The Abbey Of St. Phallusine | Cloisterfuck | {Medium Aphro}

Nov 30, 2011 00:05

As she peered out at the flickering gleams of lights in the distance, contrasting with the dark backdrop of the forest, Amelia could honestly say she didn't envy those people who must have been trying to get back to their villages for the night. The rain had never stopped all day, and now as darkness fell, the stormy clouds above had prevented even ( Read more... )

pairing: f/f, pairing: f/m, series: slayers

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Comments 142

onewithwater November 30 2011, 01:59:38 UTC
Marie was busy cursing herself for getting caught up in this weather. What was once a simple wander through the woods devolved into a mad dash for shelter. Had it been just simple rain, it wouldn't of been a problem. The lightning and heavy winds made things worse.

Finding the temple, she was quick to pound on the door to get someone, anyone's attention. Once the doors flew open, Marie stumbled in, her soaked hair obscuring her vision.

"Ah... I... th-thank you. My name's Marie - I'm sorry for intruding, but I got caught in the storm and... please... let me stay until it passes!" she pleaded.


healsforjustice November 30 2011, 14:44:33 UTC
Amelia initially was a bit preoccupied in trying to find the strength to force the doors closed in the wake of the strong winds. Once she had managed to bolt them tight again, she turned her attention to the person who had entered, blinking in surprise. Even with her face covered by her wet hair, there was no mistaking the person in front of her.

"Miss Marie?" she asked, clearly surprised as she moved closer, reaching a hand out to feel just how cold the other girl was. "What are you doing out in such horrible weather?"


onewithwater November 30 2011, 14:48:59 UTC

As the other girl reached over to feel how cold she was (and yes, she was cold), Marie brushed back her wet hair to get a look at her. A big smile formed on her face as she recognized her.

"I didn't mean to be, I assure you! I had been wandering when the storm hit. Please, can I stay here? I'll repay you anyway I can!"


healsforjustice November 30 2011, 14:59:28 UTC
It was honestly something that Marie could manage a smile right now, she was frozen if Amelia's touch was accurate.

"Don't be silly, you don't owe me anything. I could never leave you to wander around out there on your own." she insisted. Even if the night had been clear, it would have worried her to think the other girl was out in the forest in the dark. "Now, why don't you come in with me, and we'll find you some clothes, okay?"


magic_eyecandy November 30 2011, 03:44:49 UTC
Shelter! Oh thank goodness, there the Sorceress had been, on the verge of exhaustion and with her massive reserves of magical power spent, caught in the rain to top it all off... when she finally caught sight of the temple she had made a blanket prayer to every deity she could think of that it would have someone there to let her in, and those prayers had apparently been answered!

As soon as the doors were open the Sorceress sprang inside, soaked to the bone from the rain and with all her clothing sticking to her practically like a second skin.

"Haaaaaaaaa...!" she exclaimed as she sank to her knees, water dripping from her body onto the floor from over a dozen points. "Thank you... thank you so much!"


healsforjustice November 30 2011, 14:48:45 UTC
As Amelia managed to shove the door shut again, locking up again, she looked over the woman, eyes wide at just how soaked she was. She must have been wandering for quite a while to get that wet, not to mention how she apparently was so weary she had fell to her knees.

"It's no trouble, no one should be outside on a night like this." she replied, kneeling down though avoiding the puddle of water on the floor to look at her guest. "Can you get up? It's still drafty in here, so you'd be better further inside, and I need to find you something dry to wear."


magic_eyecandy November 30 2011, 16:24:24 UTC
Taking her hat off and doing what she could to wring it out, the Sorceress nodded. "O-of course... thank you!" The water poured out of it, but the Sorceress's attention was diverted when she finally saw Amelia herself. The girl was rather cute, really... reminded the Sorceress of some of her occasional traveling companions, really.

Before long her hat was finally no longer waterlogged but merely damp, and the Sorceress rose back up to her feet. "Lead the way, miss."


healsforjustice November 30 2011, 19:18:28 UTC
Oblivious to the woman's thoughts, Amelia smiled sweetly, ushering her with her hand to follow through the foyer, heading towards the more private quarters and rooms. There would surely be some spare garments there for her to change into.

