And in the blue corner, pirates! [OPEN]

Jan 27, 2009 00:39

Characters: The crew of the Silvana
Content: The Silvana has met a trio of pirate ships in combat! This is an all-purpose log for people to use during the ship-to-ship fighting.
Setting: On the Silvana, durr
Time: Starting... now.
Warnings: Only what you bring with you.

Chivalry Spirits )

luppi antenor, ≠ mello, ≠ gwendal von voltaire, ≠ bangladesh dupree, ≠ mystearica aura fende, nikolas kamarov, sara werec, ≠ kyouya hibari, ≠ rangiku matsumoto, ≠ jushirou ukitake, shinjiro aragaki, ≠ sherlock holmes, kurosaki isshin, ≠ cid highwind, ≠ gin ichimaru, ≠ hitsugaya toshirou, ≠ chichiri, ≠ ikkaku madarame

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Comments 154

lilshiro_kun January 27 2009, 10:26:21 UTC
Toshirou sighed with relief upon hearing the message from the Captain. From his position at the helm he could tell that neither of the pirate ships was the 4423. For that alone he was relieved, but it still didn't sit right with him that he was steering the Silvana while they attacked pirates.


justdeduceit January 28 2009, 05:07:10 UTC
Sherlock Holmes had no particular quarrel with these pirates. He had far bigger skyfish to catch, and considered this a quite unnecessary diversion. However, it was Captain Rowe's ship, not his, and the captain had the final word on their activities. So it was with reluctance that Sherlock Holmes awaited the telltale gunfire that would mean the ship had engaged the pirates.

Now, this reluctance did not mean that Holmes would sit back passively. Oh, no. If the ship was boarded, Holmes would fight ferociously to defend it.

Until then, though, he saw little point in standing on the deck. He would merely get in the way of the other crew members, the ones with official duties. Holmes paced a hallway, hand on the hilt of a thin sword at his belt, listening for the tell-tale sounds that would come with boarding.


mask_refills January 30 2009, 01:36:50 UTC
The Silvana engaging in combat meant that Chichiri would be forced by his employer to go back to Nahk. It was a good excuse to have for a passive monk who didn't want to be a part of killing anyone, pirate or not, but at the same time, Chichiri couldn't help but be a little worried for those staying behind. They were his friends and it was cowardly of him to leave them when they could really use his power as a defensive tool.

This is why Chichiri was still walking around the halls of the ship, looking a little nervous. His employer would probably be showing up at any minute to take him back home, but until then he was going to make sure everyone was safe. He was lucky enough to run into a very well-informed man during his walk.

"Hello!" he called out. "Are you waiting for the right moment no da?"


justdeduceit February 2 2009, 18:09:35 UTC
"Mr. Chichiri, I could ask you the very same question," Holmes hailed him back. "I find needless combat deplorable," he informed the monk. "I will defend this ship to the best of my abilities, but unless I am attacked, I bear these pirates no grudge. As a mere passenger on this vessel, I do not owe the captain my services." His sharp eyes roved over Chichiri, taking in the details of his dress, expression, and manner in a heartbeat.

"You seem anxious," Holmes noted. "Surely you're not afraid of the pirates themselves?" He did not believe that in the slightest. "No, something entirely different troubles you." He could not tell prescisely what it was.


mask_refills February 3 2009, 06:46:32 UTC
Chichiri couldn't help but be impressed by the man's quick work in studying Chichiri's demeanor. His mask only ever showed what he wanted people to see, but his body language always did tend to betray him. "You're right. The fighting aspect doesn't worry me. At least, my own safety doesn't worry me no da, and I wouldn't worry about everyone else if I was around to protect them.

"However, it seems I will be called back by my previous employer soon, and I can't tell her no." The mask smiled, but Chichiri felt anything but happy at having to speak his own fears. "You don't have any advice, do you?"


adiosasshole January 29 2009, 23:22:38 UTC
Shinjiro hadn't shot a cannon in a long time, but it wasn't something you really forgot. The burning smell of heated metal, the sweat, the jostling of bodies all around you.

The cook ignored any questions about why he was down here and not in the kitchen. There was no time for that kind of crap. Instead he stettled in and started barking orders at the first free powder monkey he found, putting on his full scary-face.

A few screaming matches on the Network got some of the mental pressure off, but it was during this that a return shot hit the Silvana and the cannon he had been manning shifted-

"FUCK!!" The cook bellowed as his right knee shifted right along with the weapon that hit it, the cap moving a good inch and a half to the side and sending Aragaki to the floor. "..shit.."


haineko_ju January 30 2009, 00:14:42 UTC
Great, just great!

