aggression + out of control + mass amounts of aphro

Sep 03, 2010 15:39

Her head was reeling. It had been since she had woken up this morning, but what was much more afflicting and horrifying was the constant throb between her legs and the inability to do anything about it. Well, that wasn't quite true. She had already slipped her hand between her legs twice this morning before even getting out of bed, and the ( Read more... )

series: deadman wonderland

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Comments 209

mr_chekov September 3 2010, 23:49:43 UTC
What was it with people in this hotel and taking their anger out on inanimate objects, Pasha wondered to herself silently as she heard a distinctive thump of somebody taking their rage out on a wall around the corner. The little navigator gave a heavy sigh, it would just have to be the day she left her room without her phaser on her, wouldn't it? Fate seemed determined to fuck her over once more.

It would be fine, the girl assured herself, if she just kept her head down and didn't make eye contact with whoever was making that dreadful racket. She pulled in a breath, smoothing down her yellow uniform mini-dress before turning the corner and ducking her head so her brown curls tumbled over her face. Of course, the natural curiosity of the girl wouldn't allow itself to go unsatisfied and she glanced up, eyes widening in surprise when she saw it was a girl doing the damage to the wall. It was an awful sexist view of hers but she hadn't expected that ( ... )


brothercumface September 4 2010, 07:24:46 UTC
Minatsuki paid the other female no mind. More appropriately, she didn't even realize that Pasha was there, let alone that her little tempter tantrum was being watched. She was far too focused on beating the shit out of the wall at this point in time to consider that she may be causing a spectacle, and by the time the brunette needed a break from her rapid and constant assault, the wall was pretty heavily spattered with her blood and her knuckles were red and swollen. And yet, the venting had done nothing to ease the other, completely different ache between her legs.

"Motherfuck -" she started, spinning on her heel with the intent to vent on the wall opposite her last "opponent", but halted. She was, in all honesty, shocked she had the ability to stop now - stop hitting something and stop herself from automatically jumping the rather attractive female that had been eyeing her. In hindsight, that was probably the reason it had felt as if the hairs on the back of her neck were standing up out of paranoia than pent up sexual frustration ( ... )


mr_chekov September 4 2010, 11:18:15 UTC
Pasha bristled slightly, both in shock and at being called a bitch, before she had the chance to remind herself that yes she had been rude and been staring and that she should have been running along about now. She didn't stop eying her inquisitively though. "No. I do not require any help. Howewer, your hand requires medical attention to prewent it from bleeding further." She noted astutely, glancing down to the other girl's hand with a raised eyebrow. That as going to be sore.

"And I am not a bitch, thank you wery much." Pasha added in a slight anger. Being a girl genius made meant the young woman had been pampered and pandered to over the years the result of that being that she didn't take to criticism well. With an irritated sigh she flicked her curly hair over her shoulder, wishing once again that she'd brought her phaser with her.


brothercumface September 4 2010, 11:37:23 UTC
The brunette would have rather not paid the other female any mind and gone about her violent attack of the hotel wall, but the accent piqued her interest, and the uppity way her acquaintance denied her insult made Minatsuki bristle, not one to take kindly to bratty females that thought saying something made it true.

Both hands dropped to her side, bruised and torn knuckles rubbing streaks of blood on the soft fabric of her short dress as she - almost casually - advanced toward Pasha. "Wour not a bwitch?" she goaded, a scathing and poor imitation of the other girls accent as well as diminutive baby talk being fueled by the rather unwarranted animosity she felt toward the other female. "

"Awre you wery, wery, wery, wery, wery swure? Ah, you wight be wright..." She batted her eyelashes here, and stepped right up to the other female, never one to respect other peoples personal space. The simpering, babyish demeanor vanished, and the teens brown eyes hardened as she snapped in her normal tone, "Because you strike me as a but of a cunt


backing_wind September 4 2010, 00:47:21 UTC
Cloud was just walking through the hallway minding his own business, heading back to his room after a long day spent exploring. The new buttons in the elevators opened up whole vistas of ways to occupy himself in this place. Some of the locations could be a bit exhausting, though. When he'd stumbled into the huge anime convention he had anticipated the stares. What he hadn't counted on was the squealing teens asking him to pose with his sword for pictures and remarking how authentic-looking his clothes were. Maybe that would have made sense if he were still wearing Zack's old SOLDIER uniform, but he was wearing civilian clothes and pretty unremarkable ones at that ( ... )


D8 sorry for the delay! brothercumface September 7 2010, 03:15:28 UTC
Minatsuki took a moment to favor the offending wall with a few kicks and punches before she even registered the voice, and once she was quite certain her new hall-mate was talking to her and actually looking for a response...? Fuck, she was not in the mood to talk to anyone at this point, and honestly had no problem being rude and ignoring the companion who'd asked the question in the first place, but her irritable temper just got the better of her and the teen couldn't help but redirect her anger toward the blond who disrupted her violent abuse of the wall. She was no where fast enough to redirect her blow to avoid his hand, and the sound of bloody skin slapping gloves was the only sound for a good few seconds apart from her rather heavy breathing ( ... )


Aww, it's RP! Time has no meaning here. <3 backing_wind September 7 2010, 03:51:41 UTC
While she continued her frenzied attacks, Cloud had ample time to observe her combat style and draw several conclusions. An ordinary civilian in a blind rage might be inclined to punch walls, but their technique would go from bad to abysmal when their mind was clouded with rage. The young lady in front of him had excellent aim, landing her punches one after another in the same place each time. Either she had a whole lot of natural talent, or she was a seasoned scrapper who was used to performing under pressure ( ... )


lol i like your reasoning~! brothercumface September 7 2010, 04:09:46 UTC
Her rather frenzied eyes snapped from the destination of her fist up into his rather blue eyes, which for some reason immediately made her madder. However, instead of burying her fist in his rather hard abdomen again, let alone swinging her fist for his face in the hope of dislocating a jaw, breaking a nose, or at least blackening his eye. Instead, however, Minatsuki opened both her her fists and roughly placed her open palms on his shoulders, making to shove him backwards with enough force to push a normal human -...okay, maybe just a normal kid who was off balance to begin with - against the wall on the opposite side of the hallway.

