hirako, ≠ hijikata toshizou, ≠ lavi

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Comments 178

fuhenteki February 23 2009, 03:05:43 UTC
Kambei was not surprised at the idea of the crew being questioned about their involvement in Doma but the samurai was mildly surprised that he was selected to be interrogated rather than the others. He mildly wondered if he was the first prisoner to be brought here but it honestly didn't matter to him. The only worry he had was for the others, he wasn't sure if many of his fellow crewmen ever went through treatment before and feared perhaps they would say something incriminating enough to warrant suspicion about the 4423's activities.

"...Interesting set up." The samurai chuckled lightly at his own sarcasm.


tidesnpc February 23 2009, 03:27:48 UTC
The investigator quirked an eyebrow at Kambei, the sarcasm seemingly lost on him. Then he chuckled as well. "I guess so, yeah."

He leaned back in the chair, moving around until he was comfortable. "They don't make these things with comfort in mind, do they?" He gave a bit of a smile, shrugging. "Have they been treating you down there? Not too rough, I hope."


fuhenteki February 23 2009, 03:34:50 UTC
"Rough enough to let us know we are guilty until proven otherwise." Kambei replied hastily in a even and calm tone.


tidesnpc February 23 2009, 03:38:50 UTC
The investigator chuckled once more. "Sorry to hear that. I'll have a word with them and tell them to keep things low key.

"Now, isn't that what we're here for? We want the truth as much as anybody. So won't you talk to me for a bit?"


causink_trouble February 23 2009, 03:12:04 UTC
Jenka came in quietly, but it was easy to guess from her split lip and the angry faces of the guards that she'd given them some trouble earlier. Not too much trouble. She wanted to see how good they were, but she had to be very careful not to cross the line into rage, or she wouldn't be able to stop. And the idea was not to kill anyone or try to escape, for now.

A quick look around the room didn't show anything interesting. She heard the guards stop right outside the door - that was probably good. She leaned back in the slightly too low chair and looked at the person on the other side of the table curiously. In the almost four centuries of her life she'd never been interrogated by the Vohemar national authorities, and she wondered how they were going to go about it.


tidesnpc February 23 2009, 03:37:17 UTC
When Jenka was seated, she was given a cordial smile--but one that didn't quite reach the investigators eyes. Those remained indifferent, looking neither judgmental nor pitying which was perhaps something more to be worried about than the other two.

He cast his eyes to some papers in his hands "Jenka, correct?"


causink_trouble February 23 2009, 03:42:01 UTC
Smiling. Well, that was a new one. She didn't bother smiling back - this was supposed to be an interrogation, not a chat, and this man was either a softhearted idiot or pretending to be one.

She answered his question with a short nod, her expression turning thoughtful as she tried to remember what the hell her last name was.


tidesnpc February 23 2009, 03:50:20 UTC
It remained plastered on despite the unvoiced answer, but he leaned forward a bit, propping his elbows on the table and clasping his hands.

"Well then, Jenka, according to these, you haven't been on the 4423 very long. What have you made of it so far?"


theschmotone February 23 2009, 03:18:55 UTC
Things just kept getting better for him! First a nice stay in a really good prison that was exactly as dark as it should be, and now an interrogation! Though Dimo knew that this was serious business, he couldn't help but be amused by the situation. These people really didn't know too much about Jagerkin, did they? Whatever torture methods they were going to use would, at most make him wince a bit. And after all, it wasn't as though he'd actually had anything to do with the poisoning of Doma. They'd see that, he'd have some fun, and it would all be good.

Striding confidently along with the guards, he walked into the barren room without any resistance. He knew that, if he needed to, he could easily take out the interrogator and possibly the guards and get out of here. He lazily sat down in the chair, a cocky smile on his face, and folded his arms across his chest.


tidesnpc February 23 2009, 03:35:28 UTC
The investigator fixed his eyes on Dimo's every move as he entered the room and sat down across from him.

He smiled back in response, his smile holding just a bit of an edge. "Pretty confident, huh? Know something I don't?"


theschmotone February 23 2009, 03:49:32 UTC
Dimo's smile grew wider at the hard grin that he was greeted with, showing off his sharp fangs. His opponent was just as ready for this as he was.

