The Abbey Of St. Phallusine | Cloisterfuck | {Medium Aphro}

Nov 30, 2011 00:05

As she peered out at the flickering gleams of lights in the distance, contrasting with the dark backdrop of the forest, Amelia could honestly say she didn't envy those people who must have been trying to get back to their villages for the night. The rain had never stopped all day, and now as darkness fell, the stormy clouds above had prevented even ( Read more... )

pairing: f/f, pairing: f/m, series: slayers

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pink_is_back June 26 2012, 22:37:00 UTC
Legend told of a mystical artifact that gave great power to the one who wielded it. Some had used it for good, while others used it for evil. But for over four centuries there had been nothing but rumors and story, passed down from generation to generation. The ruins of a great castle high in the mountains was the only evidence remaining that any part of the stories might have been true. Ruins that some years ago slowly began to regenerate into a towering, Gothic palace.

A dark sorceress had taken up residence, and some said she possessed the artifact of legend, but none who were sent to investigate ever returned. An entire town at the foot of the mountains was recently destroyed by a massive beam of fire from that castle, and yet through it all not a single life was lost. Nevertheless a holy champion had been sent to the castle, and though no one knew for certain, it seemed the castle in the mountains had once again gone empty.

The Black Lady had lost everything she had all over again. Once an orphan, left to fend for herself, she'd found a glowing book that whispered to her in her dreams. Over the years she'd learned to wield its power, but it had corrupted her wishes to make the world a better place. She'd kept herself from injuring anyone, but the town had been destroyed, and from there the dark energy that controlled her began to falter. After the encounter with the holy warrior, she'd been subjected to a healthy dose of holy magic. The hold over her heart had been broken, but the darkness was not gone completely. She still had the book, a book she clutched tightly beneath the tattered black robe that covered her equally tattered gown and battered tiara.

A temple, surely they would take her in for the night. Those sorts were always gullible, but no that wasn't all of it. Someone there might be able to help her, to use the book for good, or seal it away safely. Whatever happened, she didn't have the energy to go anywhere else. The Black Lady stumbled as she stepped into the doorway, but forced herself to keep moving until she was once again stable on her feet. Strands of pink hair spilled out from the edges of her hooded cloak, and a pair of dim red eyes settled on the priestess standing there. "Water..." A pause. "Please."


healsforjustice June 26 2012, 23:08:19 UTC
Amelia had heard plenty of stories in her time, and perhaps gave more credit than most. With some of the outrageous and fantastic things she had witnessed on her travels, such tales were not that much of a stretch to be believed. It wouldn't have surprised her one bit if Lina or Zelgadis had heard of the book and thought about going after it based on such a story. That sort of thing tended to end with them having to fight some very powerful people, but it did turn out alright in the end.

Still, that was far from her mind as she pulled the large doors open, forcing them apart with a creak before shoving them shut once more as as soon as the traveler stumbled inside. Once the door was safely bolted in place again, she approached the stranger, laying a gentle hand on her shoulder.

"Oh dear, you do look worn out." she remarked, ushering her guest further inside, quickly getting her to the inner part of the temple, were a blazing fire was roaring to beat the chill. "You make yourself comfortable, and do get out of those wet clothes. I'll get you that water, and some towels, just wait here." she insisted, hurrying off to fetch the needed supplies for her guest.


pink_is_back June 26 2012, 23:33:58 UTC
The Black Lady clenched her fist beneath the cloak when that hand touched down on her shoulder. How dare this person touch her! No, that wasn't the response she should have. She let out a sigh as the conflict was settled for the moment, leaving her shaking where she stood. The rain had soaked through her cloak, and without the abundance of power she once had she couldn't dry herself. Crimson eyes followed the priestess as she left the room.

