Debugging [Active, Closed]

Apr 04, 2009 14:18

Characters: Lorenzo Belli, Sekai Saionji, Jonouchi Katsuya
Setting: East Hallway, 1st floor
Time: Night 007, the very start
Summary: Jonouchi's bug decides it wants out
Warnings: Ow

This was as far as he would make it. )

!night 007, lorenzo belli (haunting ground), jonouchi katsuya (yugioh!), *acedia, !complete, sekai saionji (school days)

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Comments 20

lefttotheworld April 4 2009, 20:20:30 UTC
Sekai had had a similar thought in mind - to get to the kitchen and to get some food upstairs for her and Makoto, for the night. She wasn't sure how long it would last, but the fewer trips out into the house itself, the better, right? She, however, had been a little bit faster, so she had already gotten a fair bid of sustenance from the kitchen, and was on her way back from it, when ( ... )


returntoyouth April 10 2009, 14:06:04 UTC
Lorenzo, by contrast, had been coming back from the other house as night fell, making it halfway past the hallway before the sun set. He might have missed the transition entirely if it weren't for the painful tell-tale sounds of construction that had quite suddenly reappeared, along with a muffled scream. It seemed too far off to have come from the small library...the hallway, probably. The study at furthest. He proceeded through the small library quickly, confirming his suspicions that there was nothing dangerous in the library before proceeding into the hallway with considerably more caution, opening the door to see a familiar blood covered in blood being gaped at by a teenage girl around his own age a little ways down the hallway ( ... )


norainujanai April 10 2009, 18:28:19 UTC
He heard some noises he couldn't make out, and then a familiar voice. Was that... Sekai? It sounded like her. He opened his eyes to try and see, but everything was just a blur. Why was it when his body was shutting down, the first thing to go was always his sight? That was twice now. It really was inconvenient. Assuming it was actually Sekai, the blond made himself look in her general direction, though he couldn't actually see. "Sekai? What're you doing here?" His voice was unusually soft, his breathing coming in short gasps. Still, on his face was that small smile ( ... )


lefttotheworld April 11 2009, 05:59:36 UTC
"I - " Sekai stammered slightly as Jonouchi first began to speak to her, his voice soft and weak, and asking something something so stupid like that...and...and then telling her to go of all things. And he was apologising for something so stupid, too...and...and talking like he was dying. He couldn't be...!

"D-don't be stupid!" she managed out, "You need help, and..." she faltered again, stepping forward. She wasn't sure what to say, let alone, do. She dropped down to her knees once she got close enough in front of him, leaning forward to touch at his stomach. You would apply pressure to a wound in a situation like this, right? No - she actually hadn't the slightest clue if that was even right. Should she - should she risk it? He looked so resigned, tired, so...he couldn't die, he couldn't!

Sekai was just about to touch his stomach, to try something, when she heard anther voice. Someone else she didn't know arriving to the scene, immediately asking what had happened. She glanced up at the older man, strange though he seemed, ( ... )


returntoyouth April 11 2009, 07:45:58 UTC
Lorenzo bit back a frustrated sigh, wishing that both of them would cut the dramatics. He didn't need to hear it, nor did he particularly care. This was minor, at least when compared to the last person he'd had to shove alchemy pills down the throat of, and so it would only require a couple of them, he decided. "So I see," he said coolly in regards to the mess, ignoring the command entirely, as well as the girl's demands that he help the blond. "You're going to have to swallow a couple pills now--you, get one of those water bottles." He looked from Jonouchi to the girl as he gave his commands, expecting both of them to obey him without question or protest ( ... )


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