This should be good.

"Und hyu's suppozed to be de schmott vun here," he said, shaking his head in mock pity. "But hyu schtill tinks dot ve poizoned all dose pipple. I know ve didn't."


tidesnpc February 23 2009, 03:58:27 UTC
The investigator's smile wavered a bit at Dimo's grin, but just as quickly he brought it back. "Now now. We can't prove that either way yet, can we? That's why we're sitting here, you and I. We want to find out the truth. You're gonna help us do that, right?"


pharaohking February 23 2009, 03:28:20 UTC

There was an indescribable look written onto Shinji's face. For once, there was no humor reflecting in his expression. No mirth dancing in his eyes. He sat there, perfectly still, save for one fluid movement where he crossed one leg over the other. The blond met the investigator's gaze evenly without even batting an eyelash ( ... )


tidesnpc February 23 2009, 03:57:38 UTC
The first thing the investigator was probably not what was expected. Instead of speaking he let out a hardy laugh. It was soon swallowed up by the thick walls.

He let it die down before smiling. "Just clearing the air a bit. You look a bit tense. How about a glass of water?"

[ooc: Just quickly, do you have a name you want for Shinji to take on the forged papers? Just in case the investigator refers to him by name.]


pharaohking February 23 2009, 04:11:41 UTC

Shinji stretched both arms up with a faint crack, fingers coming to lace along the base of his skull. "Normally I'd say yeah, but who's t'say you haven't laced it with anything? I mean..." His smile was almost tight across his face. "We're gonna be honest here, right?"

( ooc: Nope, it's still his name! ... which is kinda messed up, but OH WELL. )


tidesnpc February 23 2009, 04:43:30 UTC
"Then, honestly, why would I need to lace your drink? I want you lucid, not dead." The investigator poured him a cup from the jar on the table anyway, setting it down and pushing it over to Shinji. Then he poured a glass for himself and drank, all this occurring in front of Shinji's eyes.

With that done, he set down his finished glass. "It's your call."


kirekaze February 23 2009, 03:57:03 UTC
Kensei's face was blank as he entered the room. He had seen Shinji picked up a while ago, amongst others from the other cells. He was the first to be picked up from his cell, though he suspected that the others would follow pretty soon. He only spared a moment to glance to the door before he was not-so-kindly shoved forward and the Vaizard gave out a grunt as he went up and settled himself as nicely as possible onto his seat.

He could only trust Shinji to ensure that their real identities weren't going to be leaked anytime soon. Just like him, Kensei knew he was most likely considered dead in this nation. The conflicts of Bydan so many years ago were so messed up, nobody would have ever guessed that someone would just... slip away. The silver-haired man stared at the false documents that laid on the table before him. They were well made, to be sure - they risked their lives for those papers when they first started, but it had gotten them out of situations more than once. He could only hope that could stand up to the inquisitor's ( ... )


tidesnpc February 23 2009, 04:10:37 UTC
The investigator looked careful through the papers, but fortunately enough, it seemed like he wasn't analyze every single bit of what was presented for him.

This spelled out well for Kensei; at the very least, for now.

"You weren't treated too poorly, I hope? We did have one complaint so far."


kirekaze February 23 2009, 04:14:45 UTC
The silver-haired man snorted (clearly unamused by the question) at that as he leaned back on his chair, still staring at the man in front of him as he spoke. "If I say no, will you let me go?" it was more of a rhetorical question rather than anything else, and the man already knew what the answer was.

As he waited from the coming response, Kensei crossed his arms over his chest and one leg on top of the other, the expression on his face still neutral.


tidesnpc February 23 2009, 04:27:08 UTC
The placid expression flickered for a very brief moment but returned with the expected shake of his head.

"If you are innocent, then there is no need to worry; you shall be let go once it's proven."

He didn't wait for a response to that, and instead jumped to his next question "So exactly how long have you been aboard the 4423?"

((ooc: meep. same question as Shinji; should have asked. Any name changes or is it still Kensei?))


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