aggression + out of control + mass amounts of aphro

Sep 03, 2010 15:39

Her head was reeling. It had been since she had woken up this morning, but what was much more afflicting and horrifying was the constant throb between her legs and the inability to do anything about it. Well, that wasn't quite true. She had already slipped her hand between her legs twice this morning before even getting out of bed, and the ( Read more... )

series: deadman wonderland

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backing_wind September 4 2010, 00:47:21 UTC
Cloud was just walking through the hallway minding his own business, heading back to his room after a long day spent exploring. The new buttons in the elevators opened up whole vistas of ways to occupy himself in this place. Some of the locations could be a bit exhausting, though. When he'd stumbled into the huge anime convention he had anticipated the stares. What he hadn't counted on was the squealing teens asking him to pose with his sword for pictures and remarking how authentic-looking his clothes were. Maybe that would have made sense if he were still wearing Zack's old SOLDIER uniform, but he was wearing civilian clothes and pretty unremarkable ones at that ( ... )


D8 sorry for the delay! brothercumface September 7 2010, 03:15:28 UTC
Minatsuki took a moment to favor the offending wall with a few kicks and punches before she even registered the voice, and once she was quite certain her new hall-mate was talking to her and actually looking for a response...? Fuck, she was not in the mood to talk to anyone at this point, and honestly had no problem being rude and ignoring the companion who'd asked the question in the first place, but her irritable temper just got the better of her and the teen couldn't help but redirect her anger toward the blond who disrupted her violent abuse of the wall. She was no where fast enough to redirect her blow to avoid his hand, and the sound of bloody skin slapping gloves was the only sound for a good few seconds apart from her rather heavy breathing ( ... )


Aww, it's RP! Time has no meaning here. <3 backing_wind September 7 2010, 03:51:41 UTC
While she continued her frenzied attacks, Cloud had ample time to observe her combat style and draw several conclusions. An ordinary civilian in a blind rage might be inclined to punch walls, but their technique would go from bad to abysmal when their mind was clouded with rage. The young lady in front of him had excellent aim, landing her punches one after another in the same place each time. Either she had a whole lot of natural talent, or she was a seasoned scrapper who was used to performing under pressure ( ... )


lol i like your reasoning~! brothercumface September 7 2010, 04:09:46 UTC
Her rather frenzied eyes snapped from the destination of her fist up into his rather blue eyes, which for some reason immediately made her madder. However, instead of burying her fist in his rather hard abdomen again, let alone swinging her fist for his face in the hope of dislocating a jaw, breaking a nose, or at least blackening his eye. Instead, however, Minatsuki opened both her her fists and roughly placed her open palms on his shoulders, making to shove him backwards with enough force to push a normal human -...okay, maybe just a normal kid who was off balance to begin with - against the wall on the opposite side of the hallway.

"You had to fucking open you mouth and start talking!" She shoved him twice, stepping into Cloud's personal space with aggressive succession. And right after that, she reached both hands up and tugged wildly at her own hair before both hands dropped to her side, slapping against her thighs with a rather loud slapping sound. "So shut up. You're not helping at all."


backing_wind September 7 2010, 04:45:03 UTC
Cloud offered no resistance to her shoving, letting himself be slammed roughly into the wall. His hands stayed up in a gesture of surrender. He had never been good at pacifying angry women. No matter how meek and apologetic he was, it never seemed to be enough. Yuffie and Elena had both slapped him when he didn't even understand why they were upset with him. This lady was in a much worse mood than they had been in, so Cloud silently prepared for a barrage of physical abuse.

As a last-ditch effort, he gave her his best puppy-dog eyes (which could never have held a candle to Zack's) and nodded anxiously, keeping his mouth shut. She didn't like him talking, so he wouldn't talk. That should at least help, right?


brothercumface September 7 2010, 05:06:10 UTC
Admittedly, it did help. At least in his favor it did. Minatsuki had raised her hand again in a violent gesture aimed at his face, but...Fuck, that was cute. And she had always had a weakness for cute things. But at the same time, his puppy dog eyes were no where near as cute enough as it would take to calm the Deadman down. She was mad, and although it really was the work of the hotel at this point, she would have still been angry, and probably still hit him.

Still, she switched gears here. That hand lowered itself again, but did not just lay slack at her side like a useless tool. No, instead - after it became quite clear that the blond was not going to suddenly up and start spewing words from his mouth again - she pointedly made a beeline for his pants, fumbling with the zipper and clasp there with no real disregard for whether or not her partner was willing or not.


backing_wind September 7 2010, 05:22:00 UTC
Not that she was paying attention, but Cloud's mouth dropped open in silent shock. His hands climbed even higher into the air, boosted by his shoulders tensing up almost to the level of his ears. The blush across his face deepened to crimson. What was he supposed to do? He'd as good as promised not to speak. That seemed to be helping, so he should probably stay silent. It wasn't really safe to lay a hand on her, especially as tense as he was. Not only might it enrage her further, but what if he was too rough? He couldn't bear to have that on his conscience. She was just an innocent girl...

The combination of strong aphrodisiacs and the motion of her hands made his body respond without Cloud having any say in the matter. By the time she got his pants unfastened, he would already be completely hard. If it were possible, Cloud's blush would have deepened even further out of embarrassment.


brothercumface September 7 2010, 05:40:51 UTC
Rather glad that he wasn't protesting, Minatsuki paid no heed to any possible off putting body language. In fact, she was far too concerned with jostling those pesky pants down to hang loosely of her cohort's knees before she, too, dropped down, a hand readily wrapping around the hard member she found there and practically on eye level with the erection. The teen licked her lips apprehensively for, sure, she was really no good at blowjobs, but it just seemed to be an appropriate action for now, and she had the immediate urge to simply lick him from base to tip. And Mina wasn't anything if not impulsive ( ... )


backing_wind September 7 2010, 06:15:05 UTC
His first audible response was a sharp yelp, followed by a plaintive whine. Tilting his head back, he let it smack against the wall. Inexpert technique or not, her warm mouth felt so good against his swollen flesh. They were in a public hallway, for Odin's sake! That thought alone should have been enough to kill Cloud's erection, but he was helpless against the drugs that were so heavy in the air. Then she closed her mouth over the hypersensitive head of his cock, and he gasped hard.