"You had to fucking open you mouth and start talking!" She shoved him twice, stepping into Cloud's personal space with aggressive succession. And right after that, she reached both hands up and tugged wildly at her own hair before both hands dropped to her side, slapping against her thighs with a rather loud slapping sound. "So shut up. You're not helping at all."


textile_kanji September 4 2010, 01:07:07 UTC
Kanji hears a thud in the room next to hers where he was actually staying. Curious, he pokes his head out to see that some girl (Minatsuki) had gone and punched the wall. To say she was pissed about something would be an obvious statement to say the least.

"Hey okay?"

(OOC: Non-con him~ She can be rough, violent, even draw blood. Just don't hurt his groin area cuz that's never hot, and don't injure him. Cuts and such are okay if she has weapons or whatever. If she ends up digging him after forcing whatever on him, perhaps we can do another post following after or something?)


brothercumface September 4 2010, 03:38:56 UTC
"Do I fucking look okay, ass wipe?" she snarled back, never ceasing in her violent assault of the wall. Her hands had started to throb, but were also steadily going numb and the loss of feeling made it all the easier to just brush any thoughts of, oh say stopping the mutilation of her hands, off to the side.

Delivering one more punch before an audible crack sounded from her bones - it probably wasn't a broken bone; it was all the more likely just her joints popping painfully - she recoiled from the wall completely. The exercise hadn't done anything to diminish her anger, and simply hurt, and as she cradled her wrist in her other hand, Minatsuki inadvertently switched her line of sight and aggression over onto...well, the human being that had just so rudely interrupted her. "Can I fucking help you?"


textile_kanji September 4 2010, 03:45:58 UTC
Kanji looked shocked; he hadn't come across someone like this here, or really too much back home. The surprise is soon replaced by annoyance after her second question, if it could be called that.

"...Shit, prolly not. I ain't in the mood for bitchin." He moves back into his room and closes the door, grumbling about 'that's what he gets for trying to be helpful', or something to that extent.


brothercumface September 4 2010, 03:57:57 UTC
Oh, things weren't going to come to a conclusion that quickly, or that easily as far as Minatsuki was concerned. Her teeth dug into her cheek as she snarled at the closing door, and in several quick strides, she was there as well - wedging her foot between the door and door jam and hands wedged just so that it made closing the door near impossible without inhuman strength and breaking her fingers.

"Don't think you can fucking just walk away from me, you shit," she cursed, animosity lacing her words far more than it should have considering she had only just met this man.


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brothercumface September 4 2010, 02:26:25 UTC
Minatsuki had the slightest moment of confusion when her fist - slicked and sticky with her own blood - was cushioned from impact against the wall. A few strands of her hair had escaped the neatly compiled mess held down by a stolen head band, and the dark strands were sticking to the light sheen of sweat that had already built up on her forehead; the rest swished violently around her head as she turned her neck to glower at whoever had just made that fucking smart ass comment. Slight eyebrows shot upward as an initial flash of recognition passed over her features, but the distinctively pissed off wrinkle between her eyebrows returned almost immediately.

Instead of dignifying that remark with a verbal answer, Minatsuki allowed both her shoulders to slump, seemingly in defeat. But a split second after the visible deflation, she took another swing, this time completely foregoing the wall and aiming for the side of this man's head instead. "Fuck you!"


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brothercumface September 4 2010, 11:27:29 UTC
Minatsuki made an almost indignant squeak at him as he snatched her wrist, and big brown eyes widened as shock flashed across her face the second the dark haired mans hand slipped between her thighs. That shock, however, quickly vanished to be replaced by a cold, sour and practically murderous glower ( ... )


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brothercumface September 4 2010, 04:16:40 UTC
Minatsuki halted in her assault of the wall and whirled around to face the man who just happened to have so rudely interrupted her venting. A light sheen of sweat had already worked up on her forehead and any flyaway hairs were sticking to her skin. That, combined with the fiercely lit eyes made Minatsuki come off as practically mad before she had a moment to reign in her unmasked aggression, irritation and arousal. Pulling the sneer curving her mouth into a sour and agitated pucker, the teen whirled and made to strike out at him the second he was within arms reach.

"Fuck you. I don't need any fucking h - help." Her voice broke at the last second, though, and the brunette cursed. She really did need help, but was far to proud to admit that to anyone, especially a stranger that already seemed higher up on his high horse than need be.


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brothercumface September 4 2010, 05:02:30 UTC
She stiffened as he hoisted her over his shoulder and immediately made to take out the anger she had previously been aiming toward the wall on him. Her fists pounded haphazardly on the fabric of the mans shirt, blood from her knuckles smearing across the fibers. Her assault, however, halted completely at that comment. The first one - the werewolf one. Now that was something you didn't get to hear every day, and admittedly piqued her curiosity.

Instead of simply hanging there like a sack of potatoes, or hitting him some more, Minatsuki arched her back, craning her neck to get as good a look at his face as she could. She commented - not on the odd racially related one, but the second - with a snarl. "I'm not fucking spreading anything."


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