What was she doing here? A holy temple no less, and Ceiphied by the looks of it. The Black Lady relaxed her arms once she was alone, and set the ancient tome she carried down upon the table beside her. It still glowed with dull golden energy, neither good nor evil on its own. A closer inspection might resemble some of the Claire Bible manuscripts. Slowly the tattered robe came off, revealing what were once royal style robes of black and purple. Long strands of pink hair fell about the former princess' body, dripping from the rain outside.

Moving closer to the fire, Black Lady let the warmth begin to seep through her wet clothes. What was she doing? Maybe this was a bad idea. She lowered her head to watch the flames, but before she could catch it, the dented tiara slid from her head and made a loud clank against the stone floor. Patterns of light danced over its golden surface, reflecting in Black Lady's eyes. Fine, it could stay there! She was too tired to bend down and pick it up.


healsforjustice June 28 2012, 00:25:16 UTC
Due to the long echoing corridors, she heard the tiara drop, but paid little mind. Amelia was too busy gathering the needed supplies from the kitchen and cupboards, before heading back towards the room she left her guest in. She certainly could not have guessed why anyone would have been wandering around in such a remote area in terrible weather, and judging from how damp the girl was, she had to have been outside for quite a while. Perhaps she simply got lost on her travels and strayed from the road? It was dark, so it would be hard to find one's way back...

Shaking her head, the healer soon slipped back into the lounge, carefully sitting the assortment of items on a nearby table. Taking the glass of water that was requested, she walked over and handed it to Black Lady. If she glanced at the table though, she'd see there was plenty more there for her.

"Here you are. I've made you a pot of tea and heated some soup to help warm you up as well. There's towels there and an a robe for you to change into. If you're really cold, I can run a bath as well, before you turn in for the night. Don't worry, there's plenty of room, so I'll show you to a suite once you're ready." she chirped, not missing a beat and smiling with genuine kindness all the way through her speech. She might have had a few questions of her own, gazing at the strange girl, but held back on them, wanting to let her settle and be comfortable first.


pink_is_back June 28 2012, 00:59:41 UTC
Having lost so much of the magical abilities she'd acquired through the book, she felt vulnerable. How long had it been since she'd been so far from being in control? Everything had fallen into place, little by little, building up the great palace and summoning minions to do her bidding. It had been hard work in retrospect, but to have it all taken away in one fell swoop. Well, not everything. She still had the book, but her heart had changed. She was confused, lacking the plethora of self confidence that allowed her to do the simplest things with ease.

Holding out her hand, she focused on that tiara. It rattled and slid across the floor, but Amelia's reappearance distracted her enough that it again settled against the cool stone. Maybe she could learn to use it again, but maybe that silly saying about power corrupting was true. Black Lady rested her hand upon the glowing book, her eyes turned toward the priestess.

"Why?" She asked softly. "What drives you to do... this. Any of this, helping people." From what she could remember, people weren't very nice in her past, which probably accounted for some of her issues. Black Lady accepted the glass of water and without hesitation drank half of it down. "I could be a bad person for all you know."


healsforjustice June 29 2012, 14:48:39 UTC
Amelia said nothing, eyes casting over both objects in turn. She didn't wish to pry, it was none of her business. Still, it was hard to ignore they clearly seemed to hold qualities she recognised as that of magical items. She certainly was no stranger to those, actually idly fingering the gemstones on her own bracelets out of habit as she watched her guest. Even if she had wanted to sate her curiosity at that moment, the thought was quickly snuffed out by the question brought up by Black Lady.

Amelia blinked, head tilting in a semi confused fashion, almost as if she both couldn't believe that there was any question of motives, but at the same time, seemed to be pondering the point, tapping a finger against her lips thoughtfully. However, that didn't last terribly long, a smile soon breaking back on the princess' face. Without a word, she picked up the tiara from where it lay, and handed it over to the other girl.

