Mod Announcement + Akuma 101 & Damage

Aug 17, 2010 18:22

Quick run through and explanation.

In anticipation to the frequency of missions that have started sprouting for several characters, we have decided to establish a set of ground rules and explanations for both defeating akuma, who can defeat or so much as fight akuma, what damage characters can inflict, and power levels between characters in order to prevent any confusions.

The most basic and fundamental concept that everyone must understand is that no one can save an Akuma’s soul unless you are an exorcist. We must stay true to the canon and considering that only innocence can purify a soul, only exorcists who have been ‘chosen by god’ will be able to do so. If you haven’t read the FAQ page, this means that no one can became on exorcist. There will be no exceptions to these two rules no matter what powers any character might have for the time being. Purifying the soul with innocence is part of an exorcists job, after all.

With these two rules at play, that doesn’t mean people are completely useless against akuma. As mods, we have worked on what we consider the best possible power ranking for now in order to help keep some form of order in regards to characters and their limits. With the topic of power and ability in mind, we also created a battle grid of characters and their ranking in comparison to the rest. Keep in mind that although we are referencing the same grid, its main purpose is to disclose power ranking between characters. However, we are also basing our akuma damage on it. The explanation can be found

This ranking is against level 1 akuma.
As mods, we have decided to compensate for some higher level's as follows:
Level 10's : Can destroy Level 2 akuma, can destroy level 3 akuma with some hassle, level 4 is the limit with heavy damage received
Level 9's : Can destroy Level 2 with great difficult, will need teamwork of other higher levels, level 3's are their limit with teamwork, expect heavy damage received
Level 8's : Will hardly be able to damage an akuma even with higher level help. Level 2 akuma is their limit as a group.
   Yachiru Kusajishi
(8)   Arthur Kirkland
(Axis P. Het)
(6)Cross Marian
(10)Kanda Yuu
(9)Komui Lee
(9)Lenalee Lee
(9)   Dante
(Devil May Cry)
(Devil May Cry)
(Full Metal Alch.)
(Full Metal Alch.)
(Full Metal Alch.)
(7)Ryuuichi Sakuma
(2)Shuuichi Shindou
(2)Duo Maxwell
(Gundam Wing)
(6)Hermione Granger
(Harry Potter)
(6) Matt Jeevas
(Death Note)
(3) Axel
(Kingdom Hearts)
(Kingdom Hearts)
(Kingdom Hearts)
(Kingdom Hearts)
(7) Hope
(Luminous Arc)
(6)Portgas D. Ace
(One Piece)
(One Piece)
(7)Alfred. Jones
(Axis P. Het)
(Pheonix Wright)
(2)Detective Gumshoe
(Pheonix Wright)
                  (3) Wolfram Bielefelt
(Kyo Kara Maou)
(6)Kanji Tatsumi
(Persona 4)
(3)Malik Benedict
(Wild Arms 3)
(6) Yuuri Shibuya
(Kyo Kara Maou)
(One Piece)
 Bo Peep
(Toy Story)
(1) Tracie Wright
(Pheonix Wright)
Arisato Kazehana
(Persona 3)
(3) Shinjiro Aragaki
(Persona 3)
(3)Asato Tsuzuki
(Yami no Matsuei)
(8)Yuuko Ichihara
(10) The Joker
(DC Comics)
(4) Pheonix Wright
(Pheonix Wright)
Last update: October 07, 20010

Th numbers that appear between the characters and fandom in game represent their power rank in comparison to the other characters in the game. The rankings go from 1-10, 1 being weakest while 10 being the strongest. If you're curious as to how such numbers were deducted, we looked at characters as a whole: their physical strengths, their abilities, the usage of abilities, distributions, etc. If battles ever occur between characters, hopefully this chart can help. Of course, we're aware of certain discrepancies to the rules. For example, some 'demons' can be affected by innocence and therefore, despite their level probably being lower than them, they are clearly open for heavy damage. For situations like those, you always have the mods there to help you solve problems that might occur.

Apart from strengths, we will also be using this chart as a reference for damage done to Akuma. Naturally, exorcists are excluded from this since they are the original predators for Akuma. To the rest, because they are not chosen 'apostles from God', they are not at the same level as an exorcist. Fortunately for some, we consider them strong enough to either slow down, damage, modify, or completely destroy and Akuma.