Her fingers, and her mouth, and her tongue, and... her taunting words rang in his ears. Barely able to think over the rush of sensation from her gentle touch and the cooling air where she'd left a trail of saliva, he tried to manage an exasperated tone. "No, I'm not. I just... " He looked down to see her leering expression, then shuddered and looked away. "Oh gods, please don't stop."


brothercumface September 7 2010, 06:24:41 UTC
Most of the time, she would have gladly left him be - left him completely aroused and horny, especially after he'd so sweetly asked her not to stop. But it was hard. As much as she hated the thought, she was feeling rather empathetic towards him being that she had been just as equally on edge for the better part of the day, and rather satisfied with his answer, Minatsuki lapped at the tip of his cock, rather careful to lick any beads of precum from the slit before curling her tongue around the head and drawing the member back into her mouth.

Shamefully, she had a rather sensitive gag reflex, but was more than happy to suck on the erection in her mouth as if it were some sort of candy, and even had enough mind to allow a hand to trail between her own tights and stroke her sensative clit through the rough material of lace panties. A moan was stiffled around the hot flesh in her mouth. Mina, unlike Cloud, practically loved the fact that they were in a public setting.


backing_wind September 10 2010, 03:16:48 UTC
Her moan elicited a rather pathetic sounding whimper from Cloud. He'd gone from zero to desperate in less than a minute and the feeling of her sucking on his cock with that kind of focus made his blood boil. Here he was, struggling to stay on his feet, leaking precum into the mouth of a young lady he'd never met. How old was she, anyway? Maybe she was underage. Maybe Cloud was standing in a hallway with his cock sticking out of his pants committing statutory rape. With an effort of will he tried to reach a gloved hand toward her shoulder to nudge her away, but instead he ended up brushing his fingertips over her hair and cursing himself for being so weak ( ... )


brothercumface September 10 2010, 06:30:09 UTC
The teen registered nothing but the slight feel she was going to wretch with each bob of her head, the blunted tip of the blonds cock brushing her tonsils with every movement. As an excuse not to swallow quite as much flesh, Minatsuki abandoned her ministrations to her own body and allowed one hand to grip the inside curve of Cloud's hip, stabilizing herself as her liberated hand wrapped around the base of his erection, stroking in short, sharp motions and allowing her wrist to twist slightly. As his statement reached her ears, however, that increasing pace the deadman was instigating slowed to an almost complete stop and she pulled her mouth off of his cock ( ... )


backing_wind September 11 2010, 01:23:02 UTC
When she almost stopped he let out a slow, ragged breath. Cloud was sure that was going to be the end of it. In a way he was actually relieved. As much as his blood was starting to boil from the aphrodisiac, mentally he couldn't get over the fact that he'd never agree to this in a million years without being so heavily drugged. Horrible unrequited lust might be painful, but it was nothing compared to the shame he would feel later for taking advantage of the situation. She stopped just in time, too. When she added hand movements it had pushed him dangerously close to the edge ( ... )


brothercumface September 15 2010, 03:18:10 UTC
She choked, to put it nicely, as he came. The warm, tingly sensation of semen was seemingly crawling up her nose, and the teen immediately withdrew, a hand clutching her nose and struggling to breath properly. She'd lied about swallowing - even if it would have been intensely easier to spit out the milky fluid, the brunette gulped the salty, oddly textured ejaculate with difficulty before panting. Both hand splayed out on the floor once the dry heaves subsided. But while the coughing left as soon as it came - and as soon as he came - she was still rather ( ... )


backing_wind September 15 2010, 03:32:39 UTC
The retching managed to make it past the blood-pounding haze, planting some hefty seeds of guilt in Cloud's already overgrown mental garden. He didn't have long to contemplate it before the world started shifting again.

"Whuu... ?" Cloud barely had time to blink at her quizzically before he found himself toppled quite effectively onto the floor. On the way down he had the presence of mind to look over his shoulder to plan his landing but not much more than that. He kept his hands carefully at his sides, palm down, looking back up to check that he hadn't fallen onto her ankle or something.

He opened his eyes in surprise and grunted softly in sensory shock as the woman (girl?) landed across his lap, planting her weight over his just-spent cock. With this much aphrodisiac in the air he might be hard again fairly quickly, but for now he was merely oversensitive and slightly sore. Cloud looked up at her with rapt attention, trying to anticipate her next move.


brothercumface September 15 2010, 03:43:47 UTC
Minatsuki paid no mind to just how sensitive or sore the blond might be at this point in time, nor how painful it may prove as she dug her fingernails into the flesh and fabric of his shirt and rolled her hips at an almost violent downward angle, breath catching as her aching clit was finally treated to a little friction and pressure. It felt entirely different and all the better when another party was involved, and his skin and pants were a whole lot better at sending shivers up her spine than her own hand was.

"F - fucking shit," she hissed under her breath. It would be quite easy to get off with just this dry humping, but greed was one of the sins practically engraved in the brunette's being. She wanted more, and as much as it practically hurt to wait until he was hard (it wasn't long, honestly, but her patience was already worn quite thin) it was just something she'd have to do, and do with grace, and dignity and -

"Fucking hell, can't you get it up faster? What the fuck - do you need damned viagra or something!? You can't be ( ... )


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