Chapter Nineteen

Jan 16, 2005 12:02

The Lion and the Serpent

Useless Fact: This is the chapter I read first when I got my copy, purely on the basis of the title.

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Re: *de-lurks a bit* merrymelody January 18 2005, 16:18:13 UTC
Seriously. I never warmed to it. (It was so Gryffindor-esque: it seemed to attack from pride rather than fear, in that it was already larger than it's prey, and proved itself the ability to differentiate between language and tone.) But the idea of a trial for an animal is stupid, and I wouldn't have seen it executed. Put in a safe enclosure or removed from lessons? Sure. Hagrid disciplined? Definitely. But I don't believe that animals have morality (a JKR interview made me laugh when she said something about Animagi and how wouldn't it be embarrassing if someone was a pig. ((Can't you just see that being poor Crabbe or someone's fate, should he ever have the talent to learn?)) Because some animals are better than others. Or MWPP - ew, Peter's a rat, not a 'handsome' stag or fluffy dog or powerful wolf. I guess rats are just not as 'good' animals. Because stags and lions for that matter, are intensely moral beasts. WTF?)

If readers are so willing to adapt the views on women presented in the books, because it matches their own ideas, ( ... )


Re: *de-lurks a bit* merrymelody January 18 2005, 16:18:34 UTC
Although obviously, H/D done the wrong way makes Malfoy just as 'disloyal' (because obviously, he has to be the one who changes.) I'm not fond of ones where say, Lucius' impact are ignored. There are lots of great Spy!Draco stories, but I don't think I'd buy it as IC, as I don't see Draco making a 'choice' at all. I think it would be Lucius who cuts ties first.

I wonder if Hermione would really care enough about Draco not getting the Dark Mark though. Because I'm sure Harry wouldn't. ;-)It's hard to buy Harry caring about much beyond Harry, really. I guess that's what fic is for ( ... )


Re: *de-lurks a bit* go_back_chief January 19 2005, 15:48:59 UTC
I didn't see it as Hermione caring about Draco at all, but simply narrowing down a list of potential enemies and ensuring one more person loyal to the order.

Yeah, you have a point.

And thank you for that link!:D I now wonder if it was Elkins who wrote the entry that first made me even consider the ship. Anyway, I don't think it's unlikely at all, that Draco is strategically placed against both Ron and Hermione, I mean. He mirrors everyone in the trio, but I think subsequent books may very well make him a more obvious antagonist to Ron and Hermione than to Harry.


Re: *de-lurks a bit* merrymelody January 19 2005, 16:03:02 UTC
There was an original entry that made you first consider the ship? Cool.
Has ship_manifesto now done one yet, either?
I think one of the first stories I read was D/Hr. Um, it was by Jenny-O, if you've read it?
I've no idea if it was a 'good' representation of it or not, but I remember liking it well enough. (isn't it odd how that varies? Like, you can like a fic, but think it's shit as far as your own idea of that ship goes; or vice versa?) (there's two others in the series)

I didn't mean that part was unlikely.
I don't have the opinion of Hermione as being such a bleeding heart, though.
Mind you, as I said, this was pre- sneak hex and centaur plan.
Still, even elkins wavers on Hermione and her compassion.


Re: *de-lurks a bit* go_back_chief January 19 2005, 18:06:16 UTC
Yeah, my sister (the devil! I'd never have shipped D/Hr if it wasn't for her!) told me about someone who had made a post about working in a library or a book-shop, and who used to eaves-drop on young boys who read the books, and their conversaation about them. Anywaay, this person discovered these boys actually were "shippers", and one tthing they all seemed to be agreeing on was that Draco liked Hermione, but that it wasn't requited (and they didn't seem to think, nor want, it to become so either). I'm thinking now that Elkins may have been the one to write the post, because she's saying the same thing in that essay. Anyway, it made me quite enthusiastic, since my sister and I had already analysed these books to pieces, and read so many fics, particulary H/D and slash in general, so I was tired of both and welcoming a new perspective. It actually made me read the books again trying to think like a 12-year-old boy (aandd imagining Draco STRAIGHT :D), and it actually made sense to me ( ... )


Re: *de-lurks a bit* merrymelody January 19 2005, 18:23:18 UTC
What moment is that?
Heh, my sister loathes HP. She's a fandom dream - she can't tell the difference between Tom/Dan and H/D. But she's also very fair, since she hates every character equally. (Except, bizarrely, Tom the Innkeeper and the Sorting Hat, whom she reserves all her fondness for.)
That's a great point, about Hermione.
It's odd, she wavers from being the emotional one, sobbing and vowing to help the disadvantaged and decrying intelligence compared to friendship; to being portrayed as the brains and logic to Harry and Ron's hearts.