Complete Akuma destruction:Complete Akuma Destruction (10 - some level 9)
The job of an exorcist is to destroy an akuma by purifying its soul and only an exorcist can successfully pull that off. However, in light of having characters from different worlds, we as mods have to find middle ground to compensate. We can’t have anyone overpowering the worlds natural enemy since the physics are different. Keeping in mind that only innocence can destroy an akuma and purify its soul properly, we have decided to give some characters compensation.
  • Level 10’s are characters that have powers so immense they can destroy a world, dimensions, or even something so irrational as matter itself. They can destroy an akuma an their entirety through whatever means their characters tend to do their dirty work (disintegration, power blasts, black holes, moon prism power, etc.).
  • Level 9’s are those characters who are not only physically strong, but they are very hard to damage whether they can regenerate or create natural barriers, or because they simply have a plentiful resource or their power source. And increasingly large amount of damage. Their abilities are also almost unsurpassable in comparison to most. Although they aren’t as strong as invincible as a level ten, they are almost impossible to kill. That doesn’t make them immortal, however.

-To these two groups, if there are characters who have some sort of spiritual or magical ability where they can somehow manipulate souls (shinigami, demons, angels, etc.) we will allow for the manipulation of the akuma’s composition. What does this mean? It means that with their abilities, they can separate the akuma body from the tormented soul inside of it. Be aware that when this action takes place, the Akuma body explodes. The soul that is liberated will take up the shape of something (gold orbs, power spheres, butterflies, etc.) that must be taken to an exorcist for purification. What shape? Doesn’t matter, if there’s something in your canon it can represent, the better.

-Too those characters who do not have soul manipulation abilities, considering how strong they are by being on these two levels, we will allow their abilities to be able to completely obliterate an akuma whether it be by brute strength of their weapons, whatever means they have.  Keep in mind, that destroying it does not save the soul of the akuma. Like the Noah and the third exorcists, you’re not really helping and you’ll make Allen cry. A lot.

Heavy to Moderate Akuma Damage (8-7)
After level 10’s and 9’s, the individuals in levels 8 and 7 will have a harder time managing against an akuma and will not be able to destroy them completely. In regards to the hassle it will take to so much as injure an akuma, they will find it a bit difficult in their task, but not impossible.
  • Level 8’s are those characters that despite their physical strength, their abilities don’t match up to those of nines. Their attacks are still very devastating but when it comes to having a power source, they are lacking just enough to make a difference limited. Their abilities are the same, there is enough space to land someone with the upper hand but not enough to make it easy for them to do so. They will be allowed to inflict heavy damage on the akuma (slicing, penetrating armor, impairing vision through damage, impairing mobility, etc) and even render them useless an immobile for several minutes. Enough for them to get away or do whatever it is they need to do. The akuma’s will not be destroyed and, therefore, will regenerate after the span of several minutes passes. They will continue to attack and will become even far more difficult to get caught.
  • Level 7’s  are those characters who, despite their abilities being questionable, they have lacking defenses that don’t offer compensation. Their attacks aren’t as devastating but still abnormal for most natural strengths. The damage they will give will be very minimal enough to show a physical display and to slow down their enemy akuma. Unfortunately, they are not strong enough to  render them immobile like level 8’s. The input for damaging an akuma will be far greater than the output in damages the akuma receives. It’ll be tricky and if you’re not careful, the akuma can outsmart you.

-Just as it was stated above, characters who have some sort of spiritual or magical ability where they can somehow manipulate souls (shinigami, demons, angels, etc.) we will allow for the manipulation of the akuma’s composition. What does this mean? It means that with their abilities, they can separate the akuma body from the tormented soul inside of it. Be aware that when this action takes place, the Akuma body explodes. The soul that is liberated will take up the shape of something (gold orbs, power spheres, butterflies, etc.) that must be taken to an exorcist for purification. What shape? Doesn’t matter, if there’s something in your canon it can represent, the better.

