Where were you last Friday night? [Open]

Feb 22, 2009 21:37

Characters: Any 4423 character who signed up here.
Content: Investigators interrogate the 4423 crew one by one.
Setting: Prison/Holding cells in Berum, interrogation room
Time: After they've all been in the cells for a while, but it's the same day. The investigations will likely be long and go on far into the night and early morning.
Warnings: Hmmm ( Read more... )

anko mitarashi, hiruma youichi, ≠ shimada kambei, ≠ maxim, jenka, dimo, ≠ wolfgangina lalla getto, ≠ fai d. flowright, ≠ muguruma kensei, shinji hirako, ≠ hijikata toshizou, ≠ lavi

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pharaohking February 23 2009, 03:28:20 UTC

There was an indescribable look written onto Shinji's face. For once, there was no humor reflecting in his expression. No mirth dancing in his eyes. He sat there, perfectly still, save for one fluid movement where he crossed one leg over the other. The blond met the investigator's gaze evenly without even batting an eyelash.

The investigation itself wasn't what set the fear in his gut. It was more the prospect of fucking up so royally that he would have to spend a significantly longer period within that cold, dank cell. If he screwed up now, there was no turning back. To be fair, Shinji had absolutely nothing to do with the poisoning in Doma. But what he was more worried about were the fake papers the investigator now had sprawled across the table before him. He didn't exist in Ivona. And he couldn't consider Vohemar his home.

He was a corpse wearing a tie. A fake person living in a fake city living a fake life that had never existed in the first place.

After the door had slammed shut, an absence of sound filled the air. If he listened hard enough, he could probably hear the buzzing of the light. Tilting his chin up a fraction, Shinji waited for the man to speak.


tidesnpc February 23 2009, 03:57:38 UTC
The first thing the investigator was probably not what was expected. Instead of speaking he let out a hardy laugh. It was soon swallowed up by the thick walls.

He let it die down before smiling. "Just clearing the air a bit. You look a bit tense. How about a glass of water?"

[ooc: Just quickly, do you have a name you want for Shinji to take on the forged papers? Just in case the investigator refers to him by name.]


pharaohking February 23 2009, 04:11:41 UTC

Shinji stretched both arms up with a faint crack, fingers coming to lace along the base of his skull. "Normally I'd say yeah, but who's t'say you haven't laced it with anything? I mean..." His smile was almost tight across his face. "We're gonna be honest here, right?"

( ooc: Nope, it's still his name! ... which is kinda messed up, but OH WELL. )


tidesnpc February 23 2009, 04:43:30 UTC
"Then, honestly, why would I need to lace your drink? I want you lucid, not dead." The investigator poured him a cup from the jar on the table anyway, setting it down and pushing it over to Shinji. Then he poured a glass for himself and drank, all this occurring in front of Shinji's eyes.

With that done, he set down his finished glass. "It's your call."


pharaohking February 23 2009, 04:55:51 UTC

A light smirk. "Point taken," he retorted dryly, making no move for the cup. "But I'm good, actually. Maybe a l'il later." The blond hadn't truly been worried about the water being laced with something suspicious, but really, you could never know.


tidesnpc February 23 2009, 20:12:25 UTC
The investigator shrugged. "Suit yourself." Shifting around in the chair a bit more, he said, "Then, let's begin.

"You're a quartermaster on the 4423, right? Can you explain to me a bit about what that job entails? Is it your job to keep an eye on the crew, or what?"


pharaohking February 23 2009, 20:23:34 UTC

"More or less," the slender man across from him replied without missing a beat, hands still interlaced behind his head. "We may be a pirate ship, but we gotta make sure the crew don't cause any unnecessary harm or beat each other up for no reason. I get to deal with the assholes who think they're all that, and I get to send them to their room if they've been bad."

Somehow, Shinji resisted a smirk at that, but the hint of a smile edged onto his lips anyway.