Re: *de-lurks a bit* go_back_chief January 19 2005, 19:24:20 UTC
What moment is that?

"No one asked your opinion, you filthy little Mudblood!"

When I first read the books, I didn't dismiss the possibility until that moment (even though I would never have considered that, or indeed any other ship thn R/Hr, if my sister hadn't brought it up), because they were both secondary characters (H/Hr seemed unlikely for balance reasons), and while they hadn't intereacted at all, they didn't seem to have any real resentment between them, like H/D or R/D had. But that moment was a turning point.

But when I read that, keeping those teen-boys-observations in mind, it struck me that this is really the moment where he starts to hate her. He's never insulted her before, and even though he brings her up in the B&B-scene (indicating that he has, at least, noticed, and learned her full name as well, which is more than Harry has managed to do with girls in other houses even after five years!:D), he doesn't do that in a particulary insulting way. He seems to be jealous of her for beating him in every subject, buit he ( ... )


my fandom history, for no apparent reason merrymelody January 19 2005, 20:09:41 UTC
God, I can't even remember if I considered any ships in canon when I first read the books.
I'm one of those terrible people ;) who came after reading fic and watching the movies.
Or rather, I read the books, vaguely liked Harry and Draco separately (and Ron, sometimes) thought they were ok mysteries and dumped them.
Then I watched the movies, and vaguely liked Harry and Draco separately (and Ron, sometimes. Although actually, I find it easier to have affection for the movie incarnations. They're all nicer than the book versions, plus it's harder to dislike an actual face ( ... )


Hey, no need for a reason! go_back_chief January 19 2005, 22:03:47 UTC
Although actually, I find it easier to have affection for the movie incarnations. They're all nicer than the book versions, plus it's harder to dislike an actual face.)

Yeah, it' totally easier, I'll pick movie!Ginny over book!Ginny any time of the week. Maybe because in the movies I can actually see she's a real person, something the books has never managed to convince me of.;-) I'm not sure all characters are more likeable, though. The good guys come off more as bullies, I think, and that has been constant through all the books. Like for instance, the Dursley bits are so shortened, so we don't know of all thee nasty stuff they pull on Harry, making them supposedly "deserve" all the shit they get. Especially Dudley. The narrative tells us about how he's hunting down Harry and bullying him with his friends in the books, but in the movie, he just seems like any brother, who might tease his sibling once in a while, but really just wants to play them him, and then this big man comes from nowhere and gives him a pigtail, saying that he's ( ... )


Re: Hey, no need for a reason! merrymelody January 20 2005, 11:24:09 UTC
Yeah, plus Movie!Ginny's so cute. *pinches widdle cheeks* And talks less ;)
I see that, totally - the punching scene, for instance, I've ranted enough on, but to me, that makes Hermione look worse than she did in the book - she reacts more to less insults!
Which probably wasn't the intention...
And yeah, the whole 'Cousin, we're going to the zoo!' bit, for example, comes off as quite sweet.
And the whole pigs tail bit as 'You're fat. Hahaha.' (Mind you, so does tons of the books!)
But while inadvertently making the good guys bigger bullies, they've actually made the Dursleys look nicer.
I do think everyone in general is fairly whitewashed (although Snape and Draco occasionally come off as worse) especially the Trio.
I wonder how they're going to film OotP, or even the train/ferret bits of GoF, without making some hefty changes.

I don't suppose she liked how he set Harry and Ron up for the Midnight Duel, eitherHeh. What I love about that is she's all 'You realise that was a set up, don't you?' And Harry's all 'It probably was.' ( ... )


Re: *de-lurks a bit* go_back_chief January 19 2005, 15:30:31 UTC
And the only one who appears to have an accurate assessment of Harry.