-Be advised that all though at any level a character can be killed, it is easier for an akuma to beat a level 8 or 7 than it is the other higher levels. Keep in mind that they will be expending a lot of physical strength that might render them exhausted if they fight for long periods of time.

Akuma Hindering(6)
  • Level 6’s are those individuals who have some aiding ability that separates them from the common human being(magic, weapons, natural armor/protection, etc). Although they might be lacking in physical strength or the ability to withstand damage, they have enough skills that render them useful against hindering akuma. Like a finder to an exorcist, they are able to slow down, stop, trap, or do anything of a defensive nature to help aid their cause. They cannot cause an akuma damage, not even something that could create a physical display of it.

-Be advised that all though at any level a character can be killed, it is easier for an akuma to beat a level 6 than the other levels. Sometimes it might even take teamwork to stop and akuma, depending on characters. If you can’t judge for yourself, contact a mod.

No effects(5-1)
Just as everyone has a limit, there is a limit in abilities where attempts are rendered useless. Individuals from level 5 and below will unfortunately be subjected to having no strength against an akuma. The lack many things, whether it be physical strength, self defense, abilities- anything for survival against a foe. They are advised not to attack or go near akuma but, of course, akuma just love having more people to kill.

Be advised, at this level, the characters have no way of causing damage to an akuma. It is far more likely to be killed at these levels than those above. The akuma will be at full power.

Taking Akuma Damage
As we stated above before at the very first paragraphs of our guide, as mods we have to find middle ground in order to compensate different characters from several worlds entering another. The physic’s of reason and reality are completely different, there is no such thing as immunity since the laws that binded a character in their world has been severed when they passed through that portal.

We have come to the conclusion that despite the many characters who seem to be able to regenerate one way or another, that if we allowed anyone immunity from an akuma’s weapon, we would be pulling away that which makes the D.Gray-Man world unique. Innocence and akuma are complete opposites and cancel each other out. We can’t sever that without changing the composition of the canon plot. We won’t try to.

It will be mandatory for all characters who come in contact with the akuma virus by any means to experience negative symptoms.  Of course, some will be affected differently and we have taken the liberty of setting the rules and a small guide to give you an idea of what a character should expect. We have separated everyone into two categories for this: those characters with regenerative powers and those with out them.

Level 1-7
If your character does not have some sort of regenerative ability, then a single blast of an akuma bullet or even the inhalation of poisonous akuma gas can kill a character. When the body comes in contact with the akuma virus, dozens of pentagrams cover the persons skin until every inch of their body is black. Their body then explodes and turns into dust.

Level 8-10 + regenerating characters from lower levels
If your character has a regenerative ability, we have decided to allow some flexibility against akuma attacks in order to compensate for the change in world dynamics. Keep in mind that no one will be excluded from the affects of the akuma virus and there will be, in fact, a limit. Despite the fact your character can heal, they also have the chance to die.

We have established a list of basic symptoms that  can, and will take place if a character comes in contact with the akuma virus. We will be very strict about this. Be aware that all though these are the basic symptoms, you can elaborate with your own. We’re just making sure nobody steps on anyone’s toes.
  • 1 bullet : decrease in speed. (They’ll find their legs heavier, more lead-like, and the fee less willing to cooperate.)
  • 2 bullets : decrease in strength. (They’ll find their muscles aching slightly due to the spreading of the virus to a wider stage, if carrying a weapon it will become harder to lift)
  • 3 bullets :  decrease in stamina. (exhaustion settles in all parts of the body, breathing becomes labored, shortness of breath causes lethargy. Three days bed rest mandatory.)
  • 4 bullets : lack of motor skills. (Hands and legs are no longer cooperating, numbness, fuzzy vision, dry mouth, swollen tongue. One week bed rest mandatory.)
  • 5 bullets : complete collapse (fever, pentacles won’t go away, breathing very labored with almost no mobility, incredibly weak. Two week bedrest mandatory.)
  • 6 bullets : death. No exceptions.

Feel free to add your own symptoms to the list when you reach a situation that will force you to look back at this list. We realize that there might be discrepancies here and there and we are more than welcome to hear opinions. If there is something missing or something  that you wish explained or added in more detail, comment to this post. If you have some doubt about the level given to your character, feel free to say so here and we can do changes if need be.

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