"The rest of the job... well, ain't got to that yet. Playing fetch ain't my thing, but the Cap'n kinda scares me sometimes, so..." He leaned back further into his chair, pushing the front two legs off the floor with one planted foot. "Guess I can't say no, can I?"


tidesnpc February 24 2009, 22:37:29 UTC
Jotting down a few things, the investigator posed yet more questions, barely lifting his head from his notes.

"Do you have to deal with a lot of these 'assholes?' Any particular problem crew members, as far as you can tell? And your captain. You say you're afraid of her and can't say no to her. Any conditions under which you would violate her orders?"

He looked up then, noticing Shinji leaning back in the chair "Do you want to crack your head open or what?"


pharaohking February 24 2009, 22:55:07 UTC

A noncommittal shrug. "Not really. Got a hard head, anyway." Shinji smirked a little, tilting his chin up to address the questions.

"With all due respect, man, we're pirates. We ain't exactly the nicest bunch. But we ain't morons. If someone starts a fight, I'll tell 'em to lay off. I've only been on the ship for a couple o' months, but I haven't had t'play peacemaker yet. There're some guys who look like they can kick your ass five ways t'Sunday, but no one's stood out as a troublemaker." Except Hiruma, that creepy little psycho, he mused to himself, thinking on his next answer for a second.

"The only time I'd ever violate orders is when someone's gonna die if I don't do somethin'. Or if she's stressed out and makin' stupid orders when she ain't in her right mind. I don't make a habit o' breaking rules all the time or disobeying orders, since, y'know, my job'd be at stake."

Watching the man's expression, Shinji continued to balance himself on the chair's hind legs, using his left foot as support in case he actually tipped backward.


tidesnpc February 25 2009, 21:10:48 UTC
The investigator nodded, jotting down a few more things before tapping his pencil on the table, his brow furrowed. He kept this up for a few moments, then spoke again.

"So... you wouldn't listen to an order that would, say, cause the deaths of a great number of people?"


pharaohking February 25 2009, 21:25:51 UTC

His expression didn't change.

"What do you think?" the blond shot back, tipping his chair back another few centimeters. If this guy was gonna beat around the bush and ask all these indirect questions, well, Shinji could play along, couldn't he?


tidesnpc February 27 2009, 23:59:18 UTC
The investigator gave a shrug. "What do I think, huh?" His expression sudden grew serious and he leaned forward, leering at Shinji.

"I think I'm the one asking the questions here. So let's not get all smart ass, alright?"


pharaohking February 28 2009, 00:15:28 UTC

The front legs of his chair fell back against the floor, and in one fluid movement, Shinji was suddenly closer, arms folded over the table. His eyes met the investigator's evenly.

"Who's bein' a smart ass? I was seriously wondering what y'thought," he retorted with the tiniest of smirks.


tidesnpc February 28 2009, 23:10:07 UTC
The investigator didn't move or avert his gaze as Shinji leaned forward. He kept his eyes firmly on the boy, looking hard at his feature. When that was done, he had only one thing to say, "You're kind of girly looking, aren't you?"


pharaohking February 28 2009, 23:29:58 UTC

At first, nothing crossed over Shinji's face. Not even a flicker of amusement. Not anger, not surprise. He didn't even look incredulous. And then he brought up a slim hand, elbow on the table as he dropped chin into palm. What, like he hadn't heard that one before? Jeez, and he didn't even have his long hair anymore.

"If you're tryin' t'hit on me, I'm flattered, man, but unless you're planning to bend me over the table right now, I'll have ta disappoint by sayin' you ain't really my type," he responded rather saucily, lips curving again into a close-lipped smile.


tidesnpc March 1 2009, 05:09:48 UTC
"Sorry, can't say I go for trannies myself."

The investigator gave him a grin, pulling back into the (semi) comfort of the chair. "You really are a smart ass. Let's try this again, alright? Can you give me a bit of a rundown of what you did that day, the day the 4423 was in Doma?"


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