But you just said that you thought Snape's (current) impression of Harry wasn't too far off the mark? Besides, if Draco's assessment of Harry is accurate, then I'd think it would really be like "Draco has to realise how horribly WROOOONG he was", if he was to fall in love with him, much like you imagine Snarry ( ... )


hey, you're good at this! merrymelody January 19 2005, 16:16:40 UTC
Well, I have other reasons. Mostly just that I don't warm to those ships. I guess you either like something or you don't. I can certainly buy either as plausible, maybe even more, but then I can buy Harry/Sirius or Harry/Ron as IC, and I don't want to read those either. I guess all reasons for liking ships or not are stupid when it comes down to it.
However, to clarify: I think Snape's impression of Harry is at least partially valid ( ... )


Re: hey, you're good at this! go_back_chief January 19 2005, 17:32:07 UTC
I guess all reasons for liking ships or not are stupid when it comes down to it.

Hee! :reports mission accomplished:

I guess, I just get the impression that because Snape is currently, much more sympathetic in the text, that his hate is intended as wrongheaded but personal - there are specific traits he picks on, for example, and dislikes Harry for.

Ah, OK, I understand. I suppose then that the reason for our different ways of seeing this may be that I don't see Snape, in the text, as more sympathetic. I mean, sure, he has saved Harry's and other's lives on more than one occasion, but he's a teacher, that's his responsibility. It's something you have more reason to expect from him, than from Draco, who is jusst a fellow student, aand certainly no more capable than other kids. Otoh, Snape is far more nasty than Draco has ever been; his abusing his authority to bully children, whereas Draco is only capable of coming up with lame insults with his peers, most of whom are more than capable of taking him on, when he does. And for this he ( ... )


Re: hey, you're good at this! merrymelody January 19 2005, 18:02:51 UTC
I don't really see Snape as sympathetic so much as he seems to be presented that way, yeah.
A lot of liking Snape, for me, gets diluted by fandom. So whereas before, I maybe thought he's funny and I feel a bit bad for him, but he's kind of selfish and childish; the whole 'OMG U MUST LOVE SNAPE, HE'S A HERO' makes me want to dislike him!
And it's hard to tell whether JKR intends a lot of what I think she does, or whether I'm particularly suspicious/paranoid of her! ;)

...if we took away those two aspects, Draco's feelings for Harry would be pure admiration? It's interesting to think about, because we really don't know. (Otoh, if that were the case, would you still like him?:D)Heh, Draco without jealousy is hard to imagine ( ... )


Re: hey, you're good at this! go_back_chief January 19 2005, 18:40:17 UTC
A lot of liking Snape, for me, gets diluted by fandom. So whereas before, I maybe thought he's funny and I feel a bit bad for him, but he's kind of selfish and childish; the whole 'OMG U MUST LOVE SNAPE, HE'S A HERO' makes me want to dislike him!

Yeah, I know exactly what you mean. Not to mention, when Snape-fans white-whash him the way they do, they sort of erase what I love about the character in the first place. It's sad really, he's one of my favourite characters. The Luna-fandom is slowly but suredly beginning to do the same thing to me, which is sad, because I was so happy to find another female character I liked, and thought seemed real. But it seems like, when it comes to female characters in this fandom, many people put their favourites on some kind of piedestal, and DAMNIT, I DON'T WANT ANYONE ON A PIEDESTAL! Maybe this shouldn't surprise me eitheer, considering JKR seems to bring forward the message that girls/women, unlike boys/men, need to be absolutely PERFECT in order to deserve love. It goes against my principles.

I ( ... )


Re: hey, you're good at this! merrymelody January 19 2005, 18:57:56 UTC
Yeah, Luna to me, sounded interesting enough.
I'm not and was never enamoured with her, but she seemed marginally more sensible than the Trio, and I liked that she stood up to them occasionally and was *gasp* a friend from another house. There are tons of sensible fans, like maria, as there are for every character, I'm sure.
Um, not so much anymore, no.

Oh, I <3 Millicent. The disgust was one of my favourite parts (really not a big OotP fan! ;) as was her unwittingly outdoing Hermione in CoS, both with the duel and the potion. Clearly nobody fucks with Millicent Bulstrode. (And you have to laugh at her descriptions, too: "No pixie" - OH NOES!1111 ( ... )


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