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Episode 10: Shimmer itashee May 30 2010, 18:24:24 UTC
*I liked the scene in which we learn the story of Lex's watch. And I agree with Clark - it was a good story ;)
This scene showed that Lex was willing to overcome any boundary in order to satisy his need or desire.


Lex: The watch I lost....my mom gave it to me when she knew it was getting close. She found a Napoleon franc from 1806 and had it made into the face.
Clark: Why Napoleon?
Lex: You ever see the painting of Napoleon's Coronation by David?
Clark: No.
Lex: Napoleon's mother couldn't make it to his coronation. But when he commissioned it, Napoleon told David to paint her in as if she were there...right in the center. Even though she couldn't be there physically....he brought her into his life through sheer force of will. There to share in his greatness.
Clark: It's a good story.
Lex: It's a good watch.

In season 7 we learn that Lex created a clone of his brother (Grant Gabriel) just because he didn’t want to be alone - he brought him to into his life through sheer force of will. And, I remember this quote from Gemini:

Lex: If I didn't love you, you wouldn't be here.
Grant: I'm living proof you've forgotten how to love.

*//The moon on Smallville has always been freakishly large, then.//

Yeah! And do you remember the moon in Stiletto? (season 8) or even Charade (season 9)?
In both cases they were HUGE!

*//Well, Lana is waiting for Clark in his loft, but damn, Clark is gonna be the good guy that sacrifices his happiness because Whitney needed Lana more at that moment. Sound familiar? Good thing he broke that pattern with Lois in Crossfire.//

I’m sooooo glad that he broke that pattern with Lois! :)))


“Come on, Clark. Selflessly giving of yourself to save others, girls love that.”

(yeah, Pete - we all LOVE that - lol!)

“Relationships aren't always about love, Clark. Sometimes they're about mutual goals.”

(For some reason it reminds me of Chloe/Oliver relationship - especially the early stages)

“Just remember, Clark....once you cross that line, you can't hide behind the cloak of friendship anymore. Proceed with caution.”

(This quote reminded me of Clark and Lois relationship after the events of Bride, Infamous, and Hex. Even though they tried to be just friends and keep things “professional”- it wasn’t that easy, was it? Or maybe I’m just making up some things in my head - lol)

“Empires are not brought down by outside forces. They are destroyed by weaknesses from within!”

(That’s so true…)


Re: Episode 10: Shimmer theclexfactor May 31 2010, 14:58:08 UTC
The moon on Smallville must have been hit by the meteor shower. It's ridiculous.

I like the words of wisdom, lol.


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