The Abbey Of St. Phallusine | Cloisterfuck | {Medium Aphro}

Nov 30, 2011 00:05

As she peered out at the flickering gleams of lights in the distance, contrasting with the dark backdrop of the forest, Amelia could honestly say she didn't envy those people who must have been trying to get back to their villages for the night. The rain had never stopped all day, and now as darkness fell, the stormy clouds above had prevented even ( Read more... )

pairing: f/f, pairing: f/m, series: slayers

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magic_eyecandy November 30 2011, 03:44:49 UTC
Shelter! Oh thank goodness, there the Sorceress had been, on the verge of exhaustion and with her massive reserves of magical power spent, caught in the rain to top it all off... when she finally caught sight of the temple she had made a blanket prayer to every deity she could think of that it would have someone there to let her in, and those prayers had apparently been answered!

As soon as the doors were open the Sorceress sprang inside, soaked to the bone from the rain and with all her clothing sticking to her practically like a second skin.

"Haaaaaaaaa...!" she exclaimed as she sank to her knees, water dripping from her body onto the floor from over a dozen points. "Thank you... thank you so much!"


healsforjustice November 30 2011, 14:48:45 UTC
As Amelia managed to shove the door shut again, locking up again, she looked over the woman, eyes wide at just how soaked she was. She must have been wandering for quite a while to get that wet, not to mention how she apparently was so weary she had fell to her knees.

"It's no trouble, no one should be outside on a night like this." she replied, kneeling down though avoiding the puddle of water on the floor to look at her guest. "Can you get up? It's still drafty in here, so you'd be better further inside, and I need to find you something dry to wear."


magic_eyecandy November 30 2011, 16:24:24 UTC
Taking her hat off and doing what she could to wring it out, the Sorceress nodded. "O-of course... thank you!" The water poured out of it, but the Sorceress's attention was diverted when she finally saw Amelia herself. The girl was rather cute, really... reminded the Sorceress of some of her occasional traveling companions, really.

Before long her hat was finally no longer waterlogged but merely damp, and the Sorceress rose back up to her feet. "Lead the way, miss."


healsforjustice November 30 2011, 19:18:28 UTC
Oblivious to the woman's thoughts, Amelia smiled sweetly, ushering her with her hand to follow through the foyer, heading towards the more private quarters and rooms. There would surely be some spare garments there for her to change into.

"So, can I ask why you were out in the woods this late, and on such a stormy night?" she asked curiously, before realizing she had let introductions slip her mind. "Oh, I'm sorry. My name is Amelia, what's yours?"


magic_eyecandy December 1 2011, 00:56:02 UTC
"It's T-" But suddenly the Sorceress stopped, not even a complete syllable of her name being stated as she sighed and bowed her head in apologies. "My name is... something I prefer not saying. Some names hold tremendous power, Amelia..." she said the girl's name to test it. Nope, nothing.

"... Yours is not like mine. Be grateful for that. For someone to know my name would give them power over me. Still, 'Sorceress' is a suitable title, and the one I've grown accustomed to."


healsforjustice December 1 2011, 16:36:34 UTC
Amelia turned to look back at the woman, blinking in confusion as she stopped so suddenly. She might have been curious, wondering exactly, what her companion meant by the power of a name, but she wasn't nosy, so didn't try to pry any more answers out of the other magic user.

"Well, if you insist then Miss Sorceress." she nodded, grabbing some spare robes and towels, handing them over the the other female. "There, you can dry off and get changed behind the screen. I don't suppose you'd like anything else, food maybe, before you turn in for the night?"


magic_eyecandy December 4 2011, 21:29:35 UTC
"Thank you," the Sorceress finally said before taking the clothes and slipping behind said screen. Her ropes flopped onto the ground wetly and the Sorceress began to slip on the other clothes Amelia had provided...

Which tightly clung to her body anyways, showing off her body. Not that she minded that much.

"Some... food would be nice," the Sorceress said as she finally stepped out, now somewhat dryer and feeling much better about it all.


healsforjustice December 6 2011, 01:37:02 UTC
Once the Sorceress reappeared, Amelia nodded, moving to gather up the wet clothes so they could be dried off for the morning. "Alright, make yourself comfortable and warm up, I'll be back shortly."

She soon scurried off, laying out the clothes once she had wrung out the excess water, hoping they would be fit to wear in the morning. After that, she heated some food and a warm drink for her guest, before placing it on a tray and heading back to the room where the woman was.

"Here we are, this should help you feel better." she smiled, placing the tray down. "Once you're full, we can find a room for you. Hopefully it'll be clear enough for you to head home in the morning."


magic_eyecandy December 11 2011, 05:55:02 UTC
"Well, it wouldn't be 'home', per-se," the Sorceress said with a sigh. "Adventures and quests don't usually require that sort of thing... but thank you nonetheless for your hospitality." Looking down at the food, she noticed that Amelia had certainly put some effort into it, and she appreciated that a great deal.

"Are you usually located in this temple?"


healsforjustice December 12 2011, 03:48:32 UTC
Listening intently, Amelia nodded in understanding, smiling in recognition of the lifesyle. "I have friends who move around a lot too." she replied, glad to see the woman more comfortable now she was dry and warming up.

"Oh, not I'm not. I'm just watching the place till the full time priestess managed to get here in the morning. After that I'm heading home." she explained, settling down beside the Sorceress.


magic_eyecandy December 12 2011, 17:09:25 UTC
"That's very thoughtful of you," the Sorceress said in admiration before beginning to start with her meal, bringing a small piece up to her mouth on a fork before taking it into her mouth. Almost at once her eyes lit up and she glanced over at Amelia, smiling.

"It's delicious!"


healsforjustice December 13 2011, 01:21:38 UTC
"Oh, not at all. They just really needed someone to stay over, just in case thieves took the chance to ransack the place when it was empty." she replied, shrugging before noticing the expression on the Sorceress' face. Hearing the compliment, she smiled all the more.

"I'm glad you like it so much, considering I don't cook that often. I was worried my lack of expertise would show once you tasted it." she laughed.


magic_eyecandy December 13 2011, 06:42:22 UTC
The Sorceress beamed, happily pulling Amelia in for a hug. "Oh not at all! Believe me, when you live on the road you get used to eating whatever you can manage to cook over a fire... and it makes stuff like this all the more wonderful!"


healsforjustice December 14 2011, 01:40:50 UTC
Surprised by the hug, Amelia blinked in confusion, before smiling again, gently returning the hold. "Ah, well I can relate to that, it does fair better than constantly having to catch fish." she laughed sheepishly. That, and it was a lot of work when you had travel companions like Amelia's, who could eat the same amount of food as an entire army each. Cooking was one thing, trying to actually get food before it was gone was another matter.


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