Smallville Series Rewatch: Episode 1.12 (Day Six)

May 26, 2010 17:28

Due to my long windedness, the next three episodes I'll try to keep the reviews down to a paragraph.

By my count, there were two more car fatalities in this episode.

1.12 Leech )

fandom: smallville, sv series rewatch project, sv commentary, sv season 1

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Comments 17

jlvsclrk May 27 2010, 00:11:19 UTC
Hurray for Leech! Yes, I like it a whole lot too, more than Stray if you'll forgive the heresy. But as you say, its an important episode thematically. It's not Clark's powers that make him a hero, they just give him the opportunity to be more effective. And I dearly love that basketball game!


theclexfactor June 4 2010, 16:28:40 UTC
It's okay to like it more than Stray. I don't know what my reservation about Leech was upon first viewing, but it's a REALLY good episode. It's made it to the Permanent iPod list.

That basketball game was Love and Clark was too adorable, smiling through his hit to the funny bone.


Episode 12: Leech (part I) itashee June 1 2010, 17:58:47 UTC
Personal Confession: Leech is one of my favourite episodes of season1 ( ... )


Re: Episode 12: Leech (part I) theclexfactor June 4 2010, 16:31:45 UTC
*I want to make it clear from the beginning: one of the major reasons why Leech is my all time favourite episode of Smallville is that (surprise, surprise? - not really ;) GB directed it.

This is completely reasonable.

(I guess, you were talking about Lana in season 7 Wrath? During a lightning storm, she absorbed Clark's powers and used them to go against Lex.

Yes I was talking about Lana. And considering how Clark was still able to empathize with Eric, it's actually completely in character that Clark was able to do the same for Lana. And more so considering he loved her.


Re: Episode 12: Leech (part I) itashee June 4 2010, 17:48:40 UTC
//And considering how Clark was still able to empathize with Eric, it's actually completely in character that Clark was able to do the same for Lana. And more so considering he loved her.//

Oh, it wasn't my intention to say that Clark (future Superman) behaved out of character when he forgave Lana for her actions.
I just didn't like the way the whole situation was handled.

In season 8 Stiletto - Clark realizes that Lois has "made up" Stiletto in order to get the Red-Blue Blur's attention. And how does he behave towards Lois? He immediately tells her to drop it and doesn't take no for an answer (I liked how the whole Clark/Lois/Stiletto situation was handled in this episode).

Now, with Dark/Lana and Clark - it almost seemed to me that Clark was afraid to tell her what he really thought about her actions, because he didn’t want to hurt her feelings.


Episode 12: Leech (part II) itashee June 1 2010, 18:08:58 UTC
Here are some of my favourite scenes (with quotes ( ... )


Re: Episode 12: Leech (part II) theclexfactor June 1 2010, 22:05:06 UTC
I honestly think it would've been a combo of options b and c. He would've remained Clark's friend but down the line, with his need to always one up Lionel, he would've tried to use Clark for his own gain. It's horrible to think, but consider Apocalypse and how Kara was used by Lex even though she considered Lex like her brother.


Re: Episode 12: Leech (part II) itashee June 2 2010, 20:23:27 UTC
I like your line of thinking :)


Episode 12: Leech (part III) itashee June 1 2010, 18:26:00 UTC
2) Jonathan, Martha and Clark (location: the Kent farm ( ... )


Re: Episode 12: Leech (part III) theclexfactor June 1 2010, 22:12:57 UTC
I love your analyses of normal/powered/Jon and Martha's son!Clark.

I own Red Son and oddly enough the thing that stuck out the most for me was that he tuned out to be a descendant of Lex's, LOL.


Re: Episode 12: Leech (part III) itashee June 2 2010, 20:40:40 UTC
//I own Red Son and oddly enough the thing that stuck out the most for me was that he tuned out to be a descendant of Lex's, LOL.//

That’s ok! ;)
Well, I just thought that the premise of Red Son ("what if Superman had been raised in the Soviet Union and not in America") was really interesting - but maybe that’s just me -lol!

Reading about Superman as the champion of the common worker, fighting for Socialism, Stalin and the international expansion of the Warsaw Pact - made me think about the Cold War and the history of my own country (Poland). Red Son presented another “what if?” scenario and I really like reading Elseworld stories :)


Re: Episode 12: Leech (part III) theclexfactor June 4 2010, 16:34:57 UTC
HAHA, I didn't mean that I didn't remember more than that. I just thought that was such a twist to the ending. I do know that they have the motion comic on iTunes and I want to get it and watch.


Episode 12: Leech (part IV) itashee June 1 2010, 18:36:23 UTC
3) Jonathan/Clark scene (the end ( ... )


Re: Episode 12: Leech (part IV) theclexfactor June 4 2010, 16:36:14 UTC
All of the above - but most importantly it’s his upbringing, in my opinion.
Greg Beeman says in the official companion that this episode answers the question, ‘What if bad parents had found Clark? “In ‘Leech’, Clark’s powers are in a kid who has had a bad father, and he goes bad," he says. "So Clark still has to be a hero, jut as much as if Eric was a villain. The Parent made a difference. I love the episodes where we explore the them of parenting.”

I agree, which I why I loved that we got the references to Martha and Jonathan (and then we got Hostage) in Season 9 to reinforce why Clark is the way he is.


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