Smallville Series Rewatch: Episode 1.12 (Day Six)

May 26, 2010 17:28

Due to my long windedness, the next three episodes I'll try to keep the reviews down to a paragraph.

By my count, there were two more car fatalities in this episode.

1.12 Leech )

fandom: smallville, sv series rewatch project, sv commentary, sv season 1

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Episode 12: Leech (part III) itashee June 1 2010, 18:26:00 UTC
2) Jonathan, Martha and Clark (location: the Kent farm)

Clark: You know, all those years of hiding....I wonder if it was worth it. Everyone's fine with Eric.

My thoughts: I think it was worth it. Well, in season 8 there was “Infamous” - and we all know what happened when Clark tried to completely reveal himself to the public. That’s why Clark needs to live a double life…
In the Man of Steel issue1, Clark (while he is a student) has been spending time secretly saving lives - until he has to expose himself to the public when he rescues Lois from the space shuttle. At first, Clark is unable to deal with the sudden attention. That’s why, in order to preserve his privacy - the Kents decide that he should live a double life.
I think it was Jonathan who came up with the idea of superhero identity for Clark.
Well, in Smallville we had the Red-Blue-Blur (season8), who became the Blur (season9), who will become Superman (season10?).

Clark: Maybe being normal won't be so bad. I mean, it works for you and Mom.
Martha: Oh, thanks.
Clark: You don't feel any differently about me now, do you? (me: poor Clark - let me give you a hug! :)
Martha: Clark, you're our son, whether you can bench-press the tractor or not. (me: love you, Martha!)
Clark: What do I do now? (me: it’s gonna be alright Clark, trust me ;)
Jonathan: Well, life isn't easy for anybody, whether you're normal or super, but you're still Clark Kent. And you were raised a certain way and that's never gonna change. Sure, your abilities were a part of you, but they didn't define you. (me: A big, big applause to Jonathan Kent for his words of wisdom!)
Martha: Look on the bright side, Clark. You don't have to hide anymore. Try to have some fun.

// Secret shameful thought #2: I can't help but think that Jonathan is relieved that Clark no longer has powers. Not because he didn't want an alien son, but because he can rest easy for once without thinking someone is going to come and take Clark away and experiment on/exploit him.//

Totally agree.

// "Your abilities were a part of you, but they didn't define you." This is kind of true, but I believe that because Clark was raised by Jonathan and Martha, he would've been the same sweet, helpful, mannerable boy, but he wouldn't have that hero complex. He would do what he could to help people, because that's how his parents are, but at the same time he would probably be more outgoing because he would've been able to play with the other kids, join the football team, and have more confidence in himself because he wouldn't have been told to "be careful, stay close to home, you could hurt someone". So in a way, the fact that he does have powers DID define him to an extent.//

Clark didn’t grow up as a normal child, he was unnaturally strong, and when he became a teenager he started to develop other extraordinary abilities, which he had to learn to control.. Jonathan and Martha had to protect their son because they knew that he was different, “special” - and, yes, I do think that sometimes they were overprotective, but (to be honest) they were fully justified in their actions.

Clark: Were you ever scared of me?
Jonathan: threw a few temper tantrums when you were little. We had some holes in the walls....but, no. You were a good kid, Clark.
Clark: I don't think Eric's a bad kid.
Jonathan: Neither do I, he's just a teenager who's in way over his head, that's all.

I also believe that Clark’s powers did define him to an extent, but let’s not forget that this Clark Kent would probably not decide to become Superman one day without Jonathan and Martha - their wise upbringing and love..
What if Lionel had found Clark on that field and not the Kents?
What if Clark grew up with Lex as his step-brother? Would he become a tyrant?

(Have your read SUPERMAN: RED SON? Superman - raised in the Soviet Union - I though it was an interesting story...)


Re: Episode 12: Leech (part III) theclexfactor June 1 2010, 22:12:57 UTC
I love your analyses of normal/powered/Jon and Martha's son!Clark.

I own Red Son and oddly enough the thing that stuck out the most for me was that he tuned out to be a descendant of Lex's, LOL.


Re: Episode 12: Leech (part III) itashee June 2 2010, 20:40:40 UTC
//I own Red Son and oddly enough the thing that stuck out the most for me was that he tuned out to be a descendant of Lex's, LOL.//

That’s ok! ;)
Well, I just thought that the premise of Red Son ("what if Superman had been raised in the Soviet Union and not in America") was really interesting - but maybe that’s just me -lol!

Reading about Superman as the champion of the common worker, fighting for Socialism, Stalin and the international expansion of the Warsaw Pact - made me think about the Cold War and the history of my own country (Poland). Red Son presented another “what if?” scenario and I really like reading Elseworld stories :)


Re: Episode 12: Leech (part III) theclexfactor June 4 2010, 16:34:57 UTC
HAHA, I didn't mean that I didn't remember more than that. I just thought that was such a twist to the ending. I do know that they have the motion comic on iTunes and I want to get it and watch.


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