Chapter Nineteen

Jan 16, 2005 12:02

The Lion and the Serpent

Useless Fact: This is the chapter I read first when I got my copy, purely on the basis of the title.

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Comments 87

darklites January 17 2005, 17:19:22 UTC
reading Wilbert Slinkhard's book

That sounds kind of dirty...

Harry felt optimistic about Gryffindor's chances; they had, after all, never lost to Malfoy's team.

Heh, notice that it's 'Malfoy's team' and not 'Slytherin'. You know Harry only practices so hard so he can beat Draco. ;)

and Harry literally sees the people he hates as ugly and monster-like, in some kind of paranoid fantasy.

I think it is probably Harry's POV, because I seem to vaguely remember that the descriptions of Sirius changed right after we find out about his innocence. The narrative voice is tricky, though - I've always thought that for being our POV character, we don't get that much of Harry's views on events.

'Warrington's aim's so pathetic I'd be more worried if he was aiming for the person next to me,' he retorted, which made Ron and Hermione laugh and wiped the smirk off Pansy Parkinsons face.Wtf, man? Does this really happen in real life, like, ever? But clearly Harry's rapier-sharp wit has maimed Pansy's ability to smirk! Watch her become unable ( ... )


nice to see you here! merrymelody January 17 2005, 17:46:53 UTC
That sounds kind of dirty...

Heh. Slinkhard's going to be my new lj name soon! I was won over with the briefest quote from his book.

Heh, notice that it's 'Malfoy's team' and not 'Slytherin'. You know Harry only practices so hard so he can beat Draco. ;)

Totally. I imagine if Draco stopped playing, the urge to defeat Slytherin would be gone, too.

Does this really happen in real life, like, ever?

Not to me!
Let me be the first to call Mary Sue on Harry. And Hermione. And Ginny. *goes all sixth sense and sees sues everywhere*

I read OotP in the first 24 hours with about a 5-hour nap-break back when it came out, and still haven't had the inclination to pick it up again.

Yup. I read it once, gawped a bit, read it again in horror, and then dumped all my hp books. (I'm more about the fandom than the canon, anyway. Icons and Teh pr0n suits me.)
Now I'm working off a word copy. ;)

I particularly like yours since they are so long so I don't have to actually read the real chapter, hahaha.Heh. They're way too long, I know, and gives me ( ... )


Re: nice to see you here! darklites January 17 2005, 18:11:42 UTC
(I'm more about the fandom than the canon, anyway. Icons and Teh pr0n suits me.)

Man, I used to be such a canon girl before this book. I was one of those 'fandom is fun, but it'll never surpass my love for canon!' people. Look how well that turned out, heh. I feel so cynical in my old age. (Not that I am really in fandom, either, since I mostly just skirt around the edges these days. *is liberated* :D)

They're way too long, I know, and gives me no room to criticise how flabby OotP is.

They are good long! You let me get away with being able to 're-read' without tearing my hair out in frustration since the text is mixed with snark. (Will prob. be especially necessary for when Ginny's SuperSeeker!moment is revealed later. OMG, just thinking about it makes me twitch.)

OotP is so horribly flabby - I still remember the pain of getting through that unnecessarily long scene where the characters rid Grimmauld Place of Doxys (Doxies?) that lasted for PAGES but had NO PURPOSE WHATSOEVER. Why.


Re: nice to see you here! merrymelody January 17 2005, 18:28:52 UTC
Yes, I like canon accuracy and all (never really got into the whole OMG leather pants!11 bit) but I'm really one of those crotchety people who only join fandoms of things they're ambivalent about. There are authors I enjoy much more, but never got into because it's like there's nothing for me to do: you can only go over how great something is so many times ( ... )


looooong merrymelody January 18 2005, 13:25:27 UTC
I'm not a big crier myself, but I do it more when I'm angry than sad. Probably not in public if I could control it, though ( ... )


Re: *de-lurks a bit* merrymelody January 18 2005, 16:18:13 UTC
Seriously. I never warmed to it. (It was so Gryffindor-esque: it seemed to attack from pride rather than fear, in that it was already larger than it's prey, and proved itself the ability to differentiate between language and tone.) But the idea of a trial for an animal is stupid, and I wouldn't have seen it executed. Put in a safe enclosure or removed from lessons? Sure. Hagrid disciplined? Definitely. But I don't believe that animals have morality (a JKR interview made me laugh when she said something about Animagi and how wouldn't it be embarrassing if someone was a pig. ((Can't you just see that being poor Crabbe or someone's fate, should he ever have the talent to learn?)) Because some animals are better than others. Or MWPP - ew, Peter's a rat, not a 'handsome' stag or fluffy dog or powerful wolf. I guess rats are just not as 'good' animals. Because stags and lions for that matter, are intensely moral beasts. WTF?)

If readers are so willing to adapt the views on women presented in the books, because it matches their own ideas, ( ... )


Re: *de-lurks a bit* merrymelody January 18 2005, 16:18:34 UTC
Although obviously, H/D done the wrong way makes Malfoy just as 'disloyal' (because obviously, he has to be the one who changes.) I'm not fond of ones where say, Lucius' impact are ignored. There are lots of great Spy!Draco stories, but I don't think I'd buy it as IC, as I don't see Draco making a 'choice' at all. I think it would be Lucius who cuts ties first.

I wonder if Hermione would really care enough about Draco not getting the Dark Mark though. Because I'm sure Harry wouldn't. ;-)It's hard to buy Harry caring about much beyond Harry, really. I guess that's what fic is for ( ... )


Re: *de-lurks a bit* go_back_chief January 19 2005, 15:48:59 UTC
I didn't see it as Hermione caring about Draco at all, but simply narrowing down a list of potential enemies and ensuring one more person loyal to the order.

Yeah, you have a point.

And thank you for that link!:D I now wonder if it was Elkins who wrote the entry that first made me even consider the ship. Anyway, I don't think it's unlikely at all, that Draco is strategically placed against both Ron and Hermione, I mean. He mirrors everyone in the trio, but I think subsequent books may very well make him a more obvious antagonist to Ron and Hermione than to Harry.


Re: *de-lurks a bit* merrymelody January 19 2005, 16:03:02 UTC
There was an original entry that made you first consider the ship? Cool.
Has ship_manifesto now done one yet, either?
I think one of the first stories I read was D/Hr. Um, it was by Jenny-O, if you've read it?
I've no idea if it was a 'good' representation of it or not, but I remember liking it well enough. (isn't it odd how that varies? Like, you can like a fic, but think it's shit as far as your own idea of that ship goes; or vice versa?) (there's two others in the series)

I didn't mean that part was unlikely.
I don't have the opinion of Hermione as being such a bleeding heart, though.
Mind you, as I said, this was pre- sneak hex and centaur plan.
Still, even elkins wavers on Hermione and her compassion.


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