"So, can I ask why you were out in the woods this late, and on such a stormy night?" she asked curiously, before realizing she had let introductions slip her mind. "Oh, I'm sorry. My name is Amelia, what's yours?"


bisexualmagi November 30 2011, 10:23:21 UTC
She could only show a half-frown while the door opened to allow her access, Sayaka Miki pulling her hood back to shake any excess water from her person before making her way inside.

"I know you're the future Queen of Seyruun, but would it hurt to let your bodyguard know you'll be waiting in a place like this in weird, stormy weather?!" Sayaka was only concerned for Amelia's well being, and it showed in her eyes. "I would've done the same thing you did, and I know you would've come after me no matter what anyone said~"

The only reason Sayaka had been allowed to go was because it was her duty to protect Amelia, and she had only been a day or so late after the Princess had headed out.


healsforjustice November 30 2011, 14:53:18 UTC
Well, this was unexpected. Amelia could only gawp at Sayaka came inside, shaking herself out of her thoughts just long enough to shut the door over, turning to the other girl. It was pretty clear by her expression she had not thought that her companion would come out looking for her.

"I didn't want to trouble you. I could handle being here by myself for one night, I would have been back home by tomorrow evening." she sighed, clearly feeling guilty that her bodyguard had saw fit to journey out so far at night, and during a storm. "You didn't need to come all this way on such a horrible night."


bisexualmagi November 30 2011, 17:14:14 UTC
Sayaka sighed herself, pulling her hood and raiment completely off to place near the door before making herself at home on the foot of the bed and staring back at Amelia.

"What about 2 or 3 nights? 'Cause that's also why I came out." She held up a set of document papers for her partner to read. "Our guest was unexpectedly delayed on the road-something about needing to fix their wheel. It'll take at least another day or so before they're even close to us."


healsforjustice November 30 2011, 19:14:48 UTC
Amelia had no chance to say much else as she followed her companion further in, standing in front of her and reading over the papers. Even so, a couple more days wasn't going to be a huge risk surely.

"I know you mean well, but I can take care of myself even for that long, I promise. You don't need to worry about me Sayaka." she smiled softly. After all, she traveled with friend all the time, she couldn't expect the other girl to trail her wherever she went. She appreciated the kindness of the act of course, but didn't wish to cause concern for her friend unnecessarily.


pink_is_back June 26 2012, 22:37:00 UTC
Legend told of a mystical artifact that gave great power to the one who wielded it. Some had used it for good, while others used it for evil. But for over four centuries there had been nothing but rumors and story, passed down from generation to generation. The ruins of a great castle high in the mountains was the only evidence remaining that any part of the stories might have been true. Ruins that some years ago slowly began to regenerate into a towering, Gothic palace ( ... )


healsforjustice June 26 2012, 23:08:19 UTC
Amelia had heard plenty of stories in her time, and perhaps gave more credit than most. With some of the outrageous and fantastic things she had witnessed on her travels, such tales were not that much of a stretch to be believed. It wouldn't have surprised her one bit if Lina or Zelgadis had heard of the book and thought about going after it based on such a story. That sort of thing tended to end with them having to fight some very powerful people, but it did turn out alright in the end ( ... )


pink_is_back June 26 2012, 23:33:58 UTC
The Black Lady clenched her fist beneath the cloak when that hand touched down on her shoulder. How dare this person touch her! No, that wasn't the response she should have. She let out a sigh as the conflict was settled for the moment, leaving her shaking where she stood. The rain had soaked through her cloak, and without the abundance of power she once had she couldn't dry herself. Crimson eyes followed the priestess as she left the room ( ... )


healsforjustice June 28 2012, 00:25:16 UTC
Due to the long echoing corridors, she heard the tiara drop, but paid little mind. Amelia was too busy gathering the needed supplies from the kitchen and cupboards, before heading back towards the room she left her guest in. She certainly could not have guessed why anyone would have been wandering around in such a remote area in terrible weather, and judging from how damp the girl was, she had to have been outside for quite a while. Perhaps she simply got lost on her travels and strayed from the road? It was dark, so it would be hard to find one's way back ( ... )


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