"You've given me no reason to think anything back of you, so there's nothing for me to be suspicious of. Everyone deserves the benefit of the doubt, and helping people is the right and just thing to do." she replied, the answers simplicity reflecting the optimism of the healer. "Besides, it's not like there's really just good and bad people in the world, everyone had a little of both, so I'm sure if I look hard enough I'll see the good in you Miss."


pink_is_back July 13 2012, 02:17:33 UTC
That wasn't quite the answer she was seeking, but it would suffice. The shrine maiden, or whatever she called herself, was one of those sorts who wanted to help people for no other reason than to help them, and she wasn't being very nosy about it either. Deep down a part of her wanted to be asked, to explain ll the bad things she'd done as if this young woman could somehow forgive her or at least tell her it wasn't her fault. But what if it was her fault?

"I was a bad person," she remarked, her voice nearly a whisper. Reaching out she rested a hand upon the book she'd left on the table. It glowed dimly as if energy was entering her body through the contact. It felt warm, that was what had enticed her in the first place, but the aura about it was no longer as ark as it once was. The holy warrior had purified it well enough that all that remained was a residue, a stain of what was once there. The evil would never truly go away, not when a human heart was involved.

"This all looks good. Is there a place I can go to undress and sit down for a while?" Her clothes were still rather damp, though the fire was helping. "Someplace we can both sit. If you're not busy."


healsforjustice July 14 2012, 22:58:58 UTC
It seemed that the pink haired girl was well versed in reading people, even if Amelia never tried very hard to hide anything about herself, if at all. As expected, forgiveness and understanding would likely be given by the healer if she was aware of the entire truth. Still, she wasn't willing to pry, not unless she felt that it was safe or wise to do so. It really depended on how badly she could see the other person needed someone to speak to. Usually she was told not to force her way into private matters, even if her intentions were good, so she held off, for now.

Still, it seemed she would be relenting at some point, hearing the sudden admission from her guest. While her expression showed increasing concern and worry, she was still puzzled at the presence of the book. There was significance to the item, certainly, but in what context she couldn't understand just yet. For the moment, she would bide her time and not push too hard.

When the request was voiced, her smile came back all the brighter, turning on her heel to open the doors for Black Lady to follow her. "Come with me, you can spend the night in here, since I doubt the weather will let up til morning." she assured the girl, leading her down the hall and into one of the ornate bedrooms that was currently vacant.


pink_is_back August 8 2012, 03:54:28 UTC
Living the way she did demanded she understand the way people thought, to predict how they'd react and capitalize on it. The skill grew with the book's power, and until the holy warrior had appeared she'd always had her way. Now she was broken, questioning everything and feeling maybe a little guilty about it all. The world seemed like a scary place now and she didn't want to seem weak, but she didn't feel threatened by the cleric. It was just the opposite, actually.

Black Lady followed as instructed, her head held high but her eyes still case downward. She'd be safe for the night, and that did a lot more for her than Amelia probably realized. "Where do you sleep?" Since she didn't know the layout of the temple, and it was dark when she arrived, she had no idea how big it was or where they were heading compared to the external shape.


healsforjustice August 12 2012, 22:19:27 UTC
That was just what Amelia wished, to make her guest as comfortable and at ease as possible. No matter what or who she encountered, the healer intended to always be as open and friendly as possible. She wanted what was best for everyone, and sought to see the good in just about anyone. Her faith in people was unwavering, and she would regard her guest in the exact same way, and would help anyway she could.

It would have done her good to know she was offering some reassurance to Black Lady, no matter what she might have been like. Still, it surprised her that she asked such a question, but saw no reason to be anything but truthful as she let the door of the guest room swing open. "My room is down the hall on the right, so you can find me there if you need anything else."


pink_is_back August 13 2012, 23:10:20 UTC
Her emotions were all over the place, and while at one moment she felt at peace, the next her anger rose to the surface. She didn't know what to do next, where she would go in the morning, and while she did truly feel grateful she wasn't able to convey it very well just yet. Black Lady walked closer to Amelia, standing at the guest room entrance and peering inside. It looked nice enough, a bed to sleep on and a bureau to put her possessions into. That would take up less then one drawer.

