Characters: Watanuki, Break, Crawling Boy.
Setting: Hospital Bedroom
Time: Day 015
Summary: Bad things happen to small children for the sake of a madman's scavenger hunt. The search for the components of the List begins.
Warnings: Squick, amputation, bad things happening to small children. R Rated thread.
Those things which are precious are saved only by sacrifice. )
Comments 22
He immediately stiffened as he saw Break coming in, drawing a long, harsh breath of displeasure. Was he drunk? Drunkards were barbarians. Only adults got drunk, and they were bad enough sober--when they were drunk, they just became terrifying brutes, cruel overbearing savages it was best to stay out of the way of to try and keep from attracting their attention or their ire. DisgustingAnd that fox.... That same damned fox. There weren't as many tails, and he didn't see any claws--must be sheathed like a cat's--, but it was definitely the same one that had ripped him up. And come to think of it, that was one of the same adults that he had attacked that time, too.... He must be with the tall man from the bathroom ( ... )
Gale could hear the words of the silver-haired man, could see him smiling and bending down, and his expression soured further still as he tried to edge further away. (Bad things happen when drunk men smile.) It wasn't easy to do, in such a small space, and the fox--Luffy, its name was Luffy--was circling the couch, growling and snarling and being even more threatening than the affable human peering under the couch at him.
He was in front of him, hair hanging down around his face, still smiling as he offered candy--ohgodohgodohgod where were his eyes?--and asked him to come up and sit with him. For a moment, Gale only stared at Break, stomach rolling and clenching in a mix of fear and revulsion and something like sick horror. (You're drunk. You're dangerous. I saw what you did to those hellhounds. What do you want from me?The pair were pretty effectively distracting him from Watanuki's presence, and even the odd, cloying smell in the air. He narrowed his eyes, response snappish and harsh, angrier than ( ... )
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