Characters: Watanuki, Break, Crawling Boy.
Setting: Hospital Bedroom
Time: Day 015
Summary: Bad things happen to small children for the sake of a madman's scavenger hunt. The search for the components of the List begins.
Warnings: Squick, amputation, bad things happening to small children. R Rated thread.
Those things which are precious are saved only by sacrifice. )
But that scared him, a little bit. He knew the loss would only be temporary for their victim, knew it was necessary,knew it might not be real, but the fact remained that he was maiming a defenceless commoner. It wouldn't be the first or even the last time, probably, but he hadn't felt this sort of thrill at the idea in years, maybe even decades. Not since the Red-Eyed Ghost stalked the streets of the capital. He was glad that his blindness gave him an excuse not to do the deed himself; he didn't want to enjoy it.
"You can move quietly, can't you?" he asked, a little too cheery for the situation. "You'll need to."
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