She looked down to the floor as her hand reached out, seeking out Amelia's hand to take hold of it. How long had it been since she felt this unsure of herself? Black Lady sighed, lifting her head slowly. She didn't want to be alone, but asking for more help was proving difficult. "Do you have to leave right away?"


healsforjustice August 16 2012, 18:49:50 UTC
While Black Lady was undergoing a great deal of turbulent feelings, Amelia was pretty calm and collected. She watched her guest take in the room without incident, glad that it seemed adequete and comfortable enough for her liking. Even with the raging storm outside, she was sure the woman wouldn't be denied a restful night in such a place. After all, it seemed like she needed the rest.

However, her calm was displaced a little by the sudden gesture of a hand being offered, head tiliting at the question.

"Well, no not really. I was just going to read for a while before turning in for the night. But if you want some company, I don't mind." she offered, smiling softly as she placed her hand gently into the other girls, fingers wrapping around it with warmth and tenderness.


pink_is_back August 16 2012, 19:15:02 UTC
A flash of lightning lit the room, casting shadows around her. Black Lady didn't flinch when the roar of thunder followed, shaking the very walls around them. Her only reaction was to hold onto Amelia's hand tightly, curling her fingers around the source of warmth. Thanks to the rain and cold, her skin was likely to feel cool to the touch.

Crimson eyes turned to Amelia, studying her face thoughtfully. Black Lady couldn't explain her feelings, with so many bouncing around in her head, but she knew for certain she didn't want to be alone. Giving Amelia's hand a squeeze, she headed into the room offered to her. "I should probably change out of this. I'd... like help," she said, glancing back. There were laces up the back, all soaked from the rain.


healsforjustice August 20 2012, 14:02:32 UTC
If not for the fact that the loud, echoing crashes of thunder had been going on all night, Amelia would have likely jumped at the noise. She was sure nothing would go wrong, as the temple had stood for many centuries, so they were safe inside. Still, she had to wonder about the firm hold Black Lady had on her hand. She didn't mind it, but it seemed stranger. Well, perhaps she just wanted to feel someone elses warmth after being out in the rain.

With that squeeze though, she had to think there might have been something else at work. Regardless, she listened to the other girl, glancing at her outfit and quickly understanding. She wore similar attire at home, so knew how hard it could be to get it off, especially when it was so wet it was clinging to ones skin more than usual. "Alright, turn around then, I should be able to get this open for you." she smiled.


pink_is_back August 28 2012, 23:41:05 UTC
When she'd had the power she could control the weather, make it peaceful all around her while sending storms out in other directions. Maybe one or two had gone in the direction of towns under droughts, but she told herself she didn't care. The sound of thunder had always frightened her, and after all that had happened some of that fear was creeping up on her. She focused her attention on the dress, the temple girl and the slow sense of warmth that was spreading down her arms and legs.

Black Lady let go of Amelia's and and slowly turned, lifting her hair out of the way. There was a level of trust now that she'd turned her back, and instead of looking behind she closed her eyes and waited to feel fingers working at the knot. Hopefully it hadn't become too wet and stubborn. Her breaths were slow and deep as she contemplated her next words. "I don't know how far I traveled. Are we near any towns or cities?"


healsforjustice September 2 2012, 20:12:32 UTC
The noise above didn't really bother the healer, simply glad that she at least saved one weary traveller from wandering out in the miserable weather that night. It wasn't wise to try and navigate the forests when it was dark at the best of times, the storm making it ten times worse. Hopefully it would clear up by morning, and her guest could go where she pleased after that. In the meantime, she would tend to her as best she could.

Approaching the young woman's back, Amelia reached out to carefully start to loosen the knots, using her nails to pick them open, the wet fabric a touch difficult to part, but she managed. "You're roughly a day's travel away from a market town, the more prosperous in the region." she explained, unlacing the back of the dress until there was enough room for Black Lady to remove it entirely. But she should probably excuse herself before that, right?


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