That idiot of a chef just had to downstairs and start loading the canons like a madman hell-bent for redemption. Rangiku never expected to find herself rushing through the halls of this gloomy ship in the middle of a violent mid-air combat with pirates. The captain already warned them about how dangerous this mission would be but the voluptuous blond tossed caution to the wind and stayed on this vessel against her better judgment. As much as she wanted to pin the blame on that drunken old coot in the engine room, Rangiku had no one else to blame other than herself.

"Aragaki!" She yelled once she climbed down the metal stairs quickly while trying not trip because of the shaking ship. The pirates were firing at them with little regard, this mid-air battle was becoming more of a death match now.

"Are you okay?!" Rangiku asked as she ran towards his side.


adiosasshole January 30 2009, 00:34:28 UTC
Shinjiro looked up at the blond with pain dim eyes. The fact that he was face-to-face with a rather nice pair of breasts was mostly lost on him, and he tried to give the woman a heated glare. Of course it wasn't very effective with him on his ass.

"I'm....fine..." He panted. "Just..wrenched my knee."

The fact that said join was REALLY not bent the way it should be was also completely lost on the cook.


haineko_ju January 30 2009, 00:44:07 UTC
Wincing slightly once she realized exactly how bad his leg looked, Rangiku silently prayed that Aragaki's leg is even still attached. His leg looked as if it was disjointed by the kneecap, the way that it was bent giving indication that maybe be broke a tendon or two. This idiot probably even broken a few bones too for he certainly looked like he was in tremendous pain. Rangiku did manage to snatch a first aid kit from the infirmary but all of the nurses and doctors seemed far too busy taking care of other patients to roam down here. This leaves Rangiku and Shinjiro a rather unfavorable because the blond isn't a medic.

"Aragaki, you just had to rush down here..." She grumbled towards him as she opened the medical pack and started rummaging through it for antis pectic and bandages. "If that damn leg of yours stays attached, make sure I get a chance to kick you in the shins, chef!" Rangiku said as she returned his heated glare with one of her own.

"Where is everyone else?" She was worried about Hitsugaya.


inyourmidst January 30 2009, 00:15:07 UTC
Gin was standing fearlessly on the deck as the battle between the ships raged. Here it was, his perfect opportunity to observe the Silvana and it's Captain's tactics, as well as see whether this rag tag crew would actually pull themselves together or fall apart. Surprisingly it seemed to be more of the former, proving that despite the paranoid twitchiness that had overcome certain members after the death of Morris, they were actually fairly competent when the chips were down. The deck was a flurry of activity, with a few gunners attempting to shoot down the few planes the pirates had sent in their direction ( ... )


who_said_bald January 30 2009, 03:48:38 UTC
"Told you ( ... )


inyourmidst January 30 2009, 04:43:19 UTC
Gin didn't flinch at the press of the blade against his spine. In fact he even went so far as to lean back against it, smirking blatantly as Ikkaku said his piece ( ... )


who_said_bald January 31 2009, 01:36:09 UTC
"," Ikkaku muttered crossly, showing his disdain for the tedious situation with a unsightly huff. If he and Ichimaru had anything in common, it was the preference for a more personal touch in these matters, rather than hiding behind a lot of cannonade. "That means maybe one of two things...either: A) these guys just suck, or; B) our guns are too good ( ... )


dontkillmebro January 30 2009, 01:39:02 UTC
Sara was at one of the cannons, firing as best she could. Her eyes were zipping one way and the next, looking for openings and the best places to hit. This couldn't go wrong. They couldn't lose. They couldn't die.

Beside her was the suitcase she'd brought on board. It didn't read SARA CRUZ like one would expect; it read EMILY.


haineko_ju February 7 2009, 03:13:25 UTC
"Hey!" A voice called out from behind Sara as a familiar blond haired woman wandered over towards the rear of the cannon. The blasts from the canons where nearly deafening as Rangiku shouted towards the girl. "Do you need any help!?" She asked over the roar of guns.

"I do not think you guys got enough gunners here!"


dontkillmebro February 7 2009, 04:42:59 UTC
Great. Ms. Matsumoto. Sara nodded, though - her annoyance was secondary to driving the pirates off and keeping the ship afloat.

"If you can shoot, shoot."


haineko_ju February 7 2009, 20:23:28 UTC
"Shoot?" Blinking her eyes a few times in confusion, Rangiku's gaze settled upon a nearby canon with such a clueless expression. Remembering what happened to Aragaki just a moment ago, the blond began to wonder if she could really handle such a machine like this. The last thing she wants is to get injured during the skirmish but the lack of gunners aboard the Silvana made her worry.

"I could try!" She said with a bright grin as she rushed over towards the other cannon. "How do you work this thing?" She asked Sara in curiosity.


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