Smallville Series Rewatch: Episode 1.12 (Day Six)

May 26, 2010 17:28

Due to my long windedness, the next three episodes I'll try to keep the reviews down to a paragraph.

By my count, there were two more car fatalities in this episode.

1.12 Leech )

fandom: smallville, sv series rewatch project, sv commentary, sv season 1

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Episode 12: Leech (part IV) itashee June 1 2010, 18:36:23 UTC
3) Jonathan/Clark scene (the end)

Jonathan: How are you feeling?
Clark: Normal, for me.
Jonathan: Clark. Your gifts are, well, they're a part of you, but they don't define you.
Clark: I know. But they complicate all of our lives.
Jonathan: Seeing how destructive Eric got. That just reminds me of how special you really are.
Clark: That's because Eric didn't get my two strongest gifts. You and Mom.
Jonathan: Let's go home.

//Even without powers, Clark still has a need to save people. Is it his nature or his upbringing. Or is it the fact that he's had the powers for so long that he still acts as if he still has them? Or feels responsible for them? All of the above?//

All of the above - but most importantly it’s his upbringing, in my opinion.
Greg Beeman says in the official companion that this episode answers the question, ‘What if bad parents had found Clark? “In ‘Leech’, Clark’s powers are in a kid who has had a bad father, and he goes bad," he says. "So Clark still has to be a hero, jut as much as if Eric was a villain. The Parent made a difference. I love the episodes where we explore the them of parenting.”


1)The “MOST BADASS MOMENT” of the episode:
The sequence where Eric says “You're not my father, Clark. Now SHUT UP and GET OUT of my way!” and then he throws Clark around in the parking lot.

*Eric was so BADASS ;) (me: BAD ERIC!)
*Eric’s Language was BADASS!
*Eric’s behaviuor was BADASS!
*the song in the background was BADASS! (Shocore - Bonecracker)
*Everything was so BADASS in this scene!

2)The “MOST CLICHÉ QUOTE” of the episode:
Doctor saying to Clark “What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger”

3)The “MOST SNARKY LINE” of the episode:
Clark saying to Lex “We can go out in the parking lot. You can hit me with your car “

4)“OH LEX, ALWAYS SO SUBTLE” MOMENT of the episode:
Goes to Lex saying to Victoria “You call sleeping with me business? I'd hate to think what that makes you.”

(My advice to Victoria: suck it up, honey - reality bites)

Eric’s black, leather coat.

Ok. Eric wearing that coat reminded me of:
BADASS Spike (Buffy) and…
our Beloved BADASS Blur (season 9) - do I sense some inspiration? ;)

6)“THE BEST SAVE” of the episode:
The ledge of Smallville Dam: Clark grabbing Eric’s hand before he can fall, and then Clark being struck by lightning square in the chest.

(What a great scene! - one of the most memorable moments in the history of Smallville for me)


Re: Episode 12: Leech (part IV) theclexfactor June 4 2010, 16:36:14 UTC
All of the above - but most importantly it’s his upbringing, in my opinion.
Greg Beeman says in the official companion that this episode answers the question, ‘What if bad parents had found Clark? “In ‘Leech’, Clark’s powers are in a kid who has had a bad father, and he goes bad," he says. "So Clark still has to be a hero, jut as much as if Eric was a villain. The Parent made a difference. I love the episodes where we explore the them of parenting.”

I agree, which I why I loved that we got the references to Martha and Jonathan (and then we got Hostage) in Season 9 to reinforce why Clark is the way he is.


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