Characters: Watanuki, Break, Crawling Boy.
Setting: Hospital Bedroom
Time: Day 015
Summary: Bad things happen to small children for the sake of a madman's scavenger hunt. The search for the components of the List begins.
Warnings: Squick, amputation, bad things happening to small children. R Rated thread.
Those things which are precious are saved only by sacrifice. )
Comments 22
"Yeah. I can..." He took a deep breath, staring at the door. "What...what are you planing?" His voice didn't waver, though he had to swallow hard to get the words out. Past the lump in his throat, nerves or guilt or...possibly, and he didn't want to think about this, excitment, made it hard to speak and hard to think.
But Break had a plan, and Watanuki would listen, just as well as he could, eye half closed at he stared at the door and the fox.
Knowing, of course, what lay behind it.
He ran his fingers over the door as he spoke, getting a bearing on where they were; that glass room that they'd come to earlier when Watanuki insisted on seeing the sun rise, with all the couches and the strange heat. A distraction ought to be easy enough, and Luffy had proved useful in the past... so the only particularly weak part of the plan here was Watanuki himself. Crazy or not, Break was still sharp, and he didn't miss the uneasiness in the boy's voice. Emily clattered to life on his shoulder, jolting and tilting her head to the side.
"Watanuki's nervous."
"Well of course he is, Emily. This is an important mission. It's only natural."
"He's not going to mess it up, is he?""I certainly hope not..." He paused, swooping in close to Watanuki, drawing himself up to his full height until he was face ( ... )
Watanuki drew back automatically, eye widening in some sort of confused horror. "We won't get a second chance...I'll do it, you needn't worry about my nerves Break. I'll do it."
Luffy whined softly, ears backing. He didn't like the conversation, even if he understood that Watanuki was afraid. The room smell like boy and darkness, and he simply wanted to move forward, not wait. One paw brushed against the door.
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