The Door Post

Mar 21, 2010 15:37

You wake up, hazy and groggy on the cold ground. As your eyes adjust to the dim night moon, you realize that it's not the moon that the light is coming from.

Two huge eyes glow, the size of dinner plates, columns of light leaving them and scanning over your person. The soft white light, however, suddenly glows red, and an piercing alarm sounds off. "IT'S A BUUUUUGGGGG~~~!"

Looks like you've arrived at the door and the only thing you can do is wait for a rescue.

[Welcome to the Order! If your character is a new arrival (In other words- not a DGM canon character), please comment as if they have just arrived in this world and are in front of Gatekeeper (Using the [Action] format). If you want them to join the dark side, you're in the wrong place. Please comment to this post.

Once the Gatekeeper has judged (or misjudged as the case may be) your character, someone from inside the Order will come out and confront them. After they are deemed safe, they will be taken inside and escorted accordingly.

If your character is DGM cast, simply comment as if arriving to the Order and wait for a welcome.

Escorts: To keep things organized, please only one rescuer per newbie, thanks!]

door post

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