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Comments 22

jlvsclrk May 23 2010, 20:16:54 UTC
I think this was before they decided to have Chloe speak in metaphors because I completely understood what she was saying the first time around.

You're so right! That's part of what bothers me about Chloe - she's always being so quippy and it very rarely comes off as genuinely amusing. I much prefer her when she's being direct.

I've always wondered about Lex attacking Clark in Hug - how much of what he expressed were his real feelings and how much of it was just being under the influence. But I don't see how Clark should be expected to just forget his words.


theclexfactor May 24 2010, 14:35:27 UTC
Yeah, the Chloe-speak leaves me with a headache. She doesn't have to make obscure references to make her sound smart. We get it, PTB.

That's a good question about Lex. Bob Rickman "persuaded" Lex to attack Clark, but he didn't make him say those things though. He couldn't because he doesn't know the extent of Clark and Lex's friendship and the underlying issues between them. It was almost like Clark on RedK. He's not himself, but at the same time he may be "more" himself" when he's saying what he's saying.


homicidalfink May 24 2010, 14:47:49 UTC
Ha! All caught up. I think I liked Shimmer just a little bit more than Hug, if only to actually see Lex one step ahead of Victoria and her father. Nicely done. I do like the Clark-Kyle dynamic at the end of Hug, though.

At this point Lana doesn't annoy me as much as Chloe and her extreme passive aggressiveness.

Still a knee-jerk reaction every. single. time Lex stares at Clark.

I probably should have commented on the other post, but Rogue remains one of my all-time favorite episodes, because of how they showcased Clark's personality: the good heart, the temper, how much Jonathan meant to him. Outsmarting the villain du jour. And how, even at age 14 (15?), you can see those glimpses of Superman, even when he wants to tears someone's head off, that line that he will not cross.


theclexfactor May 24 2010, 16:14:09 UTC
I love Rogue. The only other S1 episode I love more is Stray, and I think I love Rogue only slightly more than Hourglass. So that's my ranking order, lol.

I remember being turned off by Chloe immediately. I think the only time I "liked" her was from Pariah through Arrival. Then they dumbed down Clark to make her look better and I've resented her ever since. And it's obvious that this is what they did because Clark was very very clever in the earlier seasons. I love that they remembered this in Seasons 8 and 9 when he started exerting more independance from her.

...they showcased Clark's personality: the good heart, the temper, how much Jonathan meant to him. Outsmarting the villain du jour. And how, even at age 14 (15?), you can see those glimpses of Superman, even when he wants to tears someone's head off, that line that he will not cross.THIS. So much. This is what I remember most about Rogue and why it will also be on my list of favorites. I love being able to watch Rogue and Salvation and see that he has remained in ( ... )


emerald_night May 26 2010, 23:54:59 UTC
Just finished hug and can't agree MORE on the Clark/backbone thing in regards to Lana. Made me so happy.

Lex was so making goo goo eyes at Clark in the loft!

I really loved that Clark was on Kyle's side, that he knew there had to be more going on.

I had totally forgotten that Chloe scene and it was just....odd. Cuz it was like why the hell would Kyle pick THAT of all things? I mean I realize, for story purposes and triangle purposes that was why but still - random.


theclexfactor June 4 2010, 16:10:18 UTC
That Clark/Lana loft scene is second only to the deleted scene from Jinx when Clark told Lana to mind her own business. They REALLY should've left that in.

When DIDN'T Lex make googly eyes at Clark. MR had to have been playing it that way on purpose, or the directors had to have been telling them to play the relationship that way on purpose. It's the only explanation I can come up with.

That Chloe scene was...weird. And the way Clark wiped his mouth afterwards just made it even more embarassing to watch.


Episode 10: Shimmer itashee May 30 2010, 18:14:12 UTC
*//Clark brings up the fact that Jonathan and Nell used to date, but according to Lana, Nell doesn't talk about it much. The farmboy that used to date the smalltown girl, but went to the big city and fell for the city girl. Hmm ( ... )


Re: Episode 10: Shimmer theclexfactor May 31 2010, 14:56:16 UTC
Re: Clark's guy friends.

Maybe now that Oliver has finally understood what it means to be loyal to Clark, this will change. And if not, then Clark always has Bruce in his future.


Re: Episode 10: Shimmer itashee June 2 2010, 20:20:40 UTC
I don’t know about Oliver... I remember Justin Hartley saying (in one of his season 9 interviews -after Pandora) that he believes that Oliver and Clark will never be best friends.
But who knows what will happen in season 10?

I just really miss that man-to-man dynamic on Smallville…
In season 1-3 Clark could talk to Jonathan (Clark’s father not his buddy, but still..), Lex and Pete.
In season 4 - there was still Jonathan.
In season 5 - Jonathan died and that was it - no more TRUE guy friends.

Oh, wait! And what about Bart?
I think that Bart-Clark dynamic was really nice (not counting Doomsday episode)… I guess, they are still good buddies Offscreenville? I’d like to see Bart interacting with Clark in season 10 (that’s my wish).


Episode 10: Shimmer itashee May 30 2010, 18:24:24 UTC
*I liked the scene in which we learn the story of Lex's watch. And I agree with Clark - it was a good story ( ... )


Re: Episode 10: Shimmer theclexfactor May 31 2010, 14:58:08 UTC
The moon on Smallville must have been hit by the meteor shower. It's ridiculous.

I like the words of wisdom, lol.


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