And in the blue corner, pirates! [OPEN]

Jan 27, 2009 00:39

Characters: The crew of the Silvana
Content: The Silvana has met a trio of pirate ships in combat! This is an all-purpose log for people to use during the ship-to-ship fighting.
Setting: On the Silvana, durr
Time: Starting... now.
Warnings: Only what you bring with you.

Chivalry Spirits )

luppi antenor, ≠ mello, ≠ gwendal von voltaire, ≠ bangladesh dupree, ≠ mystearica aura fende, nikolas kamarov, sara werec, ≠ kyouya hibari, ≠ rangiku matsumoto, ≠ jushirou ukitake, shinjiro aragaki, ≠ sherlock holmes, kurosaki isshin, ≠ cid highwind, ≠ gin ichimaru, ≠ hitsugaya toshirou, ≠ chichiri, ≠ ikkaku madarame

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who_said_bald January 30 2009, 03:48:38 UTC
"Told you."

Ikkaku was, of course, referring to his reply to Gin's taunting earlier. It was true, he had not come out to the deck immediately as he had originally hoped; Captain Rowe had already squashed that idea, but perhaps he had been right to order Ikkaku not to simply barrel in and start to berserk. Instead, once the battle had started, Ikkaku had simply chosen to calmly begin securing a few things around the ship, using a set of thick straps specifically designed for such occasions to keep certain objects from shifting around and potentially breaking.

It was boring being such a good little boy, though. Gin's chiding was all he needed to break away.

He did more than simply join their radio operator on the deck, though. Along with Ikkaku's voice, Gin would feel the unmistakable tip of Ikkaku's sword pressed against the square of his back. The pressure was not enough to pierce or tear, but behind the blade's edge was the pressure of an unmistakable bloodlust, pure, carnal, oozing killing intent.

"Although I'm sure you already know it, Ichimaru, I just wanna take this time to tell you how much I hate you," he began, speaking with a smile on his face.

In the distance, one of the gunners managed to land a solid hit on one of the pirate ships, inciting an enormous explosion. The air was filled with acrid smoke, the scent of warped and melting metal combined with a choking cloud of ash and burning wood.

"I'd bet anything that you're responsible for half of the bad luck that happens on our ship. You're a slimy little snake of a coward, and don't think I'm exaggerating at all when I said that I'd like nothing more..." he continued, pushing against Gin's back a little, "...than to run you through right now and then just dump your body overboard."

Surprisingly, though, Ikkaku then removed the sword from Gin, but kept it in his hand as he backed a step away.

"But then I'd just be like you, eh?" He laughed sharply, shaking his head in dismay. "Nah, I'd much rather fight you to the death instead. I want a real, solid reason to kill you, so don't slip up...not for an instant."

Huffing contemptuously, Ikkaku sheathed his sword, then folded his lean arms across his chest and regarded the ongoing battle with a completely casual attitude, the light of each explosion and cannon-shot reflecting in his eyes.

" anyway. What do you think about this?" he asked, lacking the anger in his voice from before, as if it were just normal conversation. "Are the cannons gonna be enough, or are we going to have to end this ourselves?"


inyourmidst January 30 2009, 04:43:19 UTC
Gin didn't flinch at the press of the blade against his spine. In fact he even went so far as to lean back against it, smirking blatantly as Ikkaku said his piece.

He really wasn't surprised at the former Quatermaster's opinion, nor particularly perturbed by his threat. The problem with Ikkaku was that he was far too honest, which Gin tended to find laughable and amusing in turns. There was no point wasting his usual act on the man because honesty could be irritatingly perceptive in its own right and Gin's sincerity was rarely very believable. Ikkaku was never going to like him anyway, so politeness was discarded in place of openly antagonising him instead. It was more fun that way.

"Even if I slipped," Gin said, his voice just low enough for the two of them to hear over the sound of the explosion, "I doubt a senseless fighter like yourself with more brawn than brain would ever notice. Maybe you'd better call on someone like Miss Grants to do your thinking for you, hm? Until then, let's stay friends, alright?"

Outright mockery was actually a refreshing change. There were some benefits to having Madarame around. No need to hide what he thought of the man, but at the end they both understood that until there was some solid basis for Madarame to challenge him they were going to keep working together.

"Unfortunately," he said, with an small note of remorse, "I think the Ship's weaponry is going to be sufficient. It would be interesting if they tried to board us though. Tactically speaking, their ships are sunk, so their only chance of survival would be to take ours. If they could get close enough, that is, but they seem to be having trouble."

Gin gestured to one of the smaller vessels who seemed to be trying to weave through the cannon fire the Silvana's gunners were providing, without much success.


who_said_bald January 31 2009, 01:36:09 UTC
"," Ikkaku muttered crossly, showing his disdain for the tedious situation with a unsightly huff. If he and Ichimaru had anything in common, it was the preference for a more personal touch in these matters, rather than hiding behind a lot of cannonade. "That means maybe one of two things...either: A) these guys just suck, or; B) our guns are too good."

Neither option was very positive in his eyes. If the first were true, a straightforward fight with them wouldn't have been much fun anyway, and if were the second, then all their pirate raids would be the same way from then on. Hopefully, it wasn't a combination of both.

Launched by the stunning explosion of an escape vessel from one of the pirate's ships, a small, smoking piece of metal landed just beside Ikkaku's feet. He didn't even flinch as the shard of steel flew towards him, simply standing there with a bored expression, and once it settled on the ground, he shifted his stance, then kicked it off of the deck.

"It's pretty damn uncivilized, if you ask me!" he said, raising his voice to no-one in particular.


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