Smallville Series Rewatch: Episode 1.12 (Day Six)

May 26, 2010 17:28

Due to my long windedness, the next three episodes I'll try to keep the reviews down to a paragraph.

By my count, there were two more car fatalities in this episode.

1.12 Leech )

fandom: smallville, sv series rewatch project, sv commentary, sv season 1

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Episode 12: Leech (part II) itashee June 1 2010, 18:08:58 UTC
Here are some of my favourite scenes (with quotes):

1) Clark mending a fence when Lex arrives

Lex: We're friends, right?
Clark: Yeah, last time I checked. Why?
Lex: I want you to tell me what really happened the day my car went off that bridge.
Clark: I dove in and I pulled you out.
Lex: And that's it?
Clark: Lex, seriously, what's wrong?
Lex: I don't think you're being completely honest, and I think I know why.
Clark: All right, well, then, you tell me what happened.
Lex: I think I hit you at 60 miles an hour, then you ripped open my roof, pulled me out and saved my life. You're the closest I've had to a real friend my whole life. You don't have to hide anything from me.
Clark: You think I'm hiding something from you?

// Lex thinks he has Clark all figured out at this point and finds it amusing that Clark is physically tired from doing farm work all day. He's still asking Clark about the bridge accident. He's also playing the "friend" card.//

Lex is such an emotional manipulator in this scene!
If Lex really respected Clark and treated him as his "best friend" - he should just let it go, and not pressure Clark to reveal himself to him.

Lex: I just want the truth.
Clark: The truth is, I'm just a guy who tried to do the right thing! Isn't that enough? (me: tell him, Clark!)

//Clark doesn't "owe" Lex the secret, which Lex never figured out, especially not 4 months into the friendship. (I'm about to go on a rant)//

I LOVE your rants! Please, continue ;)

//See, the problem is that Lex took it as a personal affront that Clark wouldn't tell him the secret when, in Clark's eyes at the time, it had nothing to do with Lex, but Clark himself and his family's safety. You would think Lex, being a billionaire genius and all that, would've figured that out on his own and let it go.//

Ok. Let’s say that Season1 Lex found out that Clark is an alien...
My question is: what would he do with this knowledge?

a)Would he keep it to himself?

b)Would he tell Clark that he knows about him and that they are still friends?

c)Would he try to use Clark and his extraordinary powers to his own gains?

d)Would he try to threaten Clark’s family - if Clark rejected Lex’s offer to join him in his plans?

e)Would he reveal that Clark is an alien to the public? (least probable option - but still…)


Re: Episode 12: Leech (part II) theclexfactor June 1 2010, 22:05:06 UTC
I honestly think it would've been a combo of options b and c. He would've remained Clark's friend but down the line, with his need to always one up Lionel, he would've tried to use Clark for his own gain. It's horrible to think, but consider Apocalypse and how Kara was used by Lex even though she considered Lex like her brother.


Re: Episode 12: Leech (part II) itashee June 2 2010, 20:23:27 UTC
I like your line